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Got The First One With The Nv

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Well done lads , good going mac I new you would do it in the end

I all ways on certain permissions log in for shooting with Dorset's finest , they are all ways so polite and on most occasions the say have a good shoot or happy hunting

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Well done lads , good going mac I new you would do it in the end

I all ways on certain permissions log in for shooting with Dorset's finest , they are all ways so polite and on most occasions the say have a good shoot or happy hunting

Cheers vm was going to go out to night to but we are going to give it a miss till tomorrow


im gettig there bud


atvbmac :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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Dave, the police round here actually send out a bulletin saying "shooting going on in this location" so normally we never get bother. I had a bit last year but nothing serious and ended up the copper having a few shots with my gun! Last night the fella just saw Mac and I, boots open on the cars, guns on the deck, both in came and thought his night was about to be made haha.

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Jason, one extra point. Do one of two things. 1) tell the cops you are going to finish about 2 hours after you think you will stop. Or 2) tell the cops YOU will call THEM to close the log. The number of times I had the cops call me bang on the time I said I was going to pack up. Always seemed to be when I had a rabbit in my scope too!!! That or have water ship down theme tune as your ring tone.

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Jason, one extra point. Do one of two things. 1) tell the cops you are going to finish about 2 hours after you think you will stop. Or 2) tell the cops YOU will call THEM to close the log. The number of times I had the cops call me bang on the time I said I was going to pack up. Always seemed to be when I had a rabbit in my scope too!!! That or have water ship down theme tune as your ring tone.


Thanks Daz


Both you and Bigmac are giving top tips here. As I have said elsewhere, my shooting perms are mainly in the lake district and I'm lucky in that I shoot a couple of stately estates with 15,000 to 25,000 remote acres. So on the whole up there, I've never had the need for any of this. The police leave you alone.


However, I am thinking of getting some perms down here in the midlands and I would never have thought to do any of this. Can't thank you both enough for this 'heads up' Great advice. :thumbs:

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I never phone the plod when im going shooting, tbh the place I shoot near us the woman lives on site so they would have to drive past her gaff, and my other perms are the middle of nowhere where, I always get written permission though just in case even if its just to save hassling the owners in the small hours, as long as you know the script and your not up to no good shouldn't be a problem.

Edited by treecreeper
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