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My Northern Goshawk

sean goshawk

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hi ive been flying birds or prey for ten year and I had a female harris I had for many years.and then got myself a female gos this is a andy hunter breed bird and only this year bird ive only took 60


Well after spending a good few weeks on rope pulls me and the mate went out for a rook to see if she'll get one and seen this grey back sitting close to a hedge and let the Gos see it and took off aft

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Today me and the mate went out a run with the big girl and we spotted this rook 200 yrds out in a pack and the Gos see it to and shot out the window like a rocket and then the rook seen the Gos coming and lifted and the Gos put the rook under pressure it hit the ground and the Gos shot over it and automatically did a u turn and took off after it again for another 200 yrds chase and just seen the rook started to head for a hedge on the other side of the road with the Gos close on its tail and then seen a puff of feather in the mid air and knew the Gos has it today she was 2lb 10 oz on the dot.


Edited by sean goshawk
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Jackdaw there was a rook sitting out about a 100 yds sitting on a post and the Gos seen it and went after it but this Jack got up and it was sitting tight behide a Dyke and she took after it for a 100 yds chase then it hit the ground and the Gos automatic went vertical and flip round again and chased it for 200 yds and was heading for the jeep and the Gos close to it tail and flip in at the last min and took it in mid air.and weight 2lb 10 oz on the dot


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