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Do The Police Tell Lies

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Hell yes they do they even make laws up to try and keep up the lie they are just a bunch of useless c**ts know point in involving them at all if anything gets stolen or owt like that I found fastest way is to do it yourself and bang a few heads in process all I say is f**k the police they don't even fight proper crime there too f***ing idle for that rather try and get us hunters and so on I am no fan of them

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What a f****n stupid statement, how many of us would cut our own arms off to get our kids back or give our own lives in exchange. It doesn't take away from the fact most police are lying pieces of sh

You sound like some who`s got their number on speed dial. Mental note made. I think you`ll find, when they are needed theyre nowhere to be seen, you only have to talk to somebody who`s needed them ur

@ 7 minutes he starts wailing like a baboon!

Yes most police are pigs in uniforms absolute Dinlos

now now do not insult pigs. Least their honest :D


Police are defiantly liers. And some if not most of them will when they know a person is lying in a statement about another person they will push it on regardless and usually harder at their own wish. Sick tbh.

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They certainly do, iv been charged a few times over police lies, even had them stand up in court and lie, on the over hand on one occasion two actually stood up in court and lied in my favour. Didn't help tho still got a guilty, but still nice of them

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How embarrassing......let's hope the guilty parties get the book thrown at them. if this is the face of law and order then God help us!


This is the law, no ifs about it.


& this is how they carry on in their private lives. Violent, aggresive, lying etc.


& when they are out of their depth they try to use the fact that they are OB to get them out of the situation.


& when that dont work start wailing like a baboon LOL

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Do we really know they are police officers?

More likely just saying any old bollocks to try and get off the hook.

if you click the link above the video ect it gives the full story but ill post the link here but yes they are all police officers

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What a f****n stupid statement, how many of us would cut our own arms off to get our kids back or give our own lives in exchange. It doesn't take away from the fact most police are lying pieces of shit who I'd like to see dead and buried.

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