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I dont want to sound sour/tight,but im sick and tired of charities beggiing/requesting money off me ,MORE so when its being requested by ,millionaire ,multi millionaire celebrities ,ooooh look weve raised £3mill!!errr no how about you give some of your wealth ,not beg working people to give their HARD earned money ,No one needs countless £100,000's cars,houses dotted around the the world that get visited a few weeks of the year,they make me sick with their false pleas for donations,sorry a bit of a rant !

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Think with charity its better to give your time. Money has different value to different peoples and its more rewarding being more hands on and seeing the difference you make. That said how do we have people still starving in 2015? The rich cant want to see the gap closed abit. How much is pumped into africa all these years yet still people are dying.

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a bit of an insult to come out of tesco's after a hard week at work ,to be greeted by begging pots!! Get outside harrods ,ect get money off people who can spare it!,By the time some overpaid fraudulent charity boss has had his share of my quid donation ,how much is left anyway?

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Think with charity its better to give your time. Money has different value to different peoples and its more rewarding being more hands on and seeing the difference you make. That said how do we have people still starving in 2015? The rich cant want to see the gap closed abit. How much is pumped into africa all these years yet still people are dying.

how much gets diverted to fill the pockets of those in power in theses foreign shit holes or to buy weapons in foreign wars and all theses band aid heroes are paid yet they only need to walk round any town or city in THIS COUNTRY to see that money could be better spent at home we have enough homelessness etc without sending it aboard

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Think with charity its better to give your time. Money has different value to different peoples and its more rewarding being more hands on and seeing the difference you make. That said how do we have people still starving in 2015? The rich cant want to see the gap closed abit. How much is pumped into africa all these years yet still people are dying.

It's because we pump money in that they're still dying. I'm sorry for them but the land can't support them, simple as that. it's natures way of telling folk "this land cannot sustain human life" and what do we do, pump money in to keep them alive. Then the ones we kept alive breed even more offspring, so they need more money. Then they breed even more and need further money.!!

We're not helping them, we're killing more and more children.


Most aid (not all) should be stopped and let nature take it's course. Cruel but true !

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I think charity starts at home. Heard it got mentioned about more cuts to our army. Cant believe theyd do that rather than decrease the money sent abroad. Unless the money sent abroad is profiting those at the top in ways we dont have a clue how.

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a bit of an insult to come out of tesco's after a hard week at work ,to be greeted by begging pots!! Get outside harrods ,ect get money off people who can spare it!,By the time some overpaid fraudulent charity boss has had his share of my quid donation ,how much is left anyway?

If you dont want to donate to charity just say no......some people have a giving nature and are happy to donate but they shouldnt need to travel to Harrods to do so !.....Stop moaning about people trying to do some good in society for f**k sake !!

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Donating money to starving kids in africa is like pissing in the wind,feed the world and bobby geldof back in the 1980's and now its the kids of the kids of those original kids starving,get on the tube to travel around london you see charities that want £3 a month to stop child-brides in chad or DRC,its not going to stop,you see female genital mutilation charities,that certainly isnt going to stop as they have brought FGM to these shores with them,theres a truism..................charity begins at home,plenty of good causes in the UK before money goes abroad to evaporate.

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At the end of the day donating to charity is a personal thing people do for their own reasons we should never be dictated who or what we should give to ........i was once refused a donation to a certain charity if i didnt want all or part of the money going to a third world country hence i/we will now only donate locally......the common bond and logic we should all share is looking after our own and those around us in my opinion.

Edited by gnasher16
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Something similar happened to me gnash, a certain charity collector stopped and explained what it was all about, I had a couple extra quid on me at the time and asked him to take it - he refused saying I could only sign up for 12 months paying X amount every month needing bank details etc. Thing was, the money I was going to give him worked out to around 5-6 months worth of small payments.. So now I'd rather just give to the likes of my sisters special needs training center and such like at least it's appreciated and actually goes there, and they don't even ask for it!


Disappointed me - I thought I was doing a good turn.

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