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Another Mole Trapping Thread - Gloves

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I wear gloves all the time when mole trapping. I don't want to be touching cat/dog/fox/badger shit. Occasionally there's one you don't notice! :bad:


I don't care a jot about human scent on traps, it's just a PPE thing.


Disposables are my choice, but is there anything 'better' I could be using?

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I wear some of the yellow leather gloves you get from garden centres.

The only reason I chose them is that when I was a kid I used to stay up to watch a program where the main character used to wear yellow leather gloves. The program was called 'V', it was about people fighting against space aliens. I expect if I saw it again now I'd think it was a load of s**t - still brought the gloves though, very happy with them too; taken the sting out of trapped fingers a few times this winter. :D

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Thanks lads, I'll try some of those suggestions. Yellow gloves sound a good idea so you don't lose 'em (not forgetting looking cool :laugh: )


Aside from excrement on molehills, I need to look half presentable for other jobs throughout the day. I can't turn up at offices or a household with hands covered in mud, it doesn't wash off easily when you're trapping a lot.

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I just get gloves from the gardening section. In the really cold, wet weather I use ones with a fully latex palm and put dry ones on every job. Otherwise I use a similar type but thinner and with a lighter latex coating on the palm. They last about a month, the thicker type three months at least.


When I was renting a cottage on a farm and walking to the traps I didn't bother with gloves, but I don't like getting the car mucked up.

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