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If God Made Everything, Who Made Him ?

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Nobody, it is all a figment of people's imaginations.

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  On 12/03/2015 at 11:26, Accip74 said:


I don't get this reference of 'cool'......I don't consider myself 'cool' because I'm a non-believer or believers as un-cool, for me 'cool' is Marvin Gaye's album 'What's Going On' I love that record with a passion & there's plenty of Christianity within it!

I made my mind up at a very young age after religious teachings at school, to be a non-believer , it just seemed like common sense to me, other peoples thoughts or 'cool' never came into it......


Don't generalise all us non-believers! :-)


Not every non believer is a prat who jumps on a bandwagon mate........but some are ( you seem a sensible chap im sure you can tell the difference )


Same as not every believer is a prat who jumps on a bandwagon......but again,im sure theres some that are ( and again,you seem a sensible chap etc )

Edited by gnasher16
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  On 12/03/2015 at 11:56, jacknife said:


  On 12/03/2015 at 11:43, j1985 said:

Some interesting stuff so far but do any of the religious lads have an answer to my original question ? Who made god.....

The answer is no one did god has always been


so in your minds eye what he look like

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For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools

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  On 12/03/2015 at 11:57, Hareydave said:


  On 12/03/2015 at 11:56, jacknife said:



  On 12/03/2015 at 11:43, j1985 said:

Some interesting stuff so far but do any of the religious lads have an answer to my original question ? Who made god.....

The answer is no one did god has always been

so in your minds eye what he look like
No idea I'm just giving an answer as the religious are like politicians they beat around the bush and never answer the question


I have an open mind and when someone comes up with actual facts ill believe in it


Wether it science...Aliens...God...or something else

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  On 12/03/2015 at 11:26, Accip74 said:


  On 12/03/2015 at 11:04, gnasher16 said:


  On 12/03/2015 at 10:24, The Seeker said:

I like that and found it interesting (told you I love science) One thing that screams out at me when I read it is scientists have about as much of a clue about the beginning of existence than any religion I have ever known.

To me whatever way you dress it up its a faith just the same as mine.

The point I'm trying to make is I dont think we are all that! Science can be arrogant, it knows a little and thinks it knows enough to ridicule someone who believes in a creator. BH this isn't a dig at you mate I know you don't mock but the community of many scientists. I watched the Kent Horvind video when he was up against 3 professors, he asked some very clear and valid questions and the replies were almost like how dare you question us we haven't got the answers but we know best because we are scientists.

I will say one thing at least the faith of science attempts to come up with answers just as Christians do, the ones I feel sorry for are the ones who mock it without a clue because they watched some comic do a sketch and need to feel part of a "cool" pack. I know because several years ago I used to be one of them

If i'd had a better education........thats exactly what i would of written :D .


Its the whole point im always trying to make about these prats who jump on the bandwagon of bashing Christianity simply because its " cool " to do so.....the fact that these cool people are in such a minority worldwide always struck me as the ultimate in arrogance to be able to take the piss out of the majority !

I don't get this reference of 'cool'......I don't consider myself 'cool' because I'm a non-believer or believers as un-cool, for me 'cool' is Marvin Gaye's album 'What's Going On' I love that record with a passion & there's plenty of Christianity within it!

I made my mind up at a very young age after religious teachings at school, to be a non-believer , it just seemed like common sense to me, other peoples thoughts or 'cool' never came into it......


Don't generalise all us non-believers! :-)



Let me try to explain what I mean. I used to take the piss out of Christians all the time because I didn't know any better, for example I knew an out and out modern day Christian called Dave, he went to one of those churches that hold raves and play dance music etc. I used to rip the piss out of him. Why? Because thats what my mates did and if I wanted to be part of the pack and not uncool I did too.


I then started to read (a lot) and ask questions (even more) I asked the questions I felt the answers were missing and started to question the people who said "because thats the way it is" until knew they were just as confused as I was. I asked many Christians just as much as I asked atheists.


I tell you one of the hardest things I ever did was to stand my ground in the pub and have my mates now take the piss out of me. But I just thought "f*ck it lets have it right" I knew NONE of them had researched it as I had, I knew none of them had the first clue about religion or evolution other that classes in RE and science at school. I let them have their say and I just asked a few questions...... there was "the awkward silence"......the kind of silence when you know the other person is full of shit and hasn't a clue about their own argument before the embarrassing (on their part) replies started again "oh f*ck me he's joined the God squad" and all that.


That was many moons ago and now my closest mates are either Pagan or Agnostic and we have some really interesting debates and just like Gnasher, Wilf and Born Hunter we keep it civil (although sometimes it gets VERY loud) and we respect each others points of view.


The difference is they are my mates wrong and I'm right :laugh::laugh::laugh:

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  On 12/03/2015 at 11:43, j1985 said:

Some interesting stuff so far but do any of the religious lads have an answer to my original question ? Who made god.....


You will never find an answer to that question but I think you already know that, just as a scientist will never be able to answer the question who created the Universe.


Its what you believe that counts, My only answer and it doesn't answer your specific is find your own path and stick to it pal. If you asked that one question then find another 100 questions to ask and try to find the answers.

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  On 12/03/2015 at 11:21, mackay said:

So, do all believers go to heaven?.

I can only comment on my belief but....


no its much more than just saying yes I believe in Christ, right now thats my get out of jail card


Do different religious believers go different heavens?.

No there is only one heaven

Is there only one true religion and a lot of other religious believers barking up the wrong tree?.

Hmmmm now were talking! One of the first questions I asked myself was this, if i had been brought up in India for example would I have automatically because of my parents become a Sikh or Hindu? My conclusion was yes I may well have done but Christianity has spread to every corner of the world (another one for me was if it was so false why had it spread all over the entire world). So if I had asked the same questions I did when I was growing up in England and even if I was an indian I would have come to the same conclusion and converted my faith. Are they barking up the wrong tree? Yes,. Is that the end for them No. Does this sound arrogant maybe?

When two armies are facing each other and both being told god is on our side, whose side is he on?.

Another good one, he's on the side of good and against evil. Good and bad has no uniform or badge. War is the product of mankind I do not believe God takes sides only the side of the righteous

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