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For 1 Million Pounds?

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oh look here I'm getting it.  1. I'm not a natural blonde you p***k   2. Stealthy was having a joke, he didn't personally attack you, like you did his mrs.   3. If you can't join in on banter don

No...but I'd persuade the misses to

Floating crust or what The reason I asked was, because a couple of the lads I drink with had a bit of a spat when we set off for town. One lad said to the other, have you got any ginger in your fam

Floating crust or what :laugh: The reason I asked was, because a couple of the lads I drink with had a bit of a spat when we set off for town. One lad said to the other, have you got any ginger in your family? No we haven't you prick, why do you ask? The other lad said, when I was round your house today, your lad looked ginger when the sun shone on his hair, and that was it, the argument, the shoving, the sumo wrestling. So anyway, it blew over, the last few hours of the night were spent debating how much you'd want to become ginger, well it started off at zillions, but by last orders it had dropped to a million quid :laugh:


And by the way Peter, my ginger mate thought the whole thing was hilarious, the only thing he had to add was that he wanted it in the contract that he didn't pass it on to his kids :laugh: Seems some folk have a problem with it, and some don't, cheers for your input folks :thumbs:

Thanks for sticking up for me Mo :thumbs:

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Floating crust or what :laugh: The reason I asked was, because a couple of the lads I drink with had a bit of a spat when we set off for town. One lad said to the other, have you got any ginger in your family? No we haven't you prick, why do you ask? The other lad said, when I was round your house today, your lad looked ginger when the sun shone on his hair, and that was it, the argument, the shoving, the sumo wrestling. So anyway, it blew over, the last few hours of the night were spent debating how much you'd want to become ginger, well it started off at zillions, but by last orders it had dropped to a million quid :laugh:


And by the way Peter, my ginger mate thought the whole thing was hilarious, the only thing he had to add was that he wanted it in the contract that he didn't pass it on to his kids :laugh: Seems some folk have a problem with it, and some don't, cheers for your input folks :thumbs:

Thanks for sticking up for me Mo :thumbs:


No worries :thumbs:


But your buying my next hair dye for my troubles :laugh:

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I said to my son, "Where you going?"

He said, "I'm off on a blind date."

I said, "Don't forget to wear a... you know."

He said, "What?"

I said, "You know."

He said, "Do you mean a condom?"

I said, "No, a f***ing hat you ginger c**t."

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