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Christchurch School , Hampstead London , Satanic Child Killing/sexual Abuse .

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The judicial system is rigged with Masons who cover for their brothers. These children can not get a fair hearing and this case can not be fairly investigated by corrupt police and judicial system that was designed intentionally to protect the very people these children are accusing. Evil satanic filth !

Its f***ing bizarre. Reminds me of the film Kill list, when I saw that, I thought its probably not a million miles away from the truth. Money talks, and the peado`s walk.

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[bANNED TEXT], do you mean like Jimmy SaVILLE, Cyril Smith, Leon Brittan. No they just wait for them to die before its allowed in the media, why? so they dont bubble anyone else higher up the paedo ch

Says they cut a baby's head off and wore it round there neck, must admit I find that hard to believe ?

omg why arnt these kids being protected........... faces on view in the second video....... seriously dont know what to make of this ...

It looks like something's going on, and its in the courts of justice for a "fact finding case" or more likely a "stall" for them to cover up anyone with clout/money? It says the kids have been examined and have been sexually abused, probably won't get an airing before the election? Some of it sounds a bit far fetched, but look what's happened and who's been outed in the last couple of years, i wouldn't have believed half of what's turned out to be true a few years back.

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Crimes of this magnitude can only be hidden from the media/courts/prosecution by the "elite" of the Establishment. And its happening in lots of other countrys not just Britain. I posted a link on another thread about the MPs and its all in the Public domain but nothing is being done about it.

Edited by MickC
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Oh its bizzare alright, people dont beleive in the devil, satan, lucifer, whatever you want to call him, its the best trick he ever pulled!


But even if they do turn out to be devil worshippers it don't mean the devil exists QB, you'll be getting fitted for a tinfoil hat shortly mate :laugh:

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How do you think these sick b*****ds can commit this sodomizing, how evil do you have to be to do this mate, im not kooking for a row truther but do you think theres a chemical imbalance or something, mate il give you one man to look up alestier crowley, I know you research mate, so check him out, an youl find some answers.

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The info told by the children is very graphic and detailed, which makes me believe there is truth to this. Children dont talk like that unless they have experienced it.britians high society be it celebs, judges even police and social service are involved in a mass pedophile spiders web which spreads globaly to the highest levels.this cesspool of abuse happens right under the noses of the sheeple and people are blind to it.corruption on a monumental scale. The chance of any of them being jailed are pretty slim.but the chain must be broken and people will have to fight tooth and nail for justice. I believe if the truth was ever exposed the government would crumble and this country would topple like a house of cards.that is why they stick together like it or not my friends its out there and it happening and is very frightening.

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How do you think these sick b*****ds can commit this sodomizing, how evil do you have to be to do this mate, im not kooking for a row truther but do you think theres a chemical imbalance or something, mate il give you one man to look up alestier crowley, I know you research mate, so check him out, an youl find some answers.


I know about Crowley QB, one sick individual no doubt about that. Iv'e no idea why people do these sick things mate? Not wired up properly, chemical imbalance maybe? But my point is even if they worship the devil, claim he's real, it don't make him real, only in their heads. It's like saying people can't do good things unless they believe in god, we all know that's not true, so on the same lines people can do evil without a devil, if you get me? I don't want to hijack this thread mate, not right when it looks like kids have suffered, i just hope it gets sorted for them, and the people responsible get rooted out properly, no matter why they did it.

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How do you think these sick b*****ds can commit this sodomizing, how evil do you have to be to do this mate, im not kooking for a row truther but do you think theres a chemical imbalance or something, mate il give you one man to look up alestier crowley, I know you research mate, so check him out, an youl find some answers.

I know about Crowley QB, one sick individual no doubt about that. Iv'e no idea why people do these sick things mate? Not wired up properly, chemical imbalance maybe? But my point is even if they worship the devil, claim he's real, it don't make him real, only in their heads. It's like saying people can't do good things unless they believe in god, we all know that's not true, so on the same lines people can do evil without a devil, if you get me? I don't want to hijack this thread mate, not right when it looks like kids have suffered, i just hope it gets sorted for them, and the people responsible get rooted out properly, no matter why they did it.

Truther mate a.c was a smart man its not to day he stupid mate, he was smart, he openly worshipped satan mate nof if or buts about it, , his thelema religon was just just that, satan worship, wrapped up niceley, his book,, book of the law, is a work against christianity, mate check out the theosophical soceity, h.p blavasky, freemasonary, occult, new age, channeling, occult, kabala, they all have the same message now listen clearly, they all deny the diety of jesus, an explain away christianity, whats that all about, if these things are not real an thats only a few I mentioned above, why the fudge have they got the same message, deny jesus christ, mate look into it further, its there in black an white.

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