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Advice On Runaway Lurcher

Guest alcapone

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Guest alcapone

Ive a 6mth old saluki x lurcher bitch,she has always been fine on and off the lead alone and with other dogs when i walk her. A couple of mths ago she lagged back on a walk abd woukd'nt come to me when we were ready for leaving the field for home,i walked towards her and she went back uo the field 100yds or so when i walked towards her again she went back again,i walked off the field and left her there,she did eventually follow me back to the house and i put her away,didnt let her off the lead for weeks after. This evening i walked her with another dog and let her off the lead,she took off up the field and went about 400yds,i called her and she just stood looking,called her again and she took off,continued my walk (was about 9pm so dark) and when i got home she was nowhere to bee seen,jumped in the motor and had a quick spin see if i could see her,but nothing,id given up and about 20mins ago i looked out the window and she was on the drive,ears in the air and looking a bit panicked,i went out,she was sheepish but plsd to see me,have just put her back in the kennel and left her. Any suggestion as to why she is just deafing me out and taking off and any advice on correction,im not a patient person but really do like this pup,had her since 10wk old dont want to be hasty with her but the running off is not practical in a lamping dog. Thanks in advance,id prefer replies of lads and lasses that have had this problem and corrected it not just online experts with their 2 pence wirth.

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It's the dogs version of 'puberty'. Just hand feed her for a week and she'll be fine...if she don't come back then she's going to be awful hungry. They all come back.

dont think it would be hard for a dog to out smart most of the feckers on here LOL

this dog, had the same problem, recall, was when he wanted to come to me, I received this dog when he was about 10 months old, his training was about zero, and he was extremely nervous, the only way

Guest alcapone

She is out all the time slip lead,90% the time she is fine then has bouts of "fcuk you" and does as she pleases,she is walked everyday over the fields,fed the best and had heat lamp in her shed all winter,shout her in the yard she is straight back to you,just these isolated bouts im looking to sort,thanks.

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You ever whacked her or shouted at her for not coming back? (or more importantly shouted at her when she did finally come back after f*cking off somewhere?)

Sounds like she's scared of what will happen when she gets back to you? She might be a sensitive dog?

I've never owned a saluki cross but I've heard they can be stand offish sometimes, maybe she's just trying to stay out for a longer walk and burn off some more energy with or without you?

I'd take it back to basics and start recall training from the start again. Plenty of treats and lots of stupid girly voices maybe?

All the best with the pup. Hope you get it sorted.

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Back to basics I'd say, long line and a pocket full of treats when you take her out. Could also try getting her out on her own without the other dogs for a bit more one on one bonding and training.


I've heard saluki x's can be a pain with the recall but you'll get there in the end, atb :thumbs:

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Had a blue 1st cross dog do exactly the same thing at the time my dogs lived in kennels the only thing that put a stop.to it was having the dog live in the house at the time I.was getting.about with an old.boy he was the one who.told me to take the dog out of kennel in to home and bingo 2 months latter the dog wouldn't leave my side and.was very quick on recall

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I had a small whippet cross that did exactly the same at the same age, she would be great until we got 100 yards to the gate out of the field to be put on a lead then she would do the same.

If i walked after her she backed off further, it was nothing to do with Bonding in my case just a dog being a naughty pup, as soon as she saw someone else she would bound up to them and have her lead put on, i used to sit at that gate and have to get my missus to appear then she would run up to her and no probs.


Had nothing to do with bonding, being shouted at or smacked at all, at about 10 months old it all went away and she was one of the best dogs i ever had, for workingh and loyalty and bonding.


It will sort out.....dont lose your temper with her.....good luck

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Guest alcapone

Yes hands up i have been guilty of shouting at her,ususlly for tangling herself up in the other dogs lead as she flys by,she is far from quiete she is stone mad just isolated cases,she has never been struck,she isnt phased with getting shouted at will come straight back regardless put the lead on her and she is grand,these are just a few isolated incidents and there seems to be no reason for them,i will go back to basics with her but if i let her off this evening she will more than likely just come back as normal no problem but in 3/4wks she will do it again,if other dogs are off with her she necer does it it seens to be only when she is loose on her own,soon as i let her off she is like a rocket gone over the field spinning and playing shout her and she is straight back so its not a constant problem,i dont feel the shouting bothers her as if she tangles uo or bowels the other dog over on the lead if i shout she just stands wagging her tail then we walk on and she goes off in front playing again,if it was all the time or she was shy id say she is sensitive natured but she is far far from it. Maybe walk her alone and more one to one see if we cant stop it. Thanks for replies lads.

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Guest alcapone

Will try the hand feeding JD ,she istnt timid or anything like that,puberty sounds right......have 2 daughters doing the same!!!! Mood swings and sarctasm......im just greatful dogs dont talk!lpl

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When you leave her off the lead, you say she bolts off up the field. In my eye that is one of the causes of the problem, that and it's age. The dog thinks that once the lead comes off it can do as it wants. Make the dog walk at heel with the lead off and only let it have a run when you tell it to.



Edited by tiercel
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