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Fox Mentor /rabbit Shooting Buddy Essex


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Come on chaps no one out there fancy giving me tips/mentoring on fox shooting in the essex area really want to learn more about it. FAC .22lr BASC fully insured want to learn about fox shooting and tips nights learning would be great I will just lamp for you or drive come on chaps someone around here must be going out regularly. Will buy you a pint as well kind regards.



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Don't be tempted to go fox hunting with a .22lr past 50 yards buddy

Haha chap that's common sense I only mentioned it incase there were rabbits about thanks for the heads up though.



Edited by Nick8310
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Good man. I'm sure something will come up Plenty of hints and tips on YouTube mate. That's where I learnt all I know to be honestd. I got a vixen tonight after 20 mins calling with the tenterfield I shot her at 35 meters.

Nicely done chap do you lamp or use a NV set up out of curiosity. Getting someone to show you tips and tricks around here is so hard everyone thinks your going to steal their permissions.



Edited by Nick8310
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Lol. I use lamp mate and various manual calls. Trust me get on YouTube and get watching you'll learn a lot then just practice get yourself some calls off eBay and your off. Good time is just before dark and sunrise.

Thanks chap I have watched plenty of videos on YouTube but watching it and doing it are different things. lol



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They are indeed Mate. But that's how i learnt as I didn't have anybody show or teach me. It's a shame your no closer as if have give you a few pointers but I'm no professional by any means it's all about different techniques for different places/scenarios and getting to know your quarry as well as your calls. Also the way you use the calls can make or break an evenings shoot

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They are indeed Mate. But that's how i learnt as I didn't have anybody show or teach me. It's a shame your no closer as if have give you a few pointers but I'm no professional by any means it's all about different techniques for different places/scenarios and getting to know your quarry as well as your calls. Also the way you use the calls can make or break an evenings shoot

Thanks for any tips chap it's a shame I would love to got out on nights with you I have had good offers from people but they are just so far ? I am still hoping for local shooters to step up.



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