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Wanted Pigeon/ Vermin Shooting In Herts


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Hi I'm a mature shooter looking for a vermin/ pigeon shoot in Hertfordshire , will be using shotgun ,17hmr , air rifle , fully insured and all boundaries ,livestock of course fully respected , can supply refs if required ,

Hello Peter, can I ask, did you join the site, and make your one post, just to try and get some permission, without doing any legwork? Forgive my cynicism but that is how it appears.

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Which places you in exactly the same position as all of us.


I have plenty shooting and permissions for working the dogs etc, but it took years of building it up and gaining a reputation for being able to do the job correctely.


Knock doors, then when that doesn`t work, knock some more doors.


You really cannot expect to gain permission from people on a hunting site. Unless you are looking to pay to go out with people.? I`m sure plenty would take you out then.






See,, I was polite, and I never took the piss !, Wow, this is like a new thing for me. Not sure it`ll last though.

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Great advice lads. It gets on our backs when new members join and ask for permission. As mentioned and as you know land is hard to come by I have over 6000 acres which has taken 10 years to gain but stick at it and you'll soon have some.


1 thing is once you've gained a permission however big or small look after it as you'll find it'll either go onto gaining more land or destroy any chance of any land. As farmers are a very close knit community word gets around

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Totally agree

Just got a phone call asking if I shoot the rabbits on the 5 orchards next to mine

I've been there for a few years now , and spoke to the new land owner loads of times ,on his fence line , allways been polite

And had a chat with him every time I see him , and now it's payed off

Happy days


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These threads pop up far too often now

When you joined the forum did you not notice alot of posts asking for permission this is a forum for hunting not farmers or public with a pest problem seeking help please don't take this the wrong way but get involved participate in some of the banter on here and maybe just maybe you may get invited on a perm I know how it feels to have no land but keep your pecker up and keep knocking and asking every opportunity you get I never switch off I have a fair bit of land but always looking for more

Wish you all the best

Oh and welcome to the mad house lots of useful information on here bud ;)

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