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If God Made Everything, Who Made Him ?

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  On 11/03/2015 at 19:29, The Seeker said:

Iit's easy to knock and ridicule because the alternative is to become un-cool so it's much easier not to really question what is taught. As a young lad I was the same.

Wonder how many will mock before departing this planet.

Said it before there are no atheists on a burning aeroplane.

That's all I have to say on this post as it's becoming tedious now.

Praying to god in the face of death is a sign of desperation that many of us may experience, doesn't necessarily mean enlightenment......I'm more interested in the atrocities committed by the religious.....whether it's child rape or all out war, what do their prayers consist of then? Catholics, Muslims, Christians, Jews etc etc.....just seems like a facade to me, a 'get out of jail card'.....

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  On 11/03/2015 at 17:17, Quarter bull said:


  On 11/03/2015 at 16:48, hutch6 said:


  On 11/03/2015 at 16:30, gnasher16 said:

Its ironic really how much shit this country of ours gets itself into poking our nose into stuff thats nothing to do with us.....a lad asks a perfectly straight forward question and the only people answering it supposedly have no interest but just see it as a quick opportunity to get in and take the piss !......maybe if folk concentrated on their own lives a bit more instead of looking for trouble in things they,re not even interested in we wouldnt have walked so many of our soldiers into other peoples problems !

Time to step away from the keyboard Gnash if something on the internet is rattling your jimmies.


I've asked the same question numerous times on these types of threads and not go a definitive answer so I'm interested to hear the explanation, besides there is a big difference between a bit of banter and declaring war and as far I am aware a war was never declared due to anything I believe in.

Youve the cheek hutch, you dont know what you are, many people might not of seen your last post last night, but your a confused little man.


Gnash theyve nothing better to do than take the piss, dont mind a joke or two, but theres a few secular fundamentalists among you who need an eye kept on,



I'm not a fundamentalist, but I am a secularist. Do I need an eye kept on me?



  On 11/03/2015 at 19:29, The Seeker said:

Iit's easy to knock and ridicule because the alternative is to become un-cool so it's much easier not to really question what is taught. As a young lad I was the same.


Wonder how many will mock before departing this planet.


Said it before there are no atheists on a burning aeroplane.


That's all I have to say on this post as it's becoming tedious now.

This comment is ridiculous. Many people, myself included have been in a situation where it seemed that they were staring death in the face and not turned to an imaginary deity?


It is not the belief in a creator that disgusts me its the following of religions obviously created by preliterate man to control the masses. I do believe religion is dangerous and that is why I ridicule it. It has an effect on all our lives directly or indirectly and many people are absolutely sick of it. Its really not about just believing or not.

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Oh deary me, you still dont get it do you, your secular, thats a religion without God, only you have faith in naturalistic evoloution,


No matter how you dress it up, you have no proof same as me, so you have beleif an faith in naturalistic evoloution.


Its a religion, fact

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  On 11/03/2015 at 20:14, Quarter bull said:

Oh deary me, you still dont get it do you, your secular, thats a religion without God, only you have faith in naturalistic evoloution,


No matter how you dress it up, you have no proof same as me, so you have beleif an faith in naturalistic evoloution.


Its a religion, fact

No I am a secularist, meaning I am opposed to religion and religious privileges that may disadvantage others. Nothing else.


A scientific theory though seeing as you brought it up, is an evidenced fact. Don't see you denying the theory of gravity QB.

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Sat and watched my dad die on February 13 (it was a Friday for all you nutcases) ...... Humanist cremation..... He'll be fertiliser, nothing more, nothing less..... He enjoyed his life, we celebrated his life. No god was ever mentioned even as he died.... Would he still be here if we'd all be praying?

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If you beleive in naturalistic evoloution, you have faith an beleif, in a theory that hasnt been proven correct, FACT


A fact is something proven correct, or am I missing something.


An the above faith an beleif, has a big disadvantage to a fair amount of people.


Gravity is not a theory, its a proven scientific law of the universe, which is testable an observable.

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  On 11/03/2015 at 19:01, jacknife said:


  On 11/03/2015 at 18:37, mattyg said:

Whatever happened can we all at least agree that we are all here as a result of our mom and dad having sex?

Let's get on with looking to the future and not taking dietary advice from a talking snake.

I would have to disagree


Could be a bean flicker and turkey baster

psmal lol
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  On 11/03/2015 at 19:29, Accip74 said:


As for sticking our noses in on here.....it's what it's all about isn't it?......


Well put it this way.....if you started a topic about Darth Vader i wouldnt even bother clicking on it.........you get my drift :thumbs:

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Only because its come up so many times but who wouldnt do what blair done? whats he worth now 100million? and thats only whats known can bet your bollocks his got untold tucked away. Now who wouldnt do what he done? Give the go ahead for a war? it may be wrong but its not like his seeing the drones being dropped and people being killed. For 100million id give the nod to wipe the whole middle east out and guilt wouldnt enter my mind id be kept busy enjoying my money.

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  On 11/03/2015 at 20:57, gnasher16 said:


  On 11/03/2015 at 19:29, Accip74 said:

As for sticking our noses in on here.....it's what it's all about isn't it?......


Well put it this way.....if you started a topic about Darth Vader i wouldnt even bother clicking on it.........you get my drift :thumbs:

But plenty would......;-)

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