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Working Sealyhams "

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Smashing looking terriers andy26, thank you for going the trouble of posting the pics. There were dogs of this type around when I was younger. Not that long ago, well late 1970's early 80's which is a

Those sealyhams from dorset were up on a invite for a days threshing,load of old pish they are and the only dogs they had out with any use were the russell x sealyhams.The pures were far to slow and

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Does anyone no if there is anyone keeping or breeding working sealyhams anymore ..?

yes a good friend of mine keeps pedigree sealyhams and works them on rats and rabbits .hes also imported a pedigree sealyham dog as well to improve his gene pool .a couple of year ago there were only 300 registered sealyhams in the country

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Those sealyhams from dorset were up on a invite for a days threshing,load of old pish they are :bad: and the only dogs they had out with any use were the russell x sealyhams.The pures were far to slow and just wanted to fight all day, :censored: i would put my 3 dogs up against 30 of them and i'd still win as they all needed holding by hand,they didn't use their noses and more rats escaped that day than any other days threshing we've ever had..

Far better sort of terriers out there than a sealyham imo.

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Andy do you use yours for earth work or just for ratching cover . Av been thinking of getting one for a while just getting the right breeding.a no there was a guy from North East who had a good str


ain but a think it's all gone now.

Andy do you use yours for earth work or just for ratching cover . Av been thinking of getting one for a while just getting the right breeding.a no there was a guy from North East who had a good strain but a think it's all gone now.[/quote yes mate just earth work
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Cross bred mate an we keep them in a tight circle there isn't many people outside the circle get them but last summer we bred to many so a couple of people who we don't really now got a couple off us an there isn't any plans of any breeding going on this summer mate

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