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Whippet Pups

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Don't know tbh mate,his name usually provokes a similar reaction as a Hancock thread on here :laugh: Never had a dog off him but a few on here have,and certainly knocked some stuff over with them...my ferreting pal races whippets ,been to watch a few times,mention Sooty Sam there and its like farting in church,apparently quite a few newbies to the racing "scene" have turned up with descendents of his ,and all been a mile off the pace :yes: Having said that I wouldn't want one from the racing lines....fast as fook :yes: ,but delicate feet and fragile bodies are only going to end badly in the field...From the ones Ive seen off Mike Brown they certainly have a bit more substance about them,heavier boned etc :thumbs:

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Shop about mate the sooty and strike bloodlines were very slow but to be honest they had fantastic Noses on them I'm not sure that they have greater working ability than others though that's just my opinion . Also I know that people say the racing stuff are small frigid things with shit feet but there is a 31 lb racing champion (a real racing champion) npwrch and wrch) that has brilliant feet and is around 20tts I'm yet to see a racing whippet over 26lb that has bad structure and structure. Just my opinion lads

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There's plenty out there, especially grews and large whippets, but I would keep well away from people asking £300-£600 for a worker unless you won't show dog with a piece of paper that's normally a load of old b#$###.


Got one about 3 years ago, bloke was asking £150 and got some lucky money back as well..

Edited by slip lead
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