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Bolting Rabbits To The Dogs

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up at 4 am ,,for the long drive north picked rew up on the way ,and met vin up there,,vin had both his dogs,,me and rew just had our pups.


At our destination the sun was out and it was lovely morning to be out,,,ferrets collard up,,and way ,,the steep bank we walked up has a massive warren on,,,that had a few dozen rabbits sat out catching some early morning Rays ,,,this waren is truely massive going almost from one side of the field to the other,,aprox 100 yard,,,and 60 yards high,,it's so vast this place,,the shear amount of holes has caused the land to slide..


We were going to give it a miss,,cos in all honesty it's a bit like pissing in the wind without 20 ferrets,,and 500 nets,,,but he who dares,,lol...after an hour or so we gave up,,,we had got 15 so not a compleat waste..


So we now moved up on to some flat fields on the tops,,,,these warrens are a ferreters paradise small warrens no more than 20 holes,,,,and most less than 10,,, as we got close and peeped over the wall,,,rabbits could be seen in number dotted around everywhere,,


We split up here trying to spread out a bit,,,to stop our dogs running in on to each other's warrens whilst they bolted,,,this can be a bit of a problem if your ferreting warrens side by side,,and takes a bit of discipline on the dogs part..


We had a cracking few hours on here,,with rabbits bolting fiarly well,,and some great catches from the dogs,,,the great thing with this field and splitting up is you can see your mates dogs working whilst waiting for a bolt on your own warren,,,the highlight of the day for me was when me and vin were ferreting separate warrens only about 10 yards apart,,,vin had a bolt wich his dogs nailed in just a few feet from the hole,,,,but my pup was concentrating on one of the holes,,and only gave his dogs a sideways glance as his dogs caught the rabbit just feet way....this really impressed me..


Sadly we had to finish early at 1 pm as we were along way from the motor,,,and had a good hike with all the rabbits...ended the day with 49 rabbits,,and a cracking end to the ferreting season,,,vin and rew wil post some pics and film,,,,cheers fellas

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Pup is 14 month old,, collie whipp grey type thing,,, mainly grew with a dash of collie.. 22-23 inch brindle bitch.... pics on in a bit when them lazy pair of fencers pull there finger out

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Top day out to end the ferreting season on.


Young Rew's pup learned a lot and showed some great skills.. we were split up for most of the day so i only got a couple of pics..But she was holding her marks well and from where and what i could see she was catching them in great style.


My day was very good with no dramas and a team that were in perfect harmony all day..The 2 dogs and hob ferret were making it look too easy...lol.

I had a 3 in a row bolted and caught the lot..and some cracking misses amongst some spectacular catches.


That young pup of Tomo's has really come on well this season,She is a corking little dog..At the end of the day we were ferreting pretty close by and the dogs were standing their posts and staying on their own warrens etc etc... and ignoring the other dogs and rabbits etc etc.That's the rewards for all the hard work !

I also was impressed when Tomo's young bitch caught a hole hopper by the back leg on its way back down the next hole,but she had it and clamped on as we carefully drew her out as we were moving the soil beneath her to help the rabbit out of its plughole..lol.








rew with his dog on the big warren




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Rew and his dog working a warren. no action but good and steady marking and waiting from a very young dog.




My hob Mugging the Dogs.. its a good job they know who's the Boss...lol.



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Thanks for putting thread up Tomo and Fab pics and little vids vin. I had the best day and im so pleased to finish my season out with you two on that land with the sun shining on us. I couldn't asked for anything better really. I just need to get my pup retrieving through the rest of the year, that's my priority now anyway. All them catches she made would be a great confidence boost for my pup. heres a couple vid clips.


First catch of the day



bolter for gem



good hunting



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How good to see Tomo's and Vin's last day out on the ferrets.


They have provided some generous days out, for several young guys (and a few olden's) off this hunting man's website...so,..much respect :yes:


To Vin,...I would put that ferret safely away,...maybe find him two nice strong wives.....he sure as hell deserves em... :thumbs:


Best of luck for the long Summer break...regards, Phil.

Edited by Phil Lloyd
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