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Sham Marriage

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2 x illegals + marriage = benefits & 1 fcuked up system

they want everyone to be mixed race no more people with veiws if one groupl of english /wales /scotland /ireland look why they have flooded areas with forigners to mix bred THEN NO ONE CAN STAND IN

Odd you would think like that,,,,didn't you say you were mixed,,your mother being white Irish ?

after reading all db posts on different threads i like to think hes a genuine fella he speaks his mind sensibly ,usually calmly & with educated replies ,the amount of things directed towards him would have most of us snapping or leaveing the forum , fair play to you db , im not being patronising just respect where its due :thumbs:

Thanks I am old enough big enough and ugly enough to take what is heaped on me being a minority on here :whistling::angel: its the ones who hide behind closet doors and are afraid for political correctness to open their true feelings nothing ever improves without a struggle

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Tomo hes not a Muslim do you find it that difficult to understand reverse it if your daughter came home with Amjid Choudhry and wanted to marry him ?

flip side .. how would you feel if your daughter came home with Amjid Choudhry??

In his defence, going on what he's previously posted I dont think it would last long?;


I just wonder why he'd use such a person?? is Amjid Choudhry all that is muslim ?? is he the best muslim to use as an example ??

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