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Digging Dogs V Bolting Dogs

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I'm lost now also. It's digging dogs v bolting dogs nothing to do with a digging dog in a spot and Charlie bolts so then it's a bolter lol.

Ha general your just really throughin a spanner in the works there lad lol
I'm just being honest mate, people are trying to sugar coat it for some reason. My friend has a wee bitch there and she's a bolter or (a tube) lol. He'd let her in anywhere because he knows she'll not get lost so that's the only reason she's a place in his yard he's lucky to have a big place and dogs for most situations. She get us a few foxes and that's grand she will dig the odd one that's not going to give her a hard time. Everyone knows the type. She's not what we would call a digging dog by any means and like many others I wouldn't have the space or desire to entertain never mind the urge to breed of the likes. It is what it is, my other mate used to bring his mums Jack Russell out with us and it was every bit as useless. Still bolted the odd fox from deep or undiggable spots, walked off far more than it accounted for mind you. Edited by THE GENERAL
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I recon most of the time it's up to the fox what happens.....

I think a bolting terrier is a failed digging terrier. A bolting terrier will give up after so long which is what most men would class as a cull. I agree they have their uses and get the numbers up in

When a dog of any sort goes to a fox in a stop end ,the metal of the dog is measured whether you like it or not .If that fox then bolts the dog has been found wanting ,no ifs or buts,the fox has got o

General are you dropping "digging dogs" into undiggable places for foxes?

Obviously not mate. Put it like this over 10 years or so ago we had a great dog, you dropped the dog and he stayed until dug to no matter how long it took. A lot of men seen the dog work up and down the country, he was a machine. The dog done some time under the sod in his life and i was glad i was about to see him work. Before the bellman came out like most we only had the knocker box. Dropped him in a big place one day that we had been brought to and we didn't know the extent of the spot until it was too late. The dog was on and we went to get him and everything shifted. Never seen the dog again, off the box. We stayed there for days and in the dead of night we could hear him deep into the bank working away. A lot of lads offered to help but 7 of us close friends was enough, we tried to get a digger onto the bank and the landowner refused even with being offered money. Our hands were tied, praying this once that the dog would come off. Eventually after a couple of days we dropped a bolting bitch in the place and she went to 13ft out in the field. We dug her at nothing, the dog wasn't with her or anywhere near her either. Never seen the dog again even though we still took turns to go and check and left coats at entrances etc. The dog obviously died due to his commitment to work. Luckily a few of us have stuff down from him and they are good dogs too but I'm yet to see one as good as the dog we lost. Now this thread is titled "digging dogs vs bolting dogs" now I've already stated both have a purpose for some men but everyone is different. My opinion is how the hell could someone compare a bolting terrier to the caliber of that dog we lost or other decent committed digging dogs that stay until the job is done and sometimes lose there life due to work. No disrespect intended but any man with half a brain would see theres only one winner here. atb.

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I can't see why people think a bolter has to have a time bracket. All this ten and 15 minute is nonsense. few years ago hounds ran to ground in a rangey place i had two terriers with me 1 quite rough 1 not so rough and a good bolting bitch (not owned by me) Charlie took 45 minutes to bolt but was forced to because the bitch pressured him so much. Round and round the earth very rarely stopping for any length of time just constantly using the whole earth and eventually out he Came. That particular bitch you will dig to but she's happier chasing them round. Wouldn't really suit me but horses for courses shed be a handy bitch in quite a lot of hunt terriermens kennels

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different tools for different jobs , every place is different , a lot of it is down too the owner making the right decision , we all get excited and make mistakes , really have too think about what your putting in , aswell as thinking about other habitants in there such as rabbits, depth , size , .........your purpose and weighing everything up will give you the answer of what dog too enter. tactical terrier work is my own preference , adore watching it ,............

any moron can drop a dog in and dig it , but as said your purpose is key

forgot too say don't listen too others on a dig , "its a shallow place here" the famous last words

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different tools for different jobs , every place is different , a lot of it is down too the owner making the right decision , we all get excited and make mistakes , really have too think about what your putting in , aswell as thinking about other habitants in there such as rabbits, depth , size , .........your purpose and weighing everything up will give you the answer of what dog too enter. tactical terrier work is my own preference , adore watching it ,............

any moron can drop a dog in and dig it , but as said your purpose is key

forgot too say don't listen too others on a dig , "its a shallow place here" the famous last words

iv heard on more than one occasion of a man you do or maybe used to associate with using not 1 but 2 terriers at once. Naughty man.
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I find it difficult to comprehend the argument that a bolting terrier is less committed than a digging one,thats so nonsensical it as little value in the field,there are "digging terriers" and terriers that are dug to,plus whatever comes betwixt.The majority of terriers were originally bred to bolt,they also had to stick until dug to,if the quarry warranted,anybody that as spent more than 3 minutes chasing a fox about knows the majority of them will bolt given any opportunity,often before the terrier settles to its task,thus the most useless of terrier,be that a digger or a bolter,will shift the majority of them in quickish manner,the minority of fox,s await a little more persuasion,a digging terrier can be got to in minutes,at times, and the ballsy fox accounted for,at other times it cannot be got at and only the more resiliant bolting terrier will get a result,at times this may take hours and the bolting jukel may need to take more cosh than its digging cousin.Id not own another digging dog and i breed mine accordingly,a young bolting terrier i have here,in his first season,as bolted about 11 fox,s this time,he met a ballsy fox and the fox was dead when my lad broke through,he also caught one in cover and dealt with it,to some he is a failed terrier because he bolts,id not say a terrier is a failure because it as to be dug to,yet thats a failing in a terrier to some.The majority of terriers now fall into 2 category,s,they originally came from one.Again 2 different terriers and different tasks,some folk need a nod and a wink,they are not terrierfolk.

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different tools for different jobs , every place is different , a lot of it is down too the owner making the right decision , we all get excited and make mistakes , really have too think about what your putting in , aswell as thinking about other habitants in there such as rabbits, depth , size , .........your purpose and weighing everything up will give you the answer of what dog too enter. tactical terrier work is my own preference , adore watching it ,............

any moron can drop a dog in and dig it , but as said your purpose is key

forgot too say don't listen too others on a dig , "its a shallow place here" the famous last words

iv heard on more than one occasion of a man you do or maybe used to associate with using not 1 but 2 terriers at once. Naughty man.


that's me , chuck them all in if its right place

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different tools for different jobs , every place is different , a lot of it is down too the owner making the right decision , we all get excited and make mistakes , really have too think about what your putting in , aswell as thinking about other habitants in there such as rabbits, depth , size , .........your purpose and weighing everything up will give you the answer of what dog too enter. tactical terrier work is my own preference , adore watching it ,............

any moron can drop a dog in and dig it , but as said your purpose is key

forgot too say don't listen too others on a dig , "its a shallow place here" the famous last words

iv heard on more than one occasion of a man you do or maybe used to associate with using not 1 but 2 terriers at once. Naughty man.


that's me , chuck them all in if its right place


Ive had 2 terriers in regular,its the only way some BIG rocks can be worked with any chance of a result.

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different tools for different jobs , every place is different , a lot of it is down too the owner making the right decision , we all get excited and make mistakes , really have too think about what your putting in , aswell as thinking about other habitants in there such as rabbits, depth , size , .........your purpose and weighing everything up will give you the answer of what dog too enter. tactical terrier work is my own preference , adore watching it ,............

any moron can drop a dog in and dig it , but as said your purpose is key

forgot too say don't listen too others on a dig , "its a shallow place here" the famous last words

iv heard on more than one occasion of a man you do or maybe used to associate with using not 1 but 2 terriers at once. Naughty man.


that's me , chuck them all in if its right place


Ive had 2 terriers in regular,its the only way some BIG rocks can be worked with any chance of a result.


No matter how big the place a dog that's up for the job will find a fox and work it ,you just have to enjoy watching the terrier work, its why I enjoy working terriers

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