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Sham Marriage

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So DB your daughter comes home and says Dad I'm met a cracking lad at Uni

Oh yeah tel me a little about him

He's Anglo Saxon ' White as they come

Mam and dad one catholic one Methodist

He's got pagan beliefs of look after Mother Nature and it will look after you.

He's a real nice gentle lad and is willing to convert to Islam to keep things right but he won't ever be the most religious of Muslims

Would you give your daughter your blessing to such a scenario to make her happy or would you say not good enough we will find and choose you someone of our likeing ?


Once again maxi boy you bring colour into the mix she would not marry him and I wouldnt accept it one because of the cultural differences and two ( he will convert to islam but wont be the most religious of Muslims) so it would be a convenience for him much like these sham marriages f**k off max you are one of the bigoted hypocrits I am talking about.
ok then, he ment to say as black as Michael jackson
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2 x illegals + marriage = benefits & 1 fcuked up system

they want everyone to be mixed race no more people with veiws if one groupl of english /wales /scotland /ireland look why they have flooded areas with forigners to mix bred THEN NO ONE CAN STAND IN

Odd you would think like that,,,,didn't you say you were mixed,,your mother being white Irish ?

yes but I was raised by my fathers family and saw the cultural problems my own mother had way back in the 50,s my mother is also Orange so even the cultural aspect of that and Catholics and protestants shaped my opinions that multiculturism doesnot work and never will unless things change drastically. MY iranian family are hardline in our faith I had part western education but my heart and culture is Muslim. As I have said hundreds of time colour plays no part in my thought process.

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So DB your daughter comes home and says Dad I'm met a cracking lad at Uni

Oh yeah tel me a little about him

He's Anglo Saxon ' White as they come

Mam and dad one catholic one Methodist

He's got pagan beliefs of look after Mother Nature and it will look after you.

He's a real nice gentle lad and is willing to convert to Islam to keep things right but he won't ever be the most religious of Muslims

Would you give your daughter your blessing to such a scenario to make her happy or would you say not good enough we will find and choose you someone of our likeing ?

Once again maxi boy you bring colour into the mix she would not marry him and I wouldnt accept it one because of the cultural differences and two ( he will convert to islam but wont be the most religious of Muslims) so it would be a convenience for him much like these sham marriages f**k off max you are one of the bigoted hypocrits I am talking about.


DB if you accepted the senario above and the marrige happened whats the chances of the new son inlaw being accepted at the local mosque and by other muslims in general..


i personaly think he would get to prey at the mosque but would always be an outcast and never fully accepted by the muslim comunity and probably same from the comunity he had just left behind. he would have to love your daughter deeply to put himself in a position like that


i think there is nothing conveniant about that at all..

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As long as he wasnt of the calibre of the convert c**ts who beheaded Lee Rigby or the shoe bomber or some of the pratts joining IS then he satisfied me and my family he was truly a Muslim then I would consider it and discussit and any concerns with my daughter but his colour nothing in my eyes.

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Guest ragumup

They would accept him if he wanted to do jihad....

The only guaranteed way to get to Muslim heaven 72 virgins is to do jihad...

On judgement day Allah will look on Muslims without visible wounds from jihad on them ,as deficient ....

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As long as he wasnt of the calibre of the convert c**ts who beheaded Lee Rigby or the shoe bomber or some of the pratts joining IS then he satisfied me and my family he was truly a Muslim then I would consider it and discussit and any concerns with my daughter but his colour nothing in my eyes.

db why is it ok for your mum to be from Christian background and not the son in law? Was your dad a full blown Muslim?
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H e made his choice as I said Muslims are responsible for their own action my father died when I was 2r years old so even my mother ove the years admitted he was one of the strongest men of character she ever came across and he was constantly at logger heads with his and her family.over the marriage even to this day my mothers relationship at 89 is not at its best with my fathers family or hers

Edited by desertbred
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Well that went well. :no:


As the original poster I can categorically state this topic has nothing to do with colour and nothing to do with race.


My point is a pakistani bloke (non-British) marrying Hungarian doris (non-British) makes for rights to live/work/claim benefits in Britain.


If it was 2 (non-British) white Christians defraudung the system the same way I'd be just as disgusted. It's WRONG.

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