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Captive Orca Hunting Birds

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As we all know, Orcas are notoriously clever and resourceful creatures, especially when it comes to hunting for food. We've seen them almost beach themselves to catch sea lion pups, or working together to create a bow wave to wash Weddell seals off of ice floes. The clip below shows a captive Orca using a fish as bait to lure and catch a bird. Pretty clever if you ask me.


The clip is 8 minutes long, but you'll get what it's up to pretty quick..., if you want to skip to the 'kill' it's at about 4.55.


Also, it doesn't eat the bird but looks to have just hunted it for the fun of it.


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I have been to see world in sooth Africa 20 year ago,,, and even thought this is no life for such a creature,,,i would never take my kids now,,, as I get older I find I dislike these places more and more,, including zoos,,,


With all the incredible wildlife footage we have now from filming in the wild,,,, do we relay need zoos anymore

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Smart creatures,small wonder they have invented a game of catch the bird when all they have to alleviate their boredom is to swim round a sterile man-made pool thats not a substitute for their natural environment,modern-day zoo's are living on borrowed time,I visited a "sanctuary" the other week with around 150 tigers in it,not natural,a british kid was mauled there 2 years ago I think she had been invited to "bath" the cat just before she was attacked?

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I like Orcas but what a killing machine they are,I watched a documentary a while back about a certain pod that has started hunting Narwhal in there Summer nursery grounds. Basically due to the melting of the glaciers in the Summer months they have found access to the Narwhal and they bunched a huge pod of them up onto the beach in shallow water and killed and ate every one of them.

Short clip on YouTube Killer Whales attack pod of Narwhal

Full documentary on YouTube Invasion of the Killer Whales ( def worth a look )

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Orcas don't even get credit for not feeding on humans,if they done that they would have been persecuted like the Great White and other types of Shark. As they don't hunt humans they are left to the run of the Oceans to do as they please,clever clever animals.

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I have seen them at Sea World in San Diego.Amazing animals but it`s not right seeing them in captivity.There`s some frightening clips of them taking their trainer down to the bottom by the leg and keeping them under water for ages.A few trainers have been killed over the years but the parks wont get rid of the orcas as they`re worth millions to them.

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