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If God Made Everything, Who Made Him ?

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  On 04/04/2015 at 23:07, Quarter bull said:

No you dodge questions the atheist way, so your brain decides your morals, so that means you decide, yes

dodge them how?


to a small degree we pick them up through life experience,but on the whole they're inherited.


different species of human inherit slightly different innate morals.

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  On 04/04/2015 at 23:10, Quarter bull said:


  On 04/04/2015 at 22:49, j1985 said:

No I believe in no god, I see religion as an insult to my intelligence but we'll leave that for another day! If you don't know what atrocities you're own god has "apparently" committed then you don't know the bible as well as I thought you did....or you're just denying it.

Your intelligence lol so who's your God, could you fill me in on them from bible please, can't wait


you should probably re-read the first 6 words....

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  On 04/04/2015 at 23:13, neems said:


  On 04/04/2015 at 23:07, Quarter bull said:


No you dodge questions the atheist way, so your brain decides your morals, so that means you decide, yes

dodge them how?


to a small degree we pick them up through life experience,but on the whole they're inherited.


different species of human inherit slightly different innate morals.

So your not taking responsibility for your actions, or you are Make up your mind,,,Or now your blaming your parents?


You don't make much sense lad, you can't answer a straight question, yes or no,

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nature and nurture decide my outlook and yours.

but we are all still responsible for own actions,regardless of any other factor.


you confuse yourself mate lol.


if god give you your mind and moral compass is he to blame for your crimes?

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  On 04/04/2015 at 20:05, Quarter bull said:

Jackknife neems truther an shepp, yous are all atheists yes, correct me if I'm wrong,


Can I ask you lads a simple question, is rape wrong, an why?


I would say its wrong whatever way you look at it because its sin an evil.....


I'll wait for your reply....


Bit of a stupid question that QB don't you think............it means if gods proven to be false a load of holy than thou christians wouldn't know right from wrong :blink: But religion and sex crime seem to go hand in hand anyway.

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Each and everyone of us has our own destiny to decide each and every day .No third party tells me nowt .Do the devoted still not get the brainwash youve had over the years .Think of the mischief you could of been up to lol .Been great .Also as this is a hunting site do you worshippers still kill animals or is that overlooked as maybe not so bad ,maybe he wont mind .Amusing little thread but got to go ,traditional eggs to eat .

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  On 05/04/2015 at 00:15, Quarter bull said:

No I take full responsibility for my actions, God has given me a standard tho, absolute standard, I have the choice....


So finally your saying you decide morally your actions?


that question makes no sense,but if its the same as the other one i honestly cant spell it out clearer than i did above.


my nature and environment give me my outlook,but i am still responsible for my actions.

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  On 05/04/2015 at 10:55, neems said:


  On 05/04/2015 at 00:15, Quarter bull said:


No I take full responsibility for my actions, God has given me a standard tho, absolute standard, I have the choice....


So finally your saying you decide morally your actions?

that question makes no sense,but if its the same as the other one i honestly cant spell it out clearer than i did above.


my nature and environment give me my outlook,but i am still responsible for my actions.

Well I would say thats flawed then, by your view each an everyman deceides for themselves, yes, no absolutes, well a rapist thinks its ok to rape, he deceided himself thats it ok so he done it, so is he wrong for deceiding himself or is your,,,we choose ourself wrong, whos wrong you or ?

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  On 05/04/2015 at 08:53, foxdropper said:

Each and everyone of us has our own destiny to decide each and every day .No third party tells me nowt .Do the devoted still not get the brainwash youve had over the years .Think of the mischief you could of been up to lol .Been great .Also as this is a hunting site do you worshippers still kill animals or is that overlooked as maybe not so bad ,maybe he wont mind .Amusing little thread but got to go ,traditional eggs to eat .

I done me mischeif mate, I turned away from that crap, as you said you deceide yourself, just like everyone elss no absolutes, so tell me a rapist thinks its gran to rape someone, after all its up to him, he makes his own choices just like you, so whos wrong you or the rapist, or is it your,,I choose meself motto thats flawed, are you right or whos wrong, you not see the error in your thinking.


By the way if you hunt you trat animals with respect, I do, an I will eat if its edible.....its your logic thats wrong fd,,,by your thinking your killing your relatives everyday not just by hunting, squash a fly, run over a hedgehog, the list is endless, you obviously have no sympathy or apathy for your relatives huh think about it,,,,oh an why you eating eggs today bit hypocritical of you lol

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What im trying to say is that each individual choosing whats morally right an wrong, is flawed bigtime,,im not saying all atheist are morally wrong, no definatley not, what im saying is that everyone choosing for themselves is flawed, as I said rapists thinks it ok to rape, murdersrs think its ok to murder, them three lads that beat up the old woman thinks it ok to do that, after all they choose themselves whats morally right an wrong,,,,so whos wrong you lads or the above....

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A whole lot of bollocks being spoken on here now!!! If you don't know right from wrong your a fool simple as....nothing to do with being religious or not just a fool!! What's more foolish tho is believing you need a god to let you know what was wrong in the first place. Utter nonsense....

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  On 05/04/2015 at 11:28, Quarter bull said:


  On 05/04/2015 at 10:55, neems said:


  On 05/04/2015 at 00:15, Quarter bull said:

No I take full responsibility for my actions, God has given me a standard tho, absolute standard, I have the choice....


So finally your saying you decide morally your actions?

that question makes no sense,but if its the same as the other one i honestly cant spell it out clearer than i did above.


my nature and environment give me my outlook,but i am still responsible for my actions.

Well I would say thats flawed then, by your view each an everyman deceides for themselves, yes, no absolutes, well a rapist thinks its ok to rape, he deceided himself thats it ok so he done it, so is he wrong for deceiding himself or is your,,,we choose ourself wrong, whos wrong you or ?


morality is subjective,different people have different morals.


the laws of nature arent,raping someone shows weakess,no animal tolerates weakness in it's own species.


xtianity is not just the tolerance of but the cultivation of all human weakness and failure,because it's entire ideology is counter to the laws of nature.


the coward David for example is considered a hero by the Abrahic cults,because he cheated in a dual killing a better,stronger man in Goliath.

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  On 05/04/2015 at 13:08, j1985 said:

A whole lot of bollocks being spoken on here now!!! If you don't know right from wrong your a fool simple as....nothing to do with being religious or not just a fool!! What's more foolish tho is believing you need a god to let you know what was wrong in the first place. Utter nonsense....

For someone who claims to be intelligent your not very, im pointing out the fact that you might have good morals but the rapist doesnt an thats all to do with your, everyone chooses their own moral guidelines, ,,, instead of the standard set by God, if you cant understand that then .....

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