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Netting For Rats


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Old boy a few doors down knocking on 88, mentioned him using them years ago, said they were handy for ferreting road sides on your own as they kept the the ferrets off the road. I mentioned it to some one and they poo poo`d it for some reason or another, I cant remember what it was but it seemed pretty valid at the time. Sounds great, but I wouldnt want to knit one,the amount of rows an you would need to make a yard up..

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Why the feck would anyone want to long net a rat?,ok have something to hold it up a while for a dog to catch it,mind you i would love to see someone extracting a live rat from one :laugh: .We use small gauge chicken wire aprox 10 inches high and we don't get many escapes





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  On 16/02/2015 at 18:59, fireman said:

Why the feck would anyone want to long net a rat?,ok have something to hold it up a while for a dog to catch it,mind you i would love to see someone extracting a live rat from one :laugh: .We use small gauge chicken wire aprox 10 inches high and we don't get many escapes





Funnily enough when I seen the topic title it was that thread I first thought of.



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It'd take far to long to take a net caught rat out and you just don't have that time if there bolting out in numbers,all you need is something to just hold the rats up for a second or two and then the dogs have a chance at them,.Without it they catch but a lot will get away and we very rarely loose more than 1/2 dozen when threshing and a lot of that is down to that little fence,without it the final bags would be so much less than they are :victory: ..

Do you see a bit of pipe near the fence we also put that down for when a lot bolt at once and a few willl get inside it,again this just gives the dogs a extra chance as once they've cleared up the ones out in the open we then tip up the pipe and it just works for us doing it this way :thumbs: ..

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best way fireman fech making rat nets years ago when we ferreted hedge rows for rats we would get bits of wood old bags anything to give the dog a chance , old trawl nets work to ,cut to maybe 15 inch deep by however long you need them, as its stiff couralene ,and peg bamboo canes in or anything handy ,its just a blocker

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I know it sounds very Brian Plummer :laugh: but i've just put a house brick on a rat run before many a time and a rat has just ran into it giving the dog a chance to grab it and like you say it don't need to be posh to stop a rat :victory: ,were out this weekend comming on some cover crops and a few bits to block a run or two will be comming with us....

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