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How To Stop Dog Pulling On Lead

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Right people,


16 month old whippet pulling like a horse on the lead, tried walking in opposite direction, stopping every time he pulls, tugging and yanking him back, shortening his lead etc - all to no avail...


Thought he might have grown out of it but just getting worse and starting to proper piss me off now... It's not just in the field he does it but everywhere, initially kinda thought it's just the pup in him and its excitement and things would settle but even after an hour or so on the lead he still pulls like fook...


Any sensible help/tips/advice ???

Edited by zandy01
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Cor blimey. What a question. Know what, when you have a retriever ala springer, lab , etc it's almost the first thing you instill. Sit. Down.Heel. Stay. Fetch. Leave. Over. Down. (or variations of the same theme). I guess a lot of that doesn't happen with a running dog. OK I've had a few (3 actually) but have never asked them to do all of the above. Training meant that they ran the lamp, found and retrieved and looked for the next one. Not really asked to stay hard on the lead. I would know exactly how to keep a retriever to heel but in fairness never tried with a lurcher.Jok.

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