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Travel Sickness

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Nowt worse than that smell creeping up your nostrils on a journey. .I've had a couple dogs with travel sickness usually ok on motorways but hit the mountain roads and up it comes..I now feed early the day before a long journey and if all else fails wear gloves and a hat and wind windows down in motor lol

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Here's what I'd advise.

1. Keep the travel sickness pills for when you have to do a long journey.

2. Take the pup for a short drive every day. Put a blanket on the passenger seat so you can watch it without crashing and choose quiet roads. Watch the pup carefully and as soon as it drools or shows any sign, stop and take it for a short walk around on a lead 'til it's fine again, then carry on 'til it looks sick again etc etc etc. With luck you'll soon be able to go 10 or 15 minutes at a time and things should keep getting better. :thumbs:

The worst pup I had like this was a non ped whippet and she took over 6 months of daily short rides (sometimes twice daily or more if I had time) but most get used to it a lot sooner. It does need to be at least daily though, twice a week won't cut it.

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I have or had a young lurcher who hatted the car every time I took her in it she was sick and the slobbers ran out of her mouth all over everything even if u took her near the car shed be pulling and going mad on the lead trying to get away from it but after a few nights out on the lamp and a few hunting trips she's fine jumps straight into the car she now sees the car as a chance to have abit of fun and go hunting :boogy: .

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It should just grow out of it eventually mate. I think it's something to do with the development of the inside of the ear. Mines 13 months now and although he's rarely sick anymore, I can tell he still doesn't enjoy it in the car. He is getting better though because he's just recently started jumping in whereas before he would always try and pull away from it. Where do you put him when you travel?

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