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Done My Back In Any Help Or Advice

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  On 07/03/2015 at 23:50, BIGLURKS said:

I've had a bad back for over 10 years there are no instant fixes I've had the spasms sciatica pain from a traped never we only ever got down too the bottom of it after I had a mri that showed I had 3 damaged disks and a damaged vertebrae and a prolapsed disk I went threw so much pain one would not believe too the point walking 200 m out the house was the breaking point crying on lying down on the pavement too crying trying too take a shit on the toilet too looking like the hunchback of notredam now for fixes there is none like they all say you should off paid better care too your back before it was broken is true we're all guilty off it just lifting some thing we should not have or doing something stupid like falling off a roof landing on steps and getting up and pretending like your a hard c**t and can carry on if you do go down the doctor route all I can say is get them c**ts too send you for a mri cos you don't know what's happening till you get that and the doctor route is long and full of drugs now don't get me wrong some drugs do help they are not fixes and can help you get About the house and I found yoga helped a little not enuf too get me off the morphine sounds pansy I know but yoga can help its all about strength in the muscles in your back too keep your spine properly aligned but the only thing that has put a fix on the condition I had was surgery and it's not too be taken lightly cos there are horror stories out there some folk feeling worse then before the surgery but for myne it worked too no gods amount I could kiss my surgeon that fixed myne too go threw the 6 months of not being able too walk or do much I could not even think about going out for a lamp or a dig too now being able too take long walks up mountains too enjoying a beer cos even when I was on the drugs I could not drink one can of beer would have me on the toilet for 4 hours not nice I can tell ya from a man that likes he's beer but if there is one advice I can give is try the cyriopractors they might fix you in the one session like they used too do for me but if they don't keep at your doctors for that mri is all the advice I can give

good read that , it always nice to know you not on your own with back pain, pm if you ever want a chat about this bloody terrible thing (bad back)

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You need to get down your local chemist mate and grab yourself a bottle of ... Man the f**k up lol .......

Don't let them fob you off with tabs get referred to the physio. My docs kept prescribing tablets (over a few years) and the xray showed nothing because my problem is muscular. I paid for a few differ

you could try a tens machine that gives out electric pulses its suppose to relax the muscle theres a setting depending on how strong you want them but i think you need to know exactly whats wrong firs

Ive had several MRI and CT scans now,as ive been bad with my back since i was 30 yeas old,I carried on working for another 19 years in absolute agony,the kind you can only describe as crying pain.

Now im on fortnightly injections of Humira for my back and arthiritis,£500 per injection.

Simply put i will never get better only worse,but with pain management at the moment i get by doing as much as i can.

By that i mean getting out of bed and trying to do normal things,like sitting down and not turning the air blue,because your stuck between pain and Opioids.

Edited by bwfc
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Chiropractors is a bloody good shout, I hurt my back jumping off a gate a few years back. Hurt like hell at the time but I toughed it out until a few weeks back when I slipped on an embankment covered in dead wet grass with a sheet of ally hidden under it! Could hardly move until I went to the chiropractor, 1 X-ray later and it showed a disc half the size it should be at the bottom, had 10 sessions and am pretty much back to normal. Got a load more to do before I'm sorted out! Get down the chiros!

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Used to work with disadvantaged young people and went sailing on a tall ship. We where at sea for about 10 days loads of bending tyiing ropes etc. Got home picked a 1 year old baby up and felt like someone tasered me with 10,000 volts. Needed gas and air to get me out the house. So basically your back can go at anytime. Best thing to do is get walking and stretching asap.

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I had a bad back last year, pain across me lower back, i couldn't tie me boots, kept waking up in the night, i just tried to keep walking it off, i could walk steady but not bend it. One morning i parked up, got the dogs out the back of the van and walked down a wet grassy bank, its steep at the end and both feet went from under me on the wet grass, i jerked my shoulders backwards instinctively and heard a crunch, the pain made me feel sick, but i still managed to have a steady walk round. It was sore for a few days, then completely cured :laugh: Just a lucky accident, and not much use as a cure.

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  On 06/03/2015 at 21:29, Cleanspade said:

hi folks ive done my back in on the lower left side. i can hardly feckin walk and get a sharp pain not unlike a bad cramp that drops me like a stone one minute i'm trying to walk the next i'm on the deck. in a fair bit of pain :icon_eek: . the doc has given me pain killers and anti inflamatories and says the muscle may be pressing on a nerve. i was wondering if any of you have had the same and how did it work out. :hmm:


Had more or less the same.


Get yourself booked in for a sports massage. Hurts like nothing else but sorts it out. Tablets will do bugger all for you.

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