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One of my dogs(aged eight) has deveopled these over the last year or so and has three or four removed by ligature. He had more develop the last couple of weeks, one under the skin on his flank, a small one on his forehead and one on his rear which he chewed and became sore so we were at the vets Saturday for some tablets and an injection. I just wondered if anybody elses dog had suffred from them?

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My old white lurcher has had a few, she's nearly 13 years old. I just squeeze the cottage cheesy stuff out until it bleeds then disinfect it and it scabs up and the scab comes off and its no more problem. Probably not the correct thing to do as it probably mangles the sebacious gland, but I've always done it and never had a problem. My old Deer/Grey got a couple when she was getting on a bit.


PS Just re-read your post S, and maybe we're not talking about the same thing as these wouldn't have been able to be removed by ligature: think of a black head enlarged a lot just poking through the skin, then when you squeeze it thick crumbly cottage cheesy like stuff keeps on coming out. Is that the same as yours or not? Are you sure your's weren't polyps or skin tags?

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My old dog got lumps, it is quite common when they are old and do not usually cause a problem. Sebaceous cysts are usually mostly underneath the surface of the skin and are as Skycat describes.

Above the skin in older dogs are usually warts or tumours.


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