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If God Made Everything, Who Made Him ?

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Shepp that's the biggest load of propaganda crap I ever heard, all bullshit made up by jealous atheist fanatics nothing more nothing less

Ha ha Fail !
Don't think so shepp, it is pure propaganda simple, from the usual suspects, he's tore to bits any evolutionist, you know it I know it, you say there's not much he knows about the subject, that's why they won't debate him haha bollox its cause he shows them up every time, either your ignorant or your brainwashed....


Tax evasion lol Chris I say to you what I said to shepp, your brainwashed, yous two are some of the main men talking how are gov this, our gov that, Kent got put in jail for 48 counts of STRUCTURING, THAT NOT TAX EVASION, FOR TWO OADS TO THINK THERE SMART YOUR NOT VERY,: he took his own money out of bank 48 times under ten thousand limit,' lol lads your flowing with the atheistic fanatics here, brainwashed, oh an his mail fraud, another joke, he filed a appeal from jail, by post, perfectly legal, but there doing him for it, big campaign over there now, he be out soon, did you know before they took him away from his family, there were at least 500 anti hovind sites started by atheist crackpots, who wouldn't debate face to face but behind computer, they were that jealous an mad becausevkent tore them apart, an there theory, the government didn't like it, but you stickbto the brainwash atheist mob, suits you..


An Chris your example are micro evolution, variation that's not Darwinism, macro, mate you examples are dirt an were ripped apart by me on first God thread,,,,there that crap I won't even reply to them,,, therevsilly an far from Darwinian evolution...your wasting my time with them examples

You're not well mate lol

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Nobody, it is all a figment of people's imaginations.

My god! If I read one more time that the big bang theory is something from nothing I'm going to have a big f***ing bang of my own.

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thou shalt not kill




Killing Event by god and followers etc Reference Bible's Number Estimate


1 The Flood of Noah


Gen 7:23




2 Abraham's war to rescue Lot


Gen 14:17-19




3 Sodom and Gomorrah


Gen 19:24




4 Lot's wife


Gen 19:26


1 1


5 While they were sore, Dinah's brethren slew all the males


Gen 34:1-31, Judith 9:2-3


2 1,000


6 Er for being wicked in the sight of the Lord


Gen 38:7


1 1


7 Onan for spilling his seed


Gen 38:10


1 1


8 A seven year worldwide famine


Gen 41:25-54




9 There will be blood: The first plague of Egypt


Ex 7:15-27 , Wis 11:7-8




10 The seventh plague: hail


Ex 9:25




11 Firstborn Egyptian children


Ex 12:29-30




12 The Lord took off their chariot wheels


Ex 14:8-26


600 5,000


13 Amalekites


Ex 17:13




14 Who is on the Lord's side?: Forcing friends and family to kill each other


Ex 32:27-28


3,000 3,000


15 Aaron's golden calf


Ex 32:35




16 God burns Aaron's sons to death for offering "strange fire"


Lev 10:1-3


2 2


17 A blasphemer is stoned to death


Lev 24:10-23


1 1


18 When the people complained, God burned them to death


Num 11:1




19 While the flesh was still between their teeth, the Lord smote them will a very great plague


Num 11:33




20 Ten scouts are killed for their honest report


Num 14:35-45


10 110


21 A man gathering sticks on the Sabbath day is stoned to death


Num 15:32-35


1 1


22 Korah, his companions, and their families are buried alive


Num 16:27


3 9


23 God burns 250 people to death for burning incense


Num 16:35


250 250


24 God kills 14,700 for complaining about God's killings


Num 16:49


14,700 14,700


25 The massacre of the Aradies


Num 21:1-2




26 God sent serpents to bite people for complaining about the lack of food and water


Num 21:6




27 Phineas's double murder: A killing to end God's killing


Num 25:1-11


24,002 24,002


28 The Midianite massacre: Have ye saved all the women alive?


Num 31:1-35


6 200,000


29 God slowly killed the Israelite army


Dt 2:14-16




30 God the giant killer


Dt 2:21-22




31 God hardens King Sihon's heart so all his people can be killed


Dt 2:33-34


1 5,000


32 Og and all the men women, and children in 60 cities


Dt 3:6


1 60,000


33 The Jericho massacre


Jos 6:21




34 Achan and his family


Jos 7:10-26


1 5


35 The Ai massacre


Jos 8:1-25


12,000 12,000


36 God stops the sun so Joshua can get his killing done in the daylight


Jos 10:10-11




37 Five kings killed and hung on trees


Jos 10:26


5 10,000


38 Joshua utterly destroyed all that breathed as the Lord commanded


Jos 10:28-42


7 7,000


39 The genocide of twenty cities: There was not any left to breathe


Jos 11:8-12


2 20,000


40 The Anakim: some more giant killing


Jos 11:20-21




41 The Lord delivered the Canaanites and Perizzites


Jg 1:4


10,000 10,000


42 The Jerusalem massacre


Jg 1:8




43 Five massacres, a wedding, and God-proof iron chariots


Jg 1:9-25




44 The Lord delivered Chushanrishathaim


Jg 3:7-10


1 1,000


45 Ehud delivers a message from God


Jg 3:15-22


1 1


46 God delivers 10,000 lusty Moabites


Jg 3:28-29


10,000 10,000


47 Shamgar killed 600 Philistines with an ox goad


Jg 3:31


600 600


48 Barak and God massacre the Canaanites


Jg 4:15-16




49 Jael pounds a tent stake through a sleeping man's skull


Jg 4:18-22


1 1


50 Gideon's story: The Lord set every man's sword against his fellow


Jg 7:22


120,000 120,000


51 A city is massacred and 1000 burn to death because of God's evil spirit


Jg 9:23-27


1,001 2,000


52 The Ammonite massacre


Jg 11:32-33




53 Jephthah's daughter


Jg 11:39


1 1


54 42,000 die for failing the "shibboleth" test


Jg 12:4-7


42,000 42,000


55 Samson murdered 30 men for their clothes


Jg 14:19


30 30


56 Samson killed 1000 men with the jawbone of an ass


Jg 15:14-15


1,000 1,000


57 Samson killed 3000 in a suicide terrorist attack


Jg 16:27-30


3,000 3,000


58 A holy civil war (it had something to do with rotting concubine body part messages)


Jg 20:35-37


65,100 65,100


59 The end of Judges: two genocides and 200 stolen virgins


Jg 21:10-14




60 God killed Eli's sons and 34,000 Israelite soldiers


1 Sam 2:25, 4:11


34,002 34,002


61 God smote them with hemorrhoids in their secret parts


1 Sam 5:1-12




62 50,070 killed for looking into the ark of the Lord


1 Sam 6:19


50,070 50,070


63 The Lord thundered a great thunder upon the Philistines


1 Sam 7:10-11




64 Another Ammonite massacre (and another God-inspired body part message)


1 Sam 11:6-13




65 Jonathan's first slaughter


1 Sam 14:12-14


20 20


66 God forces the Philistines to kill each other


1 Sam 14:20




67 The Amalekite genocide


1 Sam 15:2-3




68 Samuel hacks Agag to death before the Lord


1 Sam 15:32-33


1 1


69 In the valley of Elah: Goliath


1 Sam 17:51, 2 Sam 21:19


1 1


70 David buys a wife with 200 Philistine foreskins


1 Sam 18:27


200 200


71 The Lord said to David, Go and smite the Philistines


1 Sam 23:2-5




72 God killed Nabal (and David got his wife and other stuff)


1 Sam 25:38


1 1


73 David commits random acts of genocide for the Philistines


1 Sam 27:8-11




74 David spends the day killing Amalekites


1 Sam 30:17




75 God kills Saul, his sons, and his soldiers (because Saul didn't kill all the Amalekites)


1 Sam 31:2, 2 Chr 10:6


4 100


76 David kills the messenger


2 Sam 1:15


1 1


77 David killed, mutilated, and hung Rechab and Baanah


2 Sam 4:12


2 2


78 God helps David smite the Philistines from the front and the rear


2 Sam 5:19-25




79 God killed Uzzah for trying to keep the ark from falling


2 Sam 6:6-7, 1 Chr 13:9-10


1 1


80 David killed two-thirds of the Moabite POWs and enslaved the rest


2 Sam 8:2




81 And the Lord gave David victory wherever he went


2 Sam 8 - 10


65,850 66,850


82 David killed every male in Edom


2 Sam 8:13-14, 1 Kg 11:15-16, 1 Chr 18:12, Ps 60:1


15,000 25,000


83 Thus did David do to all the children of Ammon


2 Sam 11:1, 1 Chr 20:1




84 God slowly kills a baby


2 Sam 12:14-18


1 1


85 Seven sons of Saul are hung up before the Lord


2 Sam 21:1-9


7 3,000


86 David's mighty men and their amazing killings


2 Sam 23, 1 Chr 11


1,403 3,400


87 God killed 70,000 because of David had a census that God (or Satan) told him to do


2 Sam 24:15, 1 Chr 21:14


70,000 200,000


88 Solomon murdered Job and Shimei (per David's deathbed wish)


1 Kg 2:29-46


2 2


89 A tale of two prophets


1 Kg 13:11-24


1 1


90 Jeroboam's son: God kills another child


1 Kg 14:17


1 1


91 Jeroboam's family


1 Kg 15:29




92 Baasha's family and friends


1 Kg 16:11-12




93 Zimri burns to death


1 Kg 16:18-19


1 1


94 The drought of Elijah


1 Kg 17:1, Luke 4:25, James 5:17-18




95 Elijah kills 450 religious leaders in a prayer contest


1 Kg 18:22-40


450 450


96 The first God-assisted slaughter of the Syrians


1 Kg 20:20-21




97 God killed 100,000 Syrians for calling him a god of the hills


1 Kg 20:28-29


100,000 100,000


98 God killed 27,000 Syrians by making a wall fall on them


1 Kg 20:30


27,000 27,000


99 God sent a lion to kill a man for not smiting a prophet


1 Kg 20:35-36


1 1


100 God killed Ahab for not killing a captured king


1 Kg 20:42, 22:35


1 1


101 God burned 102 men to death for asking Elijah to come down from his hill


2 Kg 1:10-12


102 102


102 God killed Ahaziah for asking the wrong God


2 Kg 1:16-17, 2 Chr 22:7-9


1 1


103 God sent bears to kill 42 boys for making fun of a prophet's bald head


2 Kg 2:23-24


42 42


104 The Lord delivered the Moabites


2 Kg 3:18-25




105 A skeptic is trampled to death


2 Kg 7:2-20


1 1


106 God's seven year famine


2 Kg 8:1




107 Jehoram of Israel


2 Kg 9:24


1 1


108 Jezebel


2 Kg 9:33-37


1 1


109 Ahab's sons: 70 heads in two baskets


2 Kg 10:6-10


70 70


110 Ahab's hometown family, friends, and priests


2 Kg 10:11




111 Jehu killed Ahaziah's family


2 Kg 10:12-13, 2 Chr 22:7-9


42 42


112 Jehu and his partner kill the rest of Ahab's family


2 Kg 10:17




113 Jehu assembled the followers of Baal and then slaughtered them all


2 Kg 10:18-25




114 Mattan the priest of Baal and Queen Athaliah


2 Kg 11:17-20


2 2


115 God sent lions to eat those who didn't fear him enough


2 Kg 17:25-26




116 An angel killed 185,000 sleeping soldiers


2 Kg 19:34, 37:36


185,000 185,000


117 God caused King Sennacherib to be killed by his sons


2 Kg 19:37, Tobit 1:21


1 1


118 Josiah killed all the priests of the high places


2 Kg 23:20




119 Just another holy war


1 Chr 5:18-22




120 God killed a half million Israelite soldiers


2 Chr 13:17-18


500,000 500,000


121 Jeroboam


2 Chr 13:20


1 1


122 God killed a million Ethiopians


2 Chr 14:9-14


1,000,000 1,000,000


123 Friendly fire: God forced "a great multitude" to kill each other


2 Chr 20:22-25




124 God made Jehoram's bowels fall out


2 Chr 21:14-19


1 1


125 God killed Jehoram's sons


2 Chr 22:1




126 Ahaziah of Judah


2 Chr 22:7-8


1 1


127 Joash, the princes, and army of Judah


2 Chr 24:20-25


1 10,000


128 God destroyed Amaziah


2 Chr 25:15-27


1 1,000


129 God smote Ahaz with the king of Syria


2 Chr 28:1-5


1 10,000


130 God killed 120,000 valiant men for forsaking him


2 Chr 28:6


120,000 120,000


131 The fall of Jerusalem


2 Chr 36:16-17




132 The Purim killings: God hath done these things


Esther 2 - 9, 10:4


75,813 75,813


133 God and Satan kill Job's children and slaves


Job 1:18-19


10 60


134 Hananiah


Jer 28:15-16


1 1


135 Ezekiel's wife


Ezek 24:15-18


1 1


136 Oh! Susanna


Dan 13:6-62


2 2


137 Judith is blessed above all women (for cutting off a sleeping man's head)


Judith 13:6-10


1 1


138 The Judith massacre: hang ye up this head upon our walls


Judith 15:1-6




139 Mathathias's double murder


1 Mac 2:24-25


2 2


140 Mathathias and his friends slay the wicked sinners


1 Mac 2:44




141 God killed Andronicus, the sacrilegious wretch


2 Mac 4:38


1 1


142 A Jewish mob killed Lysimachus, the sacrilegious fellow


2 Mac 4:42


1 1


143 God helped Judas Machabeus destroy the wicked


1 Mac 3:1-26, 2 Mac 8:5-6


800 4,900


144 Judas and his unarmed men kill 3000 of Gorgias's soldiers


1 Mac 3:44-4:24


3,000 3,000


145 The Hanukkah killings


1 Mac 4:34-5:7


5,000 17,000


146 The Machabees brothers slaughter the heathens


1 Mac 5:21-51


11,000 37,000


147 Nicanor's army: The Almighty being their helper, they slew above nine thousand men


1 Mac 7:32-47, 2 Mac 8:24, 15:27


147,002 147,002


148 Jonathan and Simon destroy the wicked out of Israel 1 Mac 9:46-49, 2 Mac 8:30-33, 10:61 1,000 1,200


149 Five heavenly horsemen cast darts and fireballs at the enemy 2 Mac 8:32-10:38


21,103 21,400


150 God killed Antiochus with an incurable bowel disease


2 Mac 9:5-28


1 1


151 Idumeans, traitors, and Jews in two towers 2 Mac 10:16-17


40,000 40,100


152 Nicanor's head: A manifest sign of the help of God 1 Mac 7:33-48, 2 Mac 15:1-35


35,000 35,000


153 Aliens at Cades 1 Mac 11:74


3,000 3,000


154 John burns to death 2000 in the tower of Azotus 1 Mac 16:10


2,000 2,000


155 God sent wasps to slowly destroy people Wisdom 11:7-8




156 Ananias and Sapphira


Acts 5:5-10


2 2


157 Herod Aggripa


Acts 12:23


1 1


158 Jesus


Rom 8:32, 1 Pet 1:1820


1 1


Totals 2,821,364 24,994,828

I've mentioned this before ? The Bible does not say "you shall not kill" it says "you shall not murder" The last time I corrected you on this you didn't respond. Do you know the diffrence? Genuine question. It's not smart quoting the Bible when you don't really understand it. Don't waste your time man

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Shepp that's the biggest load of propaganda crap I ever heard, all bullshit made up by jealous atheist fanatics nothing more nothing less

Ha ha Fail !
Don't think so shepp, it is pure propaganda simple, from the usual suspects, he's tore to bits any evolutionist, you know it I know it, you say there's not much he knows about the subject, that's why they won't debate him haha bollox its cause he shows them up every time, either your ignorant or your brainwashed....


Tax evasion lol Chris I say to you what I said to shepp, your brainwashed, yous two are some of the main men talking how are gov this, our gov that, Kent got put in jail for 48 counts of STRUCTURING, THAT NOT TAX EVASION, FOR TWO OADS TO THINK THERE SMART YOUR NOT VERY,: he took his own money out of bank 48 times under ten thousand limit,' lol lads your flowing with the atheistic fanatics here, brainwashed, oh an his mail fraud, another joke, he filed a appeal from jail, by post, perfectly legal, but there doing him for it, big campaign over there now, he be out soon, did you know before they took him away from his family, there were at least 500 anti hovind sites started by atheist crackpots, who wouldn't debate face to face but behind computer, they were that jealous an mad becausevkent tore them apart, an there theory, the government didn't like it, but you stickbto the brainwash atheist mob, suits you..


An Chris your example are micro evolution, variation that's not Darwinism, macro, mate you examples are dirt an were ripped apart by me on first God thread,,,,there that crap I won't even reply to them,,, therevsilly an far from Darwinian evolution...your wasting my time with them examples

You're not well mate lol

He's not well because he doesn't agree with you? He is sourcing lots of information to consolidate his view and you don't come back with anything other than ridicule and you think you are nullifying the point in doing so. When I pushed you in the past to come up with some answers of your own, you just threw up another mythical video about a whale. Have you learned anything new since?

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Some of these arguments are pointless, daft in fact. It doesn't really make any difference whether the big bang is true, and we all evolved from some shrimp in the sea. We still need a cause for it to happen? We believe an omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient God caused it.

The notion of such a God explains everything, not just the origin of the universe, but of us – mind, will, emotion, conscience and conciousness. We have a basis for moral framework, justice and injustice. Without a God or transcendent being you have none of that. How can you say what is right or wrong? There's no such thing as good or evil, it's all just a matter of – matter, excuse the pun! Damn I tried not to get involved :icon_redface:

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That's up to you mate whatever you want to do, but I asked Paul as an truther the same an no reply, an I'll ask you how does Christianity keep me or anyone else subservient to government?


Generally interested, because the only thing 'm subservant to is Jesus an God, not the gov, thanks In advance

I thought we were keeping it an honest debate QB? I did answer that, scroll back, what did i say about honest debate.



Anyway, i had a look at the vid, way to much info to study it all, but i get the gist of it. The "Cambrian explosion" is interesting? lack of fossils the Cambrian age molluscs developed from is tricky, if that's actually true? But who say's life only started once, in one place? (apart from religions that is) I don't think life did start in one place myself, i think ice comets could well have transported some life here, if not all life, if that did happen once, it could happen multiple times and kick start a sudden burst of new life, even quite advanced life could survive for a long time in ice, you can freeze a scorpion in ice for a long time and it wont die for eg, Cambrian lasted 10 million years, so that's a fair bit of time for dispersal/breeding, a bit thin maybe, but possible?

So explain to me truther, where did this other life come from in outer space,, how did it get on to a comet,,what did it eat ,even what kinda life was it,, how did it survive coming threw the atmosphere, what did it breed with,, after all that your still left with evoloutionbmate



You think i can't answer that :laugh:


Other life would have to develop on another planet, a watery one, said planet freezes and traps life in ice, another planet/giant meteor smacks it and creates ice comets that fly off into space, eventually they hit the Earth and bingo. "Atmosphere" no atmosphere before the water was here mate, the water for the oceans came in the form of ice meteors/ comets, and science says life started in the sea. Some creatures can go into hibernation for a very long time, no need to eat, if anything organic was trapped in ice for a long time its likely it would die granted, but an educated guess says that all life would carry bacteria in or on it, said bacteria could feed on a dead creature for a very long time, although bacterial life doesn't answer the Cambrian problem, i know that, but its still an explanation for the appearance of simple life forms if they solve the Cambrian problem (if it is a problem that is?)


I know there's a few problems with that idea, but a good few scientists now think life did come in that way, and at one time the Earth was a sterile ball of molten iron, logic says that life would have to "come here" somehow? And you can't get away from "no water no life" the Atacama desert is as sterile as an operating theatre for eg.

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So your saying life evolved on another planet, how?


You can't explain how life originated on earth never mind another plant, to get past your first hurdle, how did life originate on this other planet, answer that an we can move forward?

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Yes and no mate, im saying life evolving on another planet could explain the appearance of more advanced life on Earth without the need for fossil records said life evolved from, if it could travel here in ice comets, one explanation for the Cambrian problem?


I am convinced life exists on other planets, billions upon billions of chances for it to, the maths says it would be impossible for life not to exist. Lucky us, living on the one planet god decided to create life on lol, this god who burns people for eternity if they don't worship him, why not create life on most or all of the planets he created and have trillion upon trillions of worshippers if he likes being worshipped that much? I would dig 5 potato patches and just grow in one would i? And why create all these useless planets for no good reason?


The chemical ingredients for life exist, if not me being alive sat here typing to another being is in my head, so the ingredients actually do exist........agreed? How they come together and form life i don't know? But the fact we are made of these basic chemicals sat here talking means it happens, you're opinion is god causes that to happen, mine is its a natural process, but neither has been proven yet.

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Here a quote from Darwin's book, full title,,,the origin of species, by means of natural selection, OR THE PRESERVATION OF FAVOURED RACES....did I mention before he was a racist, not the racist were being branded as for looking to expell certain illegal occupiers, no a full blown racist, it was acceptable back then anyway, here's a quote from his book, bearing in mind they hadn't a clue back then of how complex a cell was, they thought it was a bit of proto plasma.......


If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed, which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down. But I can find no such case.

Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species


So tell .e Chris, truther, o t, dou you think a cell has evolved, bearing in mind all its machinery has to work simultaneously for the cell to function, how can these have evolved?

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Worshiping a god dosnt make anyone a good person, having no god dosnt make anyone a bad person.

Being a c**t makes you a bad person.

So in conclusion..... Don't be a c**t and things should be ok.

Sometimes I'm a c**t though(according to my mrs)

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Yes and no mate, im saying life evolving on another planet could explain the appearance of more advanced life on Earth without the need for fossil records said life evolved from, if it could travel here in ice comets, one explanation for the Cambrian problem?


I am convinced life exists on other planets, billions upon billions of chances for it to, the maths says it would be impossible for life not to exist. Lucky us, living on the one planet god decided to create life on lol, this god who burns people for eternity if they don't worship him, why not create life on most or all of the planets he created and have trillion upon trillions of worshippers if he likes being worshipped that much? I would dig 5 potato patches and just grow in one would i? And why create all these useless planets for no good reason?


The chemical ingredients for life exist, if not me being alive sat here typing to another being is in my head, so the ingredients actually do exist........agreed? How they come together and form life i don't know? But the fact we are made of these basic chemicals sat here talking means it happens, you're opinion is god causes that to happen, mine is its a natural process, but neither has been proven yet.

For a start truther, there's no evidence for DARWINIAN EVOLOUTION that's what were debating here, not micro evolution as they like to call it, which is how the sneak it in with macro....I would say variation,,,were talking Darwinian mans descent, macro,,,,



Its shows me that you haven't done your homework on the solar system,,,,, the main objective for NASA is to prove Darwinian evolution, fact...they have sent 50 odd missions to Mars costing billions,,, an 98℅ have failed, the one that landed, couldn't even find a trace of a germ, fact....


If you know anything about the solar you will know its scientifically impossible for it to evolve,, even tho they haven't tried to explain cosmic evolution,, cause they can't.


Your claims are faith based truther, you believe this, but really there's not a shred of evidence is there,,, an your saying my intelligent design is flawed....they can't explain life on earth now your jumping to other planets,,, have you anythibg to back your claim up, I know a wee bit about our planets, so let's here it...


We haven't passed the first step so why you jumping to other belief systems, when you can't explain our current one.

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There have been many strange things happening lately with the church regarding Nibiru. For those of you who do not know what Nibiru is, according to Wikipedia [1], it all begins with a man named Zecharia Sitchin: Zecharia Sitchin (Russian: Заха́рия Си́тчин; Azerbaijani: Zaxariya Sitçin) (July 11, 1920 – October 9, 2010)[1] was an Azerbaijani-born American author of books proposing an explanation for human origins involving ancient astronauts. vis yournewswire

Were We Created By Ancient Astronauts From Planet Nibiru?

Sitchin attributes the creation of the ancient Sumerian culture to the Anunnaki, which he states was a race of extraterrestrials from a planet beyond Neptune called Nibiru. He believed this hypothetical planet of Nibiru to be in an elongated, elliptical orbit in the Earth’s own Solar System, asserting that Sumerian mythology reflects this view. Sitchin’s books have sold millions of copies worldwide and have been translated into more than 25 languages.

So, basically, science isn’t 100% sure if the planet Nibiru and the Anunnaki race exist even at all… but the church has been talking about it recently… allegedly.
According to an article from In5d.com called: “What The Church Isn’t Telling You About Nibiru And The Anunnaki” [2], they explain:

Silently, the Vatican is releasing information about Nibiru entering our solar system and extraterrestrial neighbours who have already met with Vatican officials but they are not telling you everything.

While the mainstream media remains conspicuously silent while detracting our attention to idiotic events such as Justin Beiber’s DUI, disclosure information has been slowly leaked by the Vatican, indicating the presence of extraterrestrials on, and visiting, our planet along with an incoming anomaly called Planet X and/or Nibiru.

Religion needs to recognise extraterrestrials

Pierre Lena, a French astrophysicist and member of the Pontifical Academy stated at a November 2009 Astrobiology Conference hosted by the Vatican,, “Astrobiology is a mature science that says very interesting things that could change the vision humanity has of itself. The church cannot be indifferent to that.”

FULL disclosure is imminent

Chris Impey, a University Distinguished Professor and Deputy Head of the Department at the University of Arizona and a keynote speaker at the Astrobiology Conference added, ” The first discovery is only a few years away.”

Extraterrestrial salvation

Guy Consolmagno, Leading Astronomer for the Vatican stated, “Very soon the nations will look to aliens for their salvation.” Consolmago believes that humans are not the only intelligent beings created by God in the universe and added these non-human lifeforms are described in the Bible as the Nephilim.

A new TRUTHFUL story needs to be written

Dr. Christopher Corbally, Vice Director for the Vatican Observatory Research Group on Mount Graham until 2012, who believes our image of God will have to change if disclosure of alien life is soon revealed by scientists.

ET’s are already here

The late Vatican Monsignor Corrado Balducci not only believed in the presence of alien intelligences already interacting with our planet, but also believed that the Vatican has been aware of it. Balducci believed that extraterrestrial contact is real and the extraterrestrial encounters “are NOT demonic, they are NOT due to psychological impairment, they are NOT a case of entity attachment, but these encounters deserve to be studied carefully.” -

Vatican spokesman to our galactic neighbours?

Balducci went on to state, “As God’s power is limitless, it is not only possible but also likely that inhabited planets exist. I always wish to be the spokesman for these star peoples who also are part of Gods glory and I will continue to bring it to the attention of the Holy Mother Church.”

In5D sidenote: Imagine that…. someone from the church, who has kept the truth hidden for millennia, wanted to represent our planet as a spokesman with our galactic neighbours…

Say goodbye to religion

An excerpt from an article entitled, EXO-VATICANA, Thomas Horn stated:

In a paper for the Interdisciplinary Encyclopaedia of Religion and Science, Father Giuseppe Tanzella-Nitti—an Opus Dei theologian of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome—explains just how we What The Church Isn’t Telling You About Nibiru And The Anunnaki | In5D.comcould actually be evangelised during contact with “spiritual aliens,” as every believer in God would, he argues, greet an extraterrestrial civilisation as an extraordinary experience and would be inclined to respect the alien and to recognise the common origin of our different species as originating from the same Creator.

According to Giuseppe, this contact by non-terrestrial intelligence would then offer new possibilities “of better understanding the relationship between God and the whole of creation.” Giuseppe states this would not immediately oblige the Christian “to renounce his own faith in God simply on the basis of the reception of new, unexpected information of a religious character from extraterrestrial civilisations,” but that such a renunciation could come soon after as the new “religious content” originating from outside the Earth is confirmed as reasonable and credible.

“Once the trustworthiness of the information has been verified” the believer would have to “reconcile such new information with the truth that he or she already knows and believes on the basis of the revelation of the One and Triune God, conducting a re-reading [of the Gospel] inclusive of the new data…”

The Vatican has known about Nibiru for quite a while

In a 1997 interview with Art Bell on Coast to Coast AM, Father Malachi Martin was asked why the Vatican was heavily invested in the study of deep space at the Mt Graham Observatory. Martin replied, “Because the mentality amongst those who are at the highest levels of Vatican administration and geopolitics, know…what’s going on in space, and what’s approaching us, could be of great import in the next five years, ten years.”

Biblical creation story will be challenged

Rev. Jose Gabriel Funes, an astronomer and director of the Vatican Observatory, stated, “Just as there is a multitude of creatures on Earth, there could be other beings, even intelligent ones, What The Church Isn’t Telling You About Nibiru And The Anunnaki | In5D.comcreated by God. This does not contradict our faith, because we cannot put limits on God’s creative freedom.”

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The Vatican owns some of the world’s most powerful telescopes. One has to ask themselves, “Why?”

Still trying to sell the Jesus story

Funes added, “God was made man (sp?) in Jesus to save us. In this way, if other intelligent beings existed, it is not said that they would have need of redemption. They could remain in full friendship with their creator. “

Vatican insider blows the whistle on Secretum Omega and Nibiru

In 2005, a high ranking Jesuit Vatican insider released footage of Nibiru along with documentation from the highest secrecy of the Vatican in a project called Secretum Omega, which was a Top Secret venture with NASA in which a high powered infrared camera was secretly placed into orbit to monitor the elusive “10th planet”.

This insider stated:

What I can say is that it was built in the 1990s with the object of studying all anomalous celestial bodies approaching Earth, similar to what the CIA did with one of its “secret eyes,” the twin to Hubble, called “SkyHole 12″ (a.k.a. Keyhole 12). Moreover, the S.I.V. was informed during the meetings (of the aliens) with Pope Pius XII of the approach of a celestial body to the solar system in which resides an advanced very warlike alien race.

Very shortly, I knew that the material that I should have been receiving in Rome and then analyzing on a computer was very interesting and extremely secret. It was during the analysis of certain data and information from the Alaska radio telescope that we discovered that one remote deep space probe, part of a deep space exploration program called “SILOE”, which was started in 1990 had taken a photograph of a huge planet getting closer to the Solar System.

The information was received in Alaska during October 1995, which is when my problems started. I discovered that I was not chosen to decode that particular transmission and a dangerous situation evolved. At that time, my contact revealed to me that, inside the Vatican, there were two factions struggle over possession and control of this information, which was classified far beyond “Top Secret.”

For now, I can just tell you that this probe was created in Area 51, has an electromagnetic impulse motor, and it was put in orbit by a space plane, like type “Aurora.” The probe did not have any calculations or pre-indications of the trajectory or the precise location of “Nibiru,” because its purpose was to approach that planet, correcting its direction to avoid impact and to return to this Solar System to a position close enough to transmit the data and images to the secret radio telescope located in Alaska.

Who died for the ET’s sins???

The insider went on to say, “The human race must surrender completely to the message of salvation and redemption of Christ, which St. Paul defined as “Kerigma,” a message that John Paul II is trying to spread to all nations. Don’t you think that the Pope knows how close these events are to us?”

Shrouded from the sun’s light, mysteriously tugging at the orbits of Uranus and Neptune, is an unseen force that astronomers suspect may be Planet X – a 10th resident of the Earth’s celestial neighbourhood. Last year, the infrared astronomical satellite (IRAS), circling in a polar orbit 560 miles from the Earth, detected heat from an object about 50 billion miles away that is now the subject of intense speculation. “All I can say is that we don’t know what it is yet,” says Gerry Neugesbeuer, director of the Palomar Observatory for the California Institute of Technology. Scientists are hopeful that the one-way journeys of the Pioneer 10 and 11 space probes may help to locate the nameless body.
NASA acknowledgment of Nibiru

A NASA Press Release in 1992 stated the following: “Unexplained deviations in the orbits of Uranus and Neptune point to a large outer solar system body of 4 to 8 Earth masses on a highly tilted orbit, beyond 7 billion miles from the Sun.”

The Vatican’s L.U.C.I.F.E.R. Telescope

The Vatican owns some of the world’s most powerful telescopes. One has to ask themselves, “Why?” One particular telescope is called L.U.C.I.F.E.R. located at the Mount Graham Observatory and is an acronym for “Large Binocular Telescope Near-infrared Utility with Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research”. Surely, they know this is not a coincidence.

Speculation infers that the Vatican has these high powered telescopes to monitor biblical warnings such as “Wormwood” aka Nibiru or Planet X:

“And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.” (Revelation 8:10, 11 – King James Bible).

Another possibility is that the Vatican is monitoring extraterrestrial activity and has already made ET contact hundreds of years, which may explain the religious belief in “God”, who in the religious texts may be an extraterrestrial and not the ultimate Source or Creator.

Pluto in Capricorn will crush money, government and religion

Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008 and will remain there until 2023. Pluto is known as the “Destroyer” and will destroy everything that is not in humanity’s best interests, including money, government and religion.

The last time Pluto was in Capricorn was in the 1700′s during the French and American Revolutions. If you look around the world, you will see revolutions in many different countries.

When Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008, we saw the collapse of 100′s of banks, with the exception of the “too big to fail” banks, but even those banks will collapse in the near future. These collapses happened right on schedule!

In recent news, we saw a lightening bolt directly hit the Vatican. Does anyone else see the symbolism here?

Even more recent, the new Pope released two doves (of peace), who were both attacked by a crow and a seagull. The symbolism would suggest that there will be no peace found within religion.

The gig is up for the “Powers That Were”

You will find master astrologers at the highest levels of government and secret societies because these are the people who know the cycles of astronomy and what each particular energy will bring. For example, American President Ronald Reagan would not sign any document before consulting his master astrologer.

Those who are world leaders and high ranking secret society members know all about the precession of the equinoxes, Pluto in Capricorn and the Age of Aquarius. They know that this facade of economic subservience, control and conformity is coming to an end, yet they continue to work against humanity’s best interests while trying to maintain their fading control over humanity.

This includes religion. Religion = subservience, control and conformity, which is the same template as EVERY government. How’s that working for the world so far?

They will continue to poison our water, air and food supply because we do not speak our truths. In other words, when we remain silent, we are acquiescing the decisions they make for us, which includes GMO’s, fluoridated water, chemtrails, vaccinations, etc…

Time for a reset?

Through the discovery of “out of place artefacts” (OOPARTS), we know that mankind has been here for tens of thousands of years, which contradicts the bible’s timeline of approximately 6,000 years.

For example, a well bit brought up a 200,000 year old bronze coin from a depth of 114 feet just outside Chillicothe, Illinois. According to the Illinois State Geological Survey, the deposits containing the coin are between 200,000 and 400,000 years old.

It only takes a few thousand years for everything to completely rust, rot or decay, with the exception of stone buildings such as the pyramids on the Giza plateau. Within 100,000 years, there would be no signs of civilisation if a global catastrophe were to occur tomorrow.

How long would it take for decay to bury a coin 114 feet into the ground? Apparently, 200,000 years, so from this evidence, we know that we have been economic slaves for literally, millennia.

Nibiru is said to be on a 3,500 year elliptical orbit. The last appearance of Nibiru may have accounted for all of the “Great Flood” stories told in virtually every religion. Depending on the closeness of Nibiru, it could cause an extinction level event where a reset of humanity is possible. That would explain how an unknown bronze coin could be discovered 114 feet into the ground.

Why does the church fear the Anunnaki?

According to the late Zecharia Sitchen, the Anunnaki created a slave race to mine gold for them which, in turn, was used as a dust to preserve their planet, Nibiru. This is why there is such a great value placed on gold.

The greatest secret never told is how the church has been subservient to their masters… the all seeing What The Church Isn’t Telling You About Nibiru And The Anunnaki | In5D.comeye… the ones who oversee the shadow governments… the Anunnaki. This is the race that has kept us working as economic slaves for millennia.

Not all of the Anunnaki are malevolent. One Anunnaki in particular, Enki, loved the human earth race that was genetically modified in order to mine gold for the Anunnaki.

If Enki returns to Earth, the shackles of economic subservience will finally be broken. This is a frightening scenario for all religions because the TRUTH will be exposed. The story of Jesus and salvation will no longer apply, yet you can be assured, just like every government who is trying to keep us suppressed, the church will do the same for as long as possible.

This is why the United Nations appointed Mazlan Othman, a Malaysian scientist, head of Earth’s Office for Outer Space Affairs. Like all sectors of government, the idea is to compartmentalise everything in order to maintain control over the masses. This would not be any better than having the Pope be the official liaison or ambassador to our galactic neighbours.

Hopefully, our galactic neighbours will be able to see through their bullshit!

What the creation story and Zecharia Sitchen fail to tell us

If “God” created man and woman, then why are there so many blood types and Rh values? While it is feasible that the Anunnaki genetically manipulated our DNA to create a slave race, one must ask, “Why are there so many different races, languages, blood types and Rh values?” Surely, if the Anunnaki were to create a slave race, we would all be the same.

This leads us to another possibility: Not only did the Anunnaki create a slave race, but our galactic neighbors also seeded this planet with various races (Pleiadian, Lyrian, Arcturian, Andromedan, etc…) as a galactic experiment to see how we would all get along. The bible has no explanation for this except to try to sell us on the notion that our skin types evolved from the geographical locations of our ancestors, yet it does not address how multiple blood types and Rh values came from two people, Adam and Eve. This is an impossible scenario.

It’s all collapsing, right on schedule!

I recently published an article on In5D called, “ It’s all collapsing, right on schedule!” which shows the correlations between Pluto in Capricorn and how money, religion and government are all collapsing, right on schedule.

Pluto remains in Capricorn until 2023, so in the meanwhile, we will continue to see a collapse of religion, money and government. For those who have been paying attention, this is no surprise but for those who still hold onto religious dogmas and economic subservience, then this will rock their world in a bad way.

If you happen to be reading this article, then please be aware that YOU will need to be a leader when this all collapses. Hopefully, it will be a peaceful transition but chances are, we will take a step backwards before we take a HUGE leap forward in our own personal and spiritual evolutions.

ET Intervention?

Perhaps we will have extraterrestrial intervention beforehand? In an article entitled, “ET’s Are Helping With Dimensional Shift,” James Gililland stated that it important to practice love and kindness. In addition, we should use prayer, meditation and positive thoughts in allowing the higher vibrational forces to infuse the planet with these new energies.

“If people just set time aside and prayed, set intentions or use meditation to focus on the world you would want to see, love, joy and bliss… and asking these higher dimensional beings for help, then they can come in, according to Universal Law, and assist us even more. If we start asking for help and put the intention out there that we really need help to get through these times, we’re going to see some divine intervention that is just going to be incredible. If enough of us ask for help, we can put an end to the tyranny here.”

Gilliland added that the Anunnaki, along with other benevolent higher dimensional beings and the Council of 12, are working in unison to bring our civilisation and planet into higher states of consciousness.

According to Gilliland, the returning Anunnaki “are very benevolent. They operate under Universal Law and they are calling these fallen ones (the ones who have kept us enslaved for millennia) before the council. They will have to stand before this council and deal with what they have done that was out of alignment with Universal Law. They are also working with the Pleiadians, Andromedans, the Arcturians and the other beings in conjunction together to remove the fallen ones and the Reptilian alliance.”

In the near future…

In the near future, we will continue to see a collapse of money, government and religion. There is nothing anyone can do about this as all three will inevitably collapse due to the energies of Pluto In Capricorn. We can expect “The Powers That Were” to continue to suppress technology while poisoning our water, air and food supplies, but even these will come to an end as they are all exposed for what they are: vehicles to keep humanity enslaved.

As a global community, we will rise above this but it will take activism and peaceful non-compliance. You were not born to be a perpetual slave for the 1% of humanity. The world’s richest 85 people are now worth same amount as poorest 3.5 billion. It’s time for a reset but this time, the reset will be in humanity’s favor and the “Powers That Were” cannot do anything to prevent it from happening.

Photo Credit: press
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