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Welcome to the forum, try participating before asking a blunt question with no information

Thanks for reply


the pup is male 12 week old , purchased after going out with freinds and watching for a couple of years and talking the mrs around, was wondering what height he would go to, what to expect from the dog, would also like to see some pics if any body has any



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Good luck with the dog. I assume you saw his Sire/Dam, so that should give you an idea of how tall he is likely to get.


As to how he will run, that, in my limited experience, depends largely on your input and training, though of course some dogs will not perform well regardless of the training they receive, these are the rare exception rather than the rule.


lt isn't a car, or a factory produced machine, so your question '' ...what do they run like?...'', whilst well meaning is somewhat redundant, he is a living thinking creature, not the sum of his genetic make-up, he has the drive to hunt and kill, the physical make-up of an efficient hunter and hopefully is willing and eager to learn.

The rest is up to you. good luck

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