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This Fella Needs A Medal

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Are you really this stupid? Im sure the victims of peados would rather they were sentenced to the electric chair than a prison sentence same with the family of murder victims. If they had both been fried they would both have been killed before now. Are you honestly not getting this?

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I see this the other day he should have time knocked off his sentence he done the world a service

He should be the judge in the current grooming scandals over here

Make it legal to take the life of a convicted paedophile......have them in the general population of prison systems.......and you see how quickly this " illness " is cured......good old fashioned stre

  On 03/03/2015 at 15:27, Plummerterrier said:

Are you really this stupid? Im sure the victims of peados would rather they were sentenced to the electric chair than a prison sentence same with the family of murder victims. If they had both been fried they would both have been killed before now. Are you honestly not getting this?

yeah you want to fry everybody but I think if it was put to the vote an one had to go the peado be sizzling :thumbs:

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Good way to back peddle . There is no vote one or the other has never been the case the both deserve to die. You should have apologised or at least fessed upnthat you didn't understand what i wrote after you tried to make me look like ibwas sympathising withbthe peado

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  On 03/03/2015 at 15:43, Plummerterrier said:

Good way to back peddle . There is no vote one or the other has never been the case the both deserve to die. You should have apologised or at least fessed upnthat you didn't understand what i wrote after you tried to make me look like ibwas sympathising withbthe peado


Every one is intitled to an opinion mate,just because yours is different to the majority of other people's does not make them stupid.atb

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Make it legal to take the life of a convicted paedophile......have them in the general population of prison systems.......and you see how quickly this " illness " is cured......good old fashioned street justice never did society any harm !

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  On 03/03/2015 at 16:17, gnasher16 said:

Make it legal to take the life of a convicted paedophile......have them in the general population of prison systems.......and you see how quickly this " illness " is cured......good old fashioned street justice never did society any harm !


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  On 03/03/2015 at 15:51, Plummerterrier said:

The guy tried to make me look like i was siding with a peodo because he couldnt understand what I wrote. If anyone agrees everybody is entitled to an opinion its me buybdomt make me out as something im not

it wasn't a misunderstanding I just didn't agree with you.an how you felt about it well that your problem

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  On 03/03/2015 at 16:17, gnasher16 said:

Make it legal to take the life of a convicted paedophile......have them in the general population of prison systems.......and you see how quickly this " illness " is cured......good old fashioned street justice never did society any harm !


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