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Jihadi John's Family Parasites

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Farage just been on news.wants a points system like Australia. No criminal record allowed.no claiming of benefits for 5yrs and only after they psyed tax.only skilled workers allowed.not rocket science

I'm not one for threads like this and am in no way educated on the subjects of this type but.   I Find it sick, thinking of all the homeless veteran soldiers and such like treated like mud of people

Come on now lads don't be harsh your going upset plummerterrier pesky and joe and then they have come on here telling us we need enriched multiculturalism dole dossing parasites in are country...

Countless thousands, they should be dragged from their beds in the night and put on a plane back, along with all the other parasitic vermin we are paying to keep in the lap of luxury, it really is a bridge too far, all spawned by the liberal left scum in power.And these are the vermin we are told enrich our poor culture less English lives, I cant wait to see what the lefty arse lickers come up with to defend this one, over to you scumbags.

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they should send them back , stripped of there assets, the da up to neck in it to, he not working in Kuwait he got no skills, he was doing the double driving taxi in London he earn more at that.......the da his lifeline an that why he there

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We People Be Shocked Reading This . . . Sadly Not At All .

We All Know What's Going On As Do Those Who Claim These a People En-Rich Our Lives & If We Dare Question Why There Here They Scream RACIST .

We House Them Educate Them And Embrace There Culture While Our Own Are Ignored . . How Many Oap's Have Struggled To Eat & Heat Themselves This Winter 1000s Id Say !!

Problem Is There Here Now & Aint Going Anywhere In Fact As We Speak More Will Be Coming Here Daily To Better There Way Of Life While Destroying Ours !!

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Farage just been on news.wants a points system like Australia. No criminal record allowed.no claiming of benefits for 5yrs and only after they psyed tax.only skilled workers allowed.not rocket science is it.

Edited by Qbgrey
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Listened to the interview this cock gave a few years back on the news yesterday, he claims police arrested him armed with Kalashnikov s. When have the police over here ever been issued with these. He's full of shite. Hiks whole family should be shipped out on a leaky boat past a naval gunnery range.

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drag them out of bed ship them out to the shithole they can from im not one for busting your bubble but arent most asian sex groomers born here and hold british passorts has for illegals the gov has admitted it doesnt know how many there are or were they are and those extremists that join isis or are brain washed over here are either british born or are converts to islam and theres plenty of lazy white scum that hammer the system that have never paid in to it yet live better than those who have the self respect enough to work even though they would be better of claiming or the fact alot of muslims see education has a important part of growing up there studying hard to get better jobs thus paying more taxes while alot white kids doss about and have no get up and go any more because everythings to easy for them its moderate muslims you will need to beat extremists and if anyones to blame its the folk who voted for cnuts like blair and the other lefty barstools in and villa man i know a few black lads that are english and proud

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Because they have been given all this money, they have no respect for it,like spoiled kids turning on there parents when they don't get what they want,they have never gone hungry, or had to work for there rent, that's the typical case of, I want cos I have human rights, it wouldn't surprise me,if they didn't put his family into protection now, as far as I am concerned anything that carries his genes is a enemy to the world,and he has made it that way, something for his family to thank him for,there stay in the UK is untenable and should end now, tear up there asylum papers,


And offer a huge reward to the soldier/person that nails this cowardly B*****d, and I can tel you a cheer will go up in more than this country,

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Time we weeded out all the scrounging lazy buggers wherever they hail from. Put benefits on a card system so that parents can't spend the money supposedly for kids on beer fags or drugs and Stop looking after all these imigrants that rape the system and our kids.

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