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  • 5 years later...

Dragging an old thread up as I couldn't find anything newer when I searched!!

Anyhow, I've been in to Bonsai for well over 20 years!, Here's a few of mine..

This one is a Juniper with shari (Dead trunk part that is lime sulfered)..



This one is a slanting Hawthorne, It wasn't doing well in the com[post that was too heavy so an old trick is to lift the tree from the pot and plant it in to Sphagnum, moss, It seems like a tonic to them!, This actually seemed almost dead but in two years turned around smashin!!



Another (Smaller) Hawthorne..



A small Pine that I bought a couple of years ago, It really needs to go in better compost, This is staying way too wet, I just restyled it!



This was the last tree wqhen I bought it in autumn 2018..



Cotoneaster are great shrubs to create Bonsai from as they already have small leaves so no messing trying to reduce leaf size!!


Another Cotoneaster, I collected this one in 2014 from a school in Barnsley that was being demolished, had to get permission to get them, Gave the digger driver a few quid to stick his bucket in and loosen them for us!!


Acer palmatums ready for winter in a cold greenhouse!



A Hinoki Cypress that shows rthe power of feeding!, These pics were taken three months apart!, I was given this tree by a friend that was moving in to a smaller abode and couldn't take all of his trees!, This had never done well since I got it in 2013, I started feeding it last year and it went crackers!!

vFmJKTc.jpg eFNul9c.jpg 



Cork Bark Chinese Elm..



Picea on the left and Juniper on the right with Shari and Jins..



Acer palmatum 'Atrapurpureum', The Japanese regarsd these as 'too coarse' for Bonsai!


Azalea in flower




Cheers, John ?


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