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Are Good Terriers Born Or Made?

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Ya can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear ! A good dogs is born to do the job , don't get me wrong a good man is essential , but I can't tell you the amount of times I've seen a muppet with a good

You can't put in what God left out, and I've always said "the best of the best are in a different league from day one, regardless of the obstacles you put in front of them including the owner"

I hate the type of lads that leave a dog in a kennel and don't do anything with them, then take it out and expect the dog to know what to do. IMO getting the dog out as much as possible and putting as

Both, firstly the right ingredients havto be there and then its upto the terrierman to bring it on right and turn the dog into the end product. Many dogs are born right and get ruined by a useless owner IMO. :yes:

I agree mate, and there is certain terriermen that could get a yorkie to work!!

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i think a well bread terrier is just that.. they need minamum encouridgment and enter natural just gota put game infront of it in easy spots keep them winning but can also be spoiled by not picking the spots correct giving them to much to handle been a little guilty of that my self this season with a young dog of mine

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born cause u cant make them go to ground and u certainly can't go to ground with them they got to be born with all the ingredients you can't make something that doesn't want to be made and I know some of you might not like it I think a terrier with the right ingredients is the easiest working dog to get success with .

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Ya can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear ! A good dogs is born to do the job , don't get me wrong a good man is essential , but I can't tell you the amount of times I've seen a muppet with a good dog they don't deserve .

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