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Well I would put money on mine, and I would not worry how big the place was or how little scent it had

how can you make a terrier run a place when it says no ? ,,,,, egging a terrier on to check earths your un certian are holding,,, that will confuse it and you end up with a terrier what messes aroun

Havnt read whole thread but has the dog been worked off a quad box .Out the box in a hole back in box ,kennel, like many hunt terriers .known a lot of false marking from these box bound dogs ,a huge f

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Havnt read whole thread but has the dog been worked off a quad box .Out the box in a hole back in box ,kennel, like many hunt terriers .known a lot of false marking from these box bound dogs ,a huge fault of the owner .

bit like a lot of terriers that are owned by men that run foxes to ground with hounds. The majority of them will false mark. Reason being 90% of the time they are brought to a hole there's been a fox ran into it. So when they're brought to a place that's not holding, they automatically think somewhere inside there is someone at home because there always is. Seen a few great dogs in the past like this but as you said faults in the man that has ran the dog on.
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Havnt read whole thread but has the dog been worked off a quad box .Out the box in a hole back in box ,kennel, like many hunt terriers .known a lot of false marking from these box bound dogs ,a huge fault of the owner .

bit like a lot of terriers that are owned by men that run foxes to ground with hounds. The majority of them will false mark. Reason being 90% of the time they are brought to a hole there's been a fox ran into it. So when they're brought to a place that's not holding, they automatically think somewhere inside there is someone at home because there always is. Seen a few great dogs in the past like this but as you said faults in the man that has ran the dog on.



Seen it with a dog I bought in, he stopped it after a few weeks

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How did the dog work the first time you took him out?you dug to him ok?

The second time you had him out did you have to dig him out or was he just messing about and coming out on his own? i would have been more concerned if the dog marking his homework had found after the red dog, which he did'nt.I should think the dog has done little work and would have settled down if used regularly.Out of interest how much was being asked for the dog.

he done well first time out flew in and done the job second outing total change making and trying to get in every where the dog had seen plenty according to seller to be honest I think he had been used on other stuff the op who was with me told me the dog had been chined the seller wanted 250 for him


His chin must have grew back on then,lol as in the close up of his head he has a good chin on him.

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There was.a.large bone growth on one side like a badly heald bone front left side and lower k 9 tooth missing like a broken jaw is that not chined sorry if I use the wrong terminology like I've said before on here only just trying to get back in to digging realy after not doing it since I was a lad with me dad

Edited by leethedog
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Wasn't just my opinion the first test he had I was keeping him then I read a few posts on here by some people saying no one sells a working terrier and yes you are right my dad had an.accident when I was 14 maybe 15 put him in a wheelchair so no I didn't do massive amounts a little hear and there but i remember his dogs well not bone hard just sensible little Russells bolt most dig a few I've had running dogs since 17 now I can't keep.them coz I foster little kids and they were to big round the house so I.thought f**k it I'll get me self a couple of decent terriers and go from there with my son just like my dad did with me is.there any thing wrong with.that if you think there is well I don't give a shite I've got as.much permission to get on and learn my self thankfully not everyone one here is an elitist like your self so ho hum

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U mustn't hav seen much working dogs when you were younger don't think dog was at fault here

tell ya what then Billy.big balls I'll give the man's number and you buy him then and prove me and the op who was there who unlike me has a very good knowledge of working terriers wrong
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I suppose that's my cue to come in ? I wasn't gonna ad to this but I will lol, if only to put an end to this thread hopefully ! It was me that went out with leethedog . Right the dog when in , you could still see he's arse so only a few feet in and bayed for 20 mins then came out , he done this twice . leethedog was told he was a 100% digging dog the nuts a real tool for the job lol . Same old story lads I afraid someone sees an over keen newbie and tries to push a cull up their arse ?.

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