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Do The Police Tell Lies

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What a f****n stupid statement, how many of us would cut our own arms off to get our kids back or give our own lives in exchange. It doesn't take away from the fact most police are lying pieces of sh

You sound like some who`s got their number on speed dial. Mental note made. I think you`ll find, when they are needed theyre nowhere to be seen, you only have to talk to somebody who`s needed them ur

@ 7 minutes he starts wailing like a baboon!

Police defiantly defiantly lie. They also are also very good at twisting words to make a situation look as bad as it possibly can. Some are conviction hungry and make situations out of nothing.


Targets = promotion.

Edited by GD Waz
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And you have proof most police officers tell lies....I'm guessing not

Your quite happy to slag them off until you need then...then it all changes...?slightly hypocritical don't you think....

Of course they lie......they are people......the same as me and you. Are you telling us you never tell a porkie ?

The difference is they are supposed to be whiter than white.......wake up mate.

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Fooking right they do

The thing is they must be the only people that do,god forbid any other soul in public office telling untruths,especially the fecking scrotes that make a living from it,M.P,s.Ive no problem with plod telling a few porky,s,pardon the pun,to get a conviction when its needed,when its not needed they want a slap.How many dirty miserable scumbags are incarcerated because a savvy plod spun a yarn to get a conviction?,we are all on their side then.

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Aye the police lie and are corrupt to the core. Only met three or four coppers whom i thought were decent. The rest iv met were cnuts. Beating the crap out young fellas for next to nothing. Setting people up for serious stuff, and the list goes on. know of a couple who were busting drug dealers so their own crew or mates could sell them. Well so the rumours go. their into everything the scumbags.

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Aye the police lie and are corrupt to the core. Only met three or four coppers whom i thought were decent. The rest iv met were cnuts. Beating the crap out young fellas for next to nothing. Setting people up for serious stuff, and the list goes on. know of a couple who were busting drug dealers so their own crew or mates could sell them. Well so the rumours go. their into everything the scumbags.


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Coppers are just people not brave enough to stand up to others without the aid of back up and a uniform.

A mate went on a stag do to spain with one and they all said he was the worst cnut out of the lot of them, kept getting rowdy and expecting everyone to back him. Class A`s the works... Says it all really.

My brothers had a few run ins with the bent type literally and metaphorically speaking. Spose it dont go down well taking photos of said coppers uniform hanging up, and his warrant card next to a few lines of charlie. Ive told him he`s playing with fire as they have a bigger gang than him...

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Coppers are just people not brave enough to stand up to others without the aid of back up and a uniform.

A mate went on a stag do to spain with one and they all said he was the worst cnut out of the lot of them, kept getting rowdy and expecting everyone to back him. Class A`s the works... Says it all really.

My brothers had a few run ins with the bent type literally and metaphorically speaking. Spose it dont go down well taking photos of said coppers uniform hanging up, and his warrant card next to a few lines of charlie. Ive told him he`s playing with fire as they have a bigger gang than him...

Many of the bravest souls in uniform are plod,would you,armed with a stick,take on a gunman or a sword wielding twat,NO,yet plod have done more since their inception.Don,t get me going about the bravery of the RUC and what they have put up with over the recent decades,bravery is used loosely at times,especially by nuggets that have never been in a situation where bravery mattered.

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Whats bollox about that morton ?. Explain.

If an explanation is needed,then its a waste of words,party on though.


Its like the muzzie debate, if you dont have plenty of first hand experience, you dont/wont/cant believe it goes on, after all these are the people that we are meant to trust and they are meant to protect and serve, pfft!

Trust, theres plenty of bent b*****ds rocking around with badges, and Im not talking your local village bobby on a bike... Even the straight fuckers push their luck, they know what they can and cant do, what they can explain away and none of it is in their codes of practice :whistling:

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