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Long Net Info

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I've seen you guys using what I believe is termed a "long net" while ferreting. I've read lots about your purse nets, but I'm having a little trouble finding much about your long nets. Where would I buy one (I'm in the U.S. so it will most likely need to be online), what material is best, and what other considerations should I know about before purchasing a long net?

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The first one would be to find out if it is legal to use one in your state, you could end up with a costly mistake otherwise..




Yep, that's pretty important. I would be using it on Jack Rabbits which have no protection what so ever in my state.

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The first one would be to find out if it is legal to use one in your state, you could end up with a costly mistake otherwise..




Yep, that's pretty important. I would be using it on Jack Rabbits which have no protection what so ever in my state.


I was told once if the rules do not say you can do it, then you cannot. It's like ferreting, that is banned in most of the states, no matter what species you are ferreting for.


I know most of the American laws are very similar to Canadian, and long nets are banned in Ontario. I would honestly get on to the wildlife officer and find out for sure before you invest, and a long net capable of holding a Jack rabbit would not be cheap.



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