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This Stuff Makes Work Worth While

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Years ago I worked in a purchasing office for a hotel a new know it all girl started. We had the suppliers wired off for when she phoned up looking for a couple of pound of chicken lips, top grade fish eyes and 1 week aged cod scales.

We also got her with Cream of san yan goi from a Chinese supplier.

The list is endless.

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heard a few being done a quarter of clitirous drops out the sweet shop a new bubble for a spirit level spark plugs for a diesel van 3 meteres of fullopian tubing bucket steam sky hooks there of top of my head but trying to jump start a stihl saw thats a good one i havent seen before

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We wouldn't get away with stuff like that any more at our place. One of the questions the young lads get asked by their Managers is "Are you being bullied" ??


The real answer should be "Of course they fu*king are" :laugh:



Manual labour and hard graft isn't something many of our apprentices know the meaning of. Facebook and texting on their phones is though. :censored:

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aye your right, a good young lad is hard come by now. cheeky c**ts these days.


your also right about not getting away with it today. it used to be much much worse :laugh: you NEVER mentioned your birthday no matter who you were. no one was safe from that punishment.


we lifted a boy by crane hooked to his harness an took tea break haha you could be in court now for f**k sake.

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