Quarter bull 240 Posted April 24, 2015 Report Share Posted April 24, 2015 Scientific Fact No. 3 - Missing Inferior Evolutionary Branches. The Theory of Evolution states that minute improvements in an individual within a species increases the likelihood of survival of the offspring. These small steps of improvement continue for countless years until the individuals are changed to such a large extent that a new species has appeared. This progression is an uninterrupted branch of the "evolutionary tree." These lines of progression can be seen in any biology text book for many species, including mankind. They almost look believable, but they are a lie. The siblings of an individual on the uninterrupted branch may fail to develop the minute improvement and may even suffer from an inferior evolutionary change. Each of these individuals represents a new branch on the tree that is moving away from the uninterrupted branch. Let us say we have 100,000 coexisting individuals in a species such as a horse. Only a few of these individuals will begin new branches that will eventually become a new species such as a Zebra. The other 99,999 individuals may each begin a neutral or inferior branch that may continue for millions of years but will eventually stop, because the last individual on the branch fails to produce an offspring. The odds that the branch will stop producing offspring is increased when the minute evolutionary changes are inferior. The theory of survival of the fittest or natural selection also works in reverse to produce death to the branch where the changes are inferior. The branch stops. This part of the tree is dead. We see in Scientific Fact No. 2 above that the missing intermediary individuals in the branch of the evolutionary tree present a serious problem for the Theory of Evolution. One superior individual of the 100,000 is missing, but now we have an even more serious defect in the theory. Where are the 99,999 inferior branches? Yikes! How could 99,999 branches go missing? Actually, the fossil record shows that everything is missing. No individuals of the species existed. None. Most layers of the earth's crust are completely devoid of all life, but then a layer will appear that is teaming with an absolute abundance of separate species, each containing millions of individuals. This hypothesis of the "missing inferior evolutionary branches" was developed and posted here by the author, Kent R. Rieske, on March 21, 2008. Thousands of biology professors at universities around the world, including Darwin, have completely missed this serious deficiency in the fossil record, because they have only been searching for the superior evolutionary branches, not the inferior branches. Where are the fossils of horses with weak bones that fractured early in life and thereby prevented an offspring from continuing the branch? They don't exist, but they should if the Theory of Evolution were true. In fact, the fossil record should be full of dead branches. It is not. The fossil record simply shows individual species that have become extinct. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Quarter bull 240 Posted April 24, 2015 Report Share Posted April 24, 2015 Scientific Fact No. 4 - Single Cell Complexity Proves Evolution is Wrong. Scientists a century ago believed the smallest single living cell was a simple life form. The theory developed that perhaps lightning struck a pond of water, causing several molecules to combine in a random way, which by chance resulted in a living cell. The cell then divided and evolved into higher life forms. This view is now proven to be immature to the degree of being ridiculous. The most modern laboratory is unable to create a living cell. In fact, scientists have been unable to create a single left-hand protein molecule as found in all animals. The Theory of Evolution claims that organic life was created from inorganic matter. That is impossible. The top scientists in the world with unlimited laboratory resources cannot change inorganic matter into a single organic living cell. The smallest living cell has the complexity of a Boeing 747 jumbo jet airplane. The components of the smallest living cell have the obvious arrangement showing intelligent design, just as the Boeing 747 did not appear from random parts stacked near each other in a junk yard. The minimal cell contains more than 60,000 proteins of 100 different configurations. The smallest single-cell creature has millions of atoms forming millions of molecules that must each be arranged in an exact pattern to provide the required functions. The cell has an energy-producing system, a protective housing, a security system to let molecules into and out of the housing, a reproductive system, and a central control system. This complexity required an intelligent design. It is much too complex to happen by chance. Evolution: A Theory in Crisis by Michael Denton page 263. The odds that the correct proteins could somehow come together in a functional configuration to make a living cell are so high that it will never happen. The thought that anything can be accomplished by chance given enough time is a myth and a lie. Some people foolishly believe that anything can be accomplished given enough time. That concept is false. Life Itself: Exploring the Realm of the Living Cell Darwins Black Box by Michael J. Behe. A reader of Dr. Michael Behe's book says, "In "Darwin's Black Box," Dr. Behe addresses but one issue - whether evolutionary theory can adequately explain the "enormous complexity" found within the living cell. He concludes that intelligent design alone can explain such "irreducible complexity." While others have argued the value of the biological issues involved, the perspective of a philosopher would be how Behe approaches the concept of finality in nature, a finality which he insists bespeaks intelligent design." "Behe's arguments rest on "extrinsic" finality. The classic example is William Paley's famous watch, whose parts are clearly put together and directed to an end outside their individual natures by an intelligent agent. According to Behe, if intracellular mechanisms exist that cannot be explained in terms of stepwise mutations, this shows the need for an extrinsic agent, an intelligent designer assembling the cell's discrete parts for a common goal. This argument is similar to, but clearly distinct from, the "intrinsic" finality central to Thomas Aquinas' famous Fifth Way. Intrinsic finality differs in that the end is achieved from within a thing's nature and by its own powers. Aquinas claims that natural bodies act always, or nearly always, to attain the same ends. For example, physical masses obey universal gravitational tendencies that did not evolve, but are simply a cosmic "given." Read in context, Aquinas identifies a single intelligent being who is the God of tradition as governing all natural agents' intrinsic tendencies toward ends, thus establishing the universal regulations of nature which underlie all scientific laws. Since biological evolution itself presupposes the basic physical and chemical laws governed by intrinsic finality, Aquinas entirely escapes the criticisms lodged against extrinsic finality as employed in 'Darwin's Black Box.'" Charles Darwin made a sketch in his notebook in about July 1837 that has come to be known as the Tree of Life. Darwin developed the Tree of Life theory, claiming that some species were lower in the branches of the tree and evolved into the upper branches. He selected species that looked similar to each other and placed them together, like placing the zebra below the horse. Charles Darwin knew nothing about DNA, the true scientific key to life. He had no concept whatsoever regarding the complexity of DNA. Life did not originate by the accidental sticking together of a few molecules as Darwin taught. Darwin did not know that the key to a person's identity (DNA) is locked solid in every cell of the body. The DNA does not change because of external adaptation to the environment as taught by Darwin and still falsely taught in universities by biology professors. DNA changes only when an egg and sperm are joined to form a new DNA with chromosomes coming from the male and female donors. The DNA of the baby is strictly controlled by the parents' chromosomes. It cannot be changed by external environmental influences either. The DNA of all life forms, including plants and trees, absolutely destroys Darwin's Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection. Environmental influence does not change the DNA in plants, animals or humans. Any scientist with a lick of brains that have not been brainwashed knows that everything Darwin wrote is pure nonsense. Scientists have now solidly proven that % of the life forms in Darwin's Tree of Life have DNA much different from the adjacent lower DNA and could not have evolved from the predecessor. Some animals have DNA sequences that are identical to sequences in plant DNA, but they obviously could not be related according to the Theory of Evolution. Even brainwashed evolutionists admit that the cheetah did not evolve from a mushroom. The reason why some animal DNA have sequences identical to those of plant DNA is known by those who accept scientific truth. The two DNA had one thing in common. They were both perfectly designed by the same Almighty God, the Creator. This is analogous to things that are designed and created by people. The rear-end differential in a Ford F-750 dump truck is sequentially the same as the read-end differential in a Ford Mustang sports car. They share identical mechanical engineering concepts because they were both designed by the same company. The dump truck simply has parts that are necessarily made larger to handle the higher loads and torques. Intelligent Design can be Seen in the Smallest Bacteria and the Largest Galaxy The scientific study of complex biological structures has made enormous strides in revealing Intelligent design in nature. One example is the motor and propeller propulsion system, called a bacterial flagellum, found in many bacteria, including the common E. coli. The propulsion system of the bacteria has 40 moving parts made from protein molecules, including a motor, rotor, stator, drive shaft, bushings, universal joint, and flexible propeller. The motor is powered by ions and can rotate at up to 100,000 rpm. It can reverse direction in only 1/4 of a revolution and has an automatic feedback control mechanism. The size is 1/100,000 of an inch (1/4,000 mm) in width, much too small to see with the human eye. One cannot deny the obvious conclusion that this system has an Intelligent Designer. The evolutionists pray for an explanation to save the collapse of Darwinism. Creationism has become the true science, and Darwinism has degenerated into a a false religion, the worship of "father time." Molecular Motors in Bacterium - University of Michigan. "The ATP Synthase motor has the classic stator and rotor structure familiar in man-made motors. It spans a cellular membrane which admits protons (H+) one at a time. For each proton, the motor turns once, adding a phosphate to adenosine di-phosphate and converting it to adenosine tri-phosphate, the universal fuel source of cells." Molecular Motor in Algae Cells Work Together - Science Daily - February 25, 2009. Scientific Fact No. 5 - Human Eg Quote Link to post Share on other sites
paulus 26 Posted April 24, 2015 Report Share Posted April 24, 2015 Thats were i think your going wrong from the start, You assuming they evolved, what did they evolve from, any evidence paulas, or you just assuming, if thats your example, why didnt penguins evolve into fish? :-) because they eat fish..............Div Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Quarter bull 240 Posted April 24, 2015 Report Share Posted April 24, 2015 Lol thats the conumdrum, paulas from the thl massive has solved lifes most intriuging mystery,, lol Quote Link to post Share on other sites
j1985 1,984 Posted April 25, 2015 Author Report Share Posted April 25, 2015 Sooooo after all this buffoonery are we any closer to discovering who made god ? 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
paulus 26 Posted April 25, 2015 Report Share Posted April 25, 2015 Sooooo after all this buffoonery are we any closer to discovering who made god ? Airfix Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Accip74 7,112 Posted April 25, 2015 Report Share Posted April 25, 2015 (edited) Sooooo after all this buffoonery are we any closer to discovering who made god ? Airfix I'd say Tonka.......cos he seems indestructible! ( as an idea that is ) Edited April 25, 2015 by Accip74 2 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
kanny 20,891 Posted April 28, 2015 Report Share Posted April 28, 2015 (edited) The bible is nothing more than a rewrite of old pagan storytelling about the stars earth and nature ...nothing more than story's by simple ( uneducated) people trying to make sense of it all sat round fires looking up at the night skys and seeing shapes....the resurrection is a prime example ...on the winter solstice the sun or the "son of God" stays at it lowest for 3 days after that it gets higher everyday after hence the " resurrection of the son of god "the sun" ...the bible borrows and steals from many different religions and cultures and puts its own bullshit spin on them to make them more palatable for the then emerging modern world and used as a means of law and control...I don't believe in God's or creators it's a far too simple and convenient answer I believe the truth is much more complex ed and strange. Atb kanny Edited April 28, 2015 by kanny 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
paulus 26 Posted April 29, 2015 Report Share Posted April 29, 2015 The bible is nothing more than a rewrite of old pagan storytelling about the stars earth and nature ...nothing more than story's by simple ( uneducated) people trying to make sense of it all sat round fires looking up at the night skys and seeing shapes....the resurrection is a prime example ...on the winter solstice the sun or the "son of God" stays at it lowest for 3 days after that it gets higher everyday after hence the " resurrection of the son of god "the sun" ...the bible borrows and steals from many different religions and cultures and puts its own bullshit spin on them to make them more palatable for the then emerging modern world and used as a means of law and control...I don't believe in God's or creators it's a far too simple and convenient answer I believe the truth is much more complex ed and strange. Atb kanny have you been watching "Jupiter ascending" Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Quarter bull 240 Posted April 29, 2015 Report Share Posted April 29, 2015 The bible is nothing more than a rewrite of old pagan storytelling about the stars earth and nature ...nothing more than story's by simple ( uneducated) people trying to make sense of it all sat round fires looking up at the night skys and seeing shapes....the resurrection is a prime example ...on the winter solstice the sun or the "son of God" stays at it lowest for 3 days after that it gets higher everyday after hence the " resurrection of the son of god "the sun" ...the bible borrows and steals from many different religions and cultures and puts its own bullshit spin on them to make them more palatable for the then emerging modern world and used as a means of law and control...I don't believe in God's or creators it's a far too simple and convenient answer I believe the truth is much more complex ed and strange. Atb kanny have you been watching "Jupiter ascending" Lol More complexed an strange, lets here your view then, them films pauls mentioned, arent real, sci fi lol Quote Link to post Share on other sites
j1985 1,984 Posted April 29, 2015 Author Report Share Posted April 29, 2015 Quarter bull what Kanny said is a 100% true tho and deep down you must know it, you don't seem stupid but you do seem stubborn! Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Quarter bull 240 Posted April 29, 2015 Report Share Posted April 29, 2015 Lol hundred percent truth, if you want to beleive that, thats up to you, il stick to the truth Quote Link to post Share on other sites
shepp 2,285 Posted April 29, 2015 Report Share Posted April 29, 2015 Lol hundred percent truth, if you want to beleive that, thats up to you, il stick to the truth 100% unproovable. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Quarter bull 240 Posted April 29, 2015 Report Share Posted April 29, 2015 What is shepp? Quote Link to post Share on other sites
sandymere 8,263 Posted April 29, 2015 Report Share Posted April 29, 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=awpyaz58ytg&list=RDawpyaz58ytg&index=1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
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