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Green Party Fucktards

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I wouldn't worry about them, after reading that article they're not going anywhere. Powers that be will stop them dead if they look like causing problems.   And anyway, shouldn't she lead by example

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/green-party/11356354/Drugs-brothels-al-Qaeda-and-the-Beyonce-tax-the-Green-Party-plan-for-Britain.html No one even with the wildest of imaginations could mak

The Greens also want to ban cars..... Fairly insane, but about 6% of the population are going to vote for them ! They'll probably have at least one or two MPs, who will be making laws that affect the

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would we be in this shit if hitler had taken over ? libya fecked since the fall of gadaffi ? iraq fecked after saddams mob toppled ? if only we listened to enoch eh :thumbs: maybe some things are better left alone ,the whole worlds at war one way or another

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BGD Hitler was a left-wing socialist like some on here...Ukip will do miles better than the greens ...

Think you'll find the Nazis were right wing socialists, about as far to the right as its possible to get.. :yes:
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Guest ragumup

There is a general agreement that socialism is a left wing ideology same as Marxism, communism, (I include fascism) the best way to describe them all on the left is Collectivism as opposed to on the right ,Individualism (capitalism, free market)

Nazism is a collectivist movement.

Stalin's soviet union was a collectivist movement.

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If they did get in you'll find they NEED their cars for important work, they'll NEED to use fossil fuels to power their own genny for important work, they'll NEED to live somewhere away from all the immigrants for security reasons etc, etc.


They won't put up with all the crap they dish out to us, a bit like Russia / China and communism really. We live like peasants and they live it up.

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You're probably right, but the greens will use the environment as an excuse to rush in lots of things. can't see it being a problem to be honest though as they want to get rid of major industry. They want us to go back to cottage industries, and that means upsetting a lot of very wealthy and powerful folk.

You mark my words, if they even get close there'll be some unexplained car crashes about and some very strange deaths.

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They are seeking to end all hunting, shooting and fishing. Greyhound and horse racing will be banned and all dogs will require a licence. A further licence will be required in order to breed dogs.


They are also looking to end factory farming and switch the pu luc to a plant based diet...

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BGD Hitler was a left-wing socialist like some on here...Ukip will do miles better than the greens ...


Wow, you really do have no understanding of history or politics. Did you even finish secondary school? Don't think I've ever met someone so uneducated before.

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Guest ragumup

BDG I like you used to believe what the left wing educational system taught me but then I looked a bit deeper .....

Nazism is a collectivist movement...


Hitler quotes

"Basically national socialism and Marxism are the same"

"capitalism has run its course"

We are socialists we are the enemies of today's capitalist system"

I could go on ...

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There is a general agreement that socialism is a left wing ideology same as Marxism, communism, (I include fascism) the best way to describe them all on the left is Collectivism as opposed to on the right ,Individualism (capitalism, free market)

Nazism is a collectivist movement.

Stalin's soviet union was a collectivist movement.

You're wildly over simplifying with that statement.. I dont know one person who'd class facism or nazism as left wing, let alone a 'general agreement.'

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Guest ragumup

The general agreement is that socialism is left wing ... nazis is short for NAtonal soZIalismus the clue is in the name but a better word that covers all left wing ideology including facism is collectivism .

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