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Dose Having A Fitted Shotgun Make A Difference?

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If you can afford to get a properly fitted shotgun then by all means do it, it will make a difference. If not try as many of the shelf guns as you can and see what feels right. I used to be of the belief that if you could comfortably reach the trigger with the butt in the crook of your elbow you were good to go (my grandad told me so it must be true ;) ). I thought this was fine until I swapped from my old Lincoln premier to my current browning and my English sporting classification jumped from B to AA, that proved the value of good gun fit to me :)

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Unless you shoot ducks, geese or fox, 32g of No:6 is pretty much all you need.

I think if your gun throws good patterns with a particular 32g cartridge, and it choked 1/2 or more in both barrels, then go for No5 shot. but if you have open chokes, 32g of No6 will give a fuller pattern, but at the expense of a little range.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Solid slug are illegal unless you've got a FAC with them listed on there.



Not a clue why some people are going off on random tangents either.


Go somewhere and either try some different guns that fit or some adjusters on yours.


If you shoot better then look into it further , if not just put your hands up n admit your a shite shooter lol, I admitted this long ago but still have a good days shooting on something now n then.


Good luck pal

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If you shoot better then look into it further , if not just put your hands up n admit your a shite shooter lol, I admitted this long ago but still have a good days shooting on something now n then.


Good luck pal

Too true, shooting is like sex. You don't have to be good at it to enjoy it.


But it does help if things fit :thumbs:

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