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Any Help For A New Starter.

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New to the sight and struggling to get a permission.


Started building my own custom smkqb78, and shot for my local club for a year but tired of hitting knock downs and shooting cards.


I live near Twickenham but willing to travel within reason.


If anyone out there would like some company whilst ridding their permission of bugs id be more than willing to help.


Unfortunately because I new to the game I have no return offer in the way of shooting, but maybe a few jars at the end of a days bunny bashing would do the trick.


The opportunity would be greatly appreciated and would stop me from giving up all together.


Cheers folks.



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It's a running theme getting out with people is a struggle getting permission is hard in general trying to get some down south though is a joke. There are good people out there though chap so don't give up it will take ages trust me I am trying as well but don't give in. Knocking on farm houses or putting notes up in farmers markets is a start good luck.



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Cheers nick. I've lived near Twickenham for three years and have been stopped at every turn. Is getting frustrated there's one chap on hear I can remember his handle bit he's in Farnborough where I used to live. Its not too far and I know the area. I responded to his post but haven't had a response. Either way. Guy I really appreciate the help and time. If you here of any thing just tag or forward it to me.


Thanks guys.

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There's got to be someone about... Surely.


The chap i was on about in Farnborough goes by the name if spready27. Have responded to his post but have had no response.


If anyone knows of him can you get his attention as I can't seem to get hold of him on here.


Once again. Cheers for any and all help.



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