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Any Working Jagd German Terriers For Sale?

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good offer that unlacedgecko not that the dogs are worth anywere near that,, if he was to sort himself from start to finish find a litter of dogs travel ther sort the passport and jabs travel back with dog whuld be getting on for around same price be better off getting a plummber

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good offer that unlacedgecko not that the dogs are worth anywere near that,, if he was to sort himself from start to finish find a litter of dogs travel ther sort the passport and jabs travel back with dog whuld be getting on for around same price be better off getting a plummber

Cheers. That's pretty much what I would be doing! I normally go to Hungary every year to visit my friends and hunt with them, but have not been able to this year due to personal reasons.


Jagdterrier seem to be the latest 'in' thing. I pass no judgement on the worth of the dogs, as a breed. But I do have access to purebred registered stock, which have passed all relevant breed tests. The Hungarians seem to follow the Germany model of hunting, particularly when it comes to pure bred dogs.


I wouldn't have a jagdterrier. My friends offered to gift me some, but they are not the right dog for my circumstances.


I hope that UK terriermen do not get ripped off by con artists peddling black and tan terriers as Jagdterriers...

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  • 2 months later...

The easiest way to find out about the lines is to contact the German Hunting Terrier Club of the country you want to import from. Approved dogs are mostly registered by them, and you can follow the lines way back.

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There are two Breeders of Jagds in this Country, who openly sell their stuff that I know of. One guy charges £500 per Pup and the other £650-£750 for a Dog Pup and more for a female. One seems to favour them for their 'on top' abilities and one more so their underground work. As has been said you need to be careful when you go to buy Pups, as some are used more for 'on top' and they seem quite large and bulky. Some used exclusively for digging are very similar to Lakeys and Patt's in size. Do your own research and take your time. May even be worth downloading a couple of Internet translation thingys. I did literally years of research, but I am not going to give any opinions or advice, personal experiences can differ from Dog to Dog and what someone might want, might not be what I want or vice versa. If you live or dig in Countries where Jagds are used, they can be gifted or bought very reasonably once you know the right guys.

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not slagging the breed off but what would they bring to the table that any other well bred uk terrier cant? if i was going to go to effort to import a terrier i would bring a terrier over from the states, they seem to have taken some of the old uk lines over there and really tested them on a number of game . just my opinion tho

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Some want different things, german hunt terriers,thats what the assablished. UK SOME LOOKING AT MONEY MARKET,OTHERS Want something different probaly cos there own arnt as good as the know and the turn to another breed instead of one the envy?

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