billhardy 2,343 Posted September 17, 2017 Report Share Posted September 17, 2017 Nobody fancy using Bird's 'Buck' at stud? Lovely temperament, tracks all game. Good line going begging. :no:Hope you don't mind me advertising your dog Get big buck over a grey bitch, I think there could be some good all rounders come out of that I think coursing bitch would be better than a cast off greyhound I never said a cast off greyhound what about a A1 distance bitch, the very best quality you can get your hands on True there's not many that do scource decent grey blood which is a shame when you think on a first cross it's half the breeding. Nobody fancy using Bird's 'Buck' at stud? Lovely temperament, tracks all game. Good line going begging. :no:Hope you don't mind me advertising your dog Get big buck over a grey bitch, I think there could be some good all rounders come out of that I think coursing bitch would be better than a cast off greyhound I never said a cast off greyhound what about a A1 distance bitch, the very best quality you can get your hands on . Marvel yas right they would be very serviceable animals and giving it a thought how many folk need something that can run fa ten hrs three nights a week, I don't know what bucks stamina like I expect he will have plenty fa what's expected of him ,if one don't need the traits fa what alsation a xs bred for go elsewhere try just plain old generation lulurchers from line a working stock.,I believe some folk can get dissulusioned ,alsation said ain't bull terriers and neither are there xs if one feels the traits of a terrier type needed addit,to the line .still not guaranteed it gonna Nick ,same shad sa Uki stamina often misses on the first gen ,then we the ability to recover the alsation xs not the best fa these qualities but fear not the worst .adding saluki ta any f1 bred Lurcher his a big gamble now breeding to generation stock from generation stock yas stacking the odds in yas favour . one has more chance of producing the traight the lines rewnowned for thinking of just putting this with that will give yas that ,his just plain ignorance of livestock breeding .ask all the old coursing men the bull xs men the terrier men we can all produce tote straights because this breeds does this and that breed that lol that just what it reality some will follow the sire some the dam and maybe just maybe the odd uns have the qualities of both And yas guarantee a few with neither .atb bunnys Maybe you should slow down and type your posts properly.[/quote. Maybe yas right but ain't one fa hanging around I have just been watch a young bitch run a few runs in the time I last posted and now supping a coffee.dont hang around its not in my nature atbbunnys. 2 Quote Link to post
keepdiggin 9,561 Posted September 18, 2017 Report Share Posted September 18, 2017 Nobody fancy using Bird's 'Buck' at stud? Lovely temperament, tracks all game. Good line going begging. :no:Hope you don't mind me advertising your dog Ray.lolGet big buck over a grey bitch, I think there could be some good all rounders come out of that I think coursing bitch would be better than a cast off greyhoundI never said a cast off greyhound what about a A1 distance bitch, the very best quality you can get your hands on True there's not many that do scource decent grey blood which is a shame when you think on a first cross it's half the breeding. what running dogs do you have out of curiosity Quote Link to post
Chid 6,615 Posted September 18, 2017 Report Share Posted September 18, 2017 Nobody fancy using Bird's 'Buck' at stud? Lovely temperament, tracks all game. Good line going begging. :no:Hope you don't mind me advertising your dog Ray.lolGet big buck over a grey bitch, I think there could be some good all rounders come out of that I think coursing bitch would be better than a cast off greyhoundI never said a cast off greyhound what about a A1 distance bitch, the very best quality you can get your hands on True there's not many that do scource decent grey blood which is a shame when you think on a first cross it's half the breeding. what running dogs do you have out of curiosity What do you have ?? Quote Link to post
billhardy 2,343 Posted September 18, 2017 Report Share Posted September 18, 2017 Out of curiosity fa those wanting ta breed there bitches , and thinking of shepherd types collies etc,Buck will be a much better option he will give bitches with strength no matter how tall or small in height that's the way of alsation get him used let's see what he throws it would be a darn waste ta let the opportunity pass he will fill the frames out on welps from light stock bitches strengthen the constitution with out using bull .what his there to offer on here has a stud better than Buck in the shepherd cur type studs. I'll tell thee nothing .atb bunnys.and has far has greyhounds go my old lamping buddy a pro grey trainer he has hundred plus greys up there mostly owned by celebs ,when we talk hounds he will always say I ain't got a poor bred uns on the kennels crash west mead hawk thoncho stuff .stayers sprinters the fullspecrum the xs from a grey and Buck would be very interesting and more than enough hound fa the average Lurcher keeper. Atbbunnys. 4 Quote Link to post
billhardy 2,343 Posted September 18, 2017 Report Share Posted September 18, 2017 Out of curiosity fa those wanting ta breed there bitches , and thinking of shepherd types collies etc,Buck will be a much better option he will give bitches with strength no matter how tall or small in height that's the way of alsation get him used let's see what he throws it would be a darn waste ta let the opportunity pass he will fill the frames out on welps from light stock bitches strengthen the constitution with out using bull .what his there to offer on here has a stud better than Buck in the shepherd cur type studs. I'll tell thee nothing .atb bunnys.and has far has greyhounds go my old lamping buddy a pro grey trainer he has hundred plus greys up there mostly owned by celebs ,when we talk hounds he will always say I ain't got a poor bred uns on the kennels crash west mead hawk thoncho stuff .stayers sprinters the fullspecrum the xs from a grey and Buck would be very interesting and more than enough hound fa the average Lurcher keeper. Atbbunnys.. And on a note not all f1alation xs when put to greys throw all hounds welps some throw them just right with abit extra pace.atb bunnys 1 Quote Link to post
keepdiggin 9,561 Posted September 18, 2017 Report Share Posted September 18, 2017 Nobody fancy using Bird's 'Buck' at stud? Lovely temperament, tracks all game. Good line going begging. :no:Hope you don't mind me advertising your dog Ray.lolGet big buck over a grey bitch, I think there could be some good all rounders come out of that I think coursing bitch would be better than a cast off greyhoundI never said a cast off greyhound what about a A1 distance bitch, the very best quality you can get your hands on True there's not many that do scource decent grey blood which is a shame when you think on a first cross it's half the breeding. what running dogs do you have out of curiosity What do you have ??bull x 7 year old bitch had a few good seasons didnt do much last season as my son was born. Used mainly for mooching now. I was hoping to get a wheaton x grey but the bitch never took. Have an American bulldog that likes to work as well? 1 Quote Link to post
roybo 2,873 Posted September 18, 2017 Report Share Posted September 18, 2017 Maxhardcore was offering marathon and staying greyhound s free of charge for stud ,if I wanted greyhound blood i'd be asking him if the offer was still there . 2 Quote Link to post
Marvel 471 Posted September 18, 2017 Report Share Posted September 18, 2017 Nobody fancy using Bird's 'Buck' at stud? Lovely temperament, tracks all game. Good line going begging. :no:Hope you don't mind me advertising your dog Ray.lolGet big buck over a grey bitch, I think there could be some good all rounders come out of that I think coursing bitch would be better than a cast off greyhoundI never said a cast off greyhound what about a A1 distance bitch, the very best quality you can get your hands on True there's not many that do scource decent grey blood which is a shame when you think on a first cross it's half the breeding. what running dogs do you have out of curiosity What do you have ?? Grey/deer and a grey/bedlington 1 Quote Link to post
Marvel 471 Posted September 18, 2017 Report Share Posted September 18, 2017 Out of curiosity fa those wanting ta breed there bitches , and thinking of shepherd types collies etc,Buck will be a much better option he will give bitches with strength no matter how tall or small in height that's the way of alsation get him used let's see what he throws it would be a darn waste ta let the opportunity pass he will fill the frames out on welps from light stock bitches strengthen the constitution with out using bull .what his there to offer on here has a stud better than Buck in the shepherd cur type studs. I'll tell thee nothing .atb bunnys.and has far has greyhounds go my old lamping buddy a pro grey trainer he has hundred plus greys up there mostly owned by celebs ,when we talk hounds he will always say I ain't got a poor bred uns on the kennels crash west mead hawk thoncho stuff .stayers sprinters the fullspecrum the xs from a grey and Buck would be very interesting and more than enough hound fa the average Lurcher keeper. Atbbunnys.. And on a note not all f1alation xs when put to greys throw all hounds welps some throw them just right with abit extra pace.atb bunnys I think it'll be a shame if the likes of big buck doesn't go to a quality greyhound or coursing type or very good line of lurcherxlurcher Quote Link to post
roybo 2,873 Posted September 18, 2017 Report Share Posted September 18, 2017 I'd be looking to see him work before I recommending buck ,I have it on good authority off a couple of lads that I've been out with that's he's a good sort ,but you want to know it suited YOU. And whether a coursing type or greyhound well you'd have to make that choice depending on what you do 1 Quote Link to post
billhardy 2,343 Posted September 18, 2017 Report Share Posted September 18, 2017 I think it's a good point what Roy saying ,and those thinling on using Buck must remember this look at him has a very good f1collie type xs but lots stronger and more,thinking of these attributes he may or may not posses ,one looks what he will bring to a bitch line and what you do need and want could be real animal fa the lurcherman with a line bred xs bull type from the Arthur line have seen the the saluki xs bull types from pie etc and some good ones at that ,but if one likes strength to maintained and some general hardiness the Buck dog will give yas all that and more than most collie xes will if one feels they like tradition mixing him with a collie lurched line will add quality and if not improve them maintain ability and a good mouth ,myself have not seen Buck work walked out with him from a welp but likes a told ray he has seveloped just has mostly all the alsation types I have experience off ,mostly they don't like the hard biting teeth but odd uns do the best I seen was a bitch twenty six f1 loved them above ought else , working animals for yas .how many of us have animals bred for a job then they wed to other species of animals lol atbbunnys. Quote Link to post
Jimmy M 14 Posted September 23, 2017 Report Share Posted September 23, 2017 I think it's a good point what Roy saying ,and those thinling on using Buck must remember this look at him has a very good f1collie type xs but lots stronger and more,thinking of these attributes he may or may not posses ,one looks what he will bring to a bitch line and what you do need and want could be real animal fa the lurcherman with a line bred xs bull type from the Arthur line have seen the the saluki xs bull types from pie etc and some good ones at that ,but if one likes strength to maintained and some general hardiness the Buck dog will give yas all that and more than most collie xes will if one feels they like tradition mixing him with a collie lurched line will add quality and if not improve them maintain ability and a good mouth ,myself have not seen Buck work walked out with him from a welp but likes a told ray he has seveloped just has mostly all the alsation types I have experience off ,mostly they don't like the hard biting teeth but odd uns do the best I seen was a bitch twenty six f1 loved them above ought else , working animals for yas .how many of us have animals bred for a job then they wed to other species of animals lol atbbunnys. these dugs aint never going ti amount till nothing worthy of feedn....... no disrespect bill hardy Theres no egine in them dugs. Addinng more greyound is making matters worse. Fukn youseless unless its purpose bread. Quote Link to post
billhardy 2,343 Posted September 23, 2017 Report Share Posted September 23, 2017 Depends what one calls a engine ,some get confused with animals staying five minutes per run three runs maybe five if exceptionall animal.flooring good numbers of heavy stuff staying the distance through a long nights work totally different ball game alsation xs will stay the course through the winter da what they bred for ,that can not be said of some of the Long winded type a runners , the grey will take aways stamina ,but alsation ain't a average base type animal ,they can stay a nights graft I have owned them and they done just that I believe opinions are rightly that but facts through experience of several of a xs will stand fa me .any three quarter type usually takes aways some ability to run fa longer,like it's been proven with coursing dogs this his not always the case depends lots of how they Nick or throw. Atb bunnys. Quote Link to post
billhardy 2,343 Posted September 23, 2017 Report Share Posted September 23, 2017 Out of curiosity fa those wanting ta breed there bitches , and thinking of shepherd types collies etc,Buck will be a much better option he will give bitches with strength no matter how tall or small in height that's the way of alsation get him used let's see what he throws it would be a darn waste ta let the opportunity pass he will fill the frames out on welps from light stock bitches strengthen the constitution with out using bull .what his there to offer on here has a stud better than Buck in the shepherd cur type studs. I'll tell thee nothing .atb bunnys.and has far has greyhounds go my old lamping buddy a pro grey trainer he has hundred plus greys up there mostly owned by celebs ,when we talk hounds he will always say I ain't got a poor bred uns on the kennels crash west mead hawk thoncho stuff .stayers sprinters the fullspecrum the xs from a grey and Buck would be very interesting and more than enough hound fa the average Lurcher keeper. Atbbunnys. . And on a note not all f1alation xs when put to greys throw all hounds welps some throw them just right with abit extra pace.atb bunnys I think it'll be ra shame if the likes of big buck doesn't go to a quality greyhound or coursing type or very good line of lurcherxlurcher . I wa thinking of getting him used on a f1 whippetgreyhard bitch around twenty for five but the owner of the bitch was in to only rabbits and Charlie and wanted to go smaller not larger lol fear not where though tread I tell him he told me feck off lol.atb bunnys. 1 Quote Link to post
billhardy 2,343 Posted September 23, 2017 Report Share Posted September 23, 2017 On a serious note there's not the available handlers wanting work this type of Lurcher breeding a load of welps even culling down yas still got find homes mostly working homes because they need stimulation,what I would say I about Buck he carries lots of the grey ,easier round the yard etc more to the grey a bonus if thy don't need a guarding animal in yas Lurcher my experience with the first f1s we bred they were very full on and would easily take out a man and a few did I think fa lurchers Buck ideal fa strengthening a light framed line ,then of course with unknown stock meaning another knowing what he gonna throw ,animals have tendencies of throwing back ,and he may well produce the loyal guarding defensive traits the alsation rewnowned fir in his offspring could just be laying dormant .it will be there somewhere he bred off good base stock .atb bunnys Quote Link to post
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