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Tommy Robinson At The Oxford Union

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By far the biggest shower of racists (I'll use the word seeing as they do ) are muslims.

They don't even hide the fact, in fact quite the opposite.

Take Desertbred here for example, he states quite clearly he would not be happy for his daughter to marry a white man (quite happy to take the white mans money and use his resources though).

If I as a white man said I wouldn't be happy if my daughter married a muslim I would be lambasted as a racist.

So we could think the same thing, however I'd be the racist, he would be a moderate muslim.

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If you don't think the media tried to silence him i dunno where you've been living. Every time he spoke up about what he and many others see as problems with Islam he was labeled a racist. Dispite the

I managed to watch about 45 minutes of that (but I would have watched it all if I had time) and I will hold my hands up and say fair play, he spoke well and did himself proud.   I have not been a fa

Max 3/10 muslims I know own their own business,s another 2/10 are Solicitors,Doctors or Accountants, another 2/10 are taxi drivers 1/10 various other jobs so probably a couple are out of work so inventing figures again. Look around towns and cities shops takeaways , petrol stations market stalls taxi companies post offices,newsagents are predominantly owned byMuslims so I dont know what planet you live on.

Perhaps due to the fact they are working and signing on??.

You really going to try and tell me the ten male muslims in every takeaway shop in every street in every town is legally employed and paying taxes.

Feck me, you really do take us for fools.

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I agree that a lot of them are abusing the system what I said was most are working in gainful employment nothing about them not fiddling why do you think most jobs or businesses they are involved in are cash business rather than accounts and the like. As for racists Scots would know all about that they are even against their own people catholics and protestants, junkies alcoholics so get of your high haggis and look around you and as for money you contibute f**k all to me you probably cant even support yourself. I said my daughter would not marry a non muslim no mention of white man you cant even read clown

Edited by desertbred
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Don't care about catholics/protestants, genuinely not racist either.

Just pointing out the hypocrisy.

I receive nothing from anyone, myself or my wife so I do in fact support myself.

I don't know your situation and you are not about to enlighten me, but, there is always the possibility some of my taxes are contributing somewhere along the line.

Point taken about non muslim and not white man, although I'm pretty sure the majority of muslims are non white, nevertheless can't dispute it, but we can all have our own thoughts as to who a muslim father would prefer. ( That red bearded ginger convert from London suit you?.)

Try and keep it civil.

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You say multiculturalism doesn't work but ill say its just the case with Islam? Growing up in london i know people from everywhere and wasnt ever no racial problems. I don't see anyone else expecting us and our way of life to change to suit them. Maybe the west are hoping Islam will go like other religions and dilute over the generations. I mean most now days couldn't give a f**k about religion. I also know younger generation "muslims" although you could argue that who are regular folk who like a beer or bet on a horse although they'd never admit it infront of the older members of their family. I just find it crazy how speaking against some of the evils in Islam makes people call you a racist. If i came out and said i think anyone who leaves my cult should be killed the whole world would turn on me and think im a sick f**k. Not to mention all the other problems with the religion.


Would you like to live under the sharia desertbred? Probably been asked it before on here im sure. Dont worry i won't reply with a "f**k off to a sharia country then". Although if you don't believe multiculturalism works i guess you haven't got much place for it and so it would surely be better you went and lived with "your own kind". Wrote it like that as i believe we're all people without sounding like a hippie, its your religion which wants to separate and sees itself better than others.

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I live under shariat in Iran I live as a Muslim where ever I am its not a problem for me to live as a Muslim here in UK I dont live in a Muslim locality it is predominantly orthodox Jewish only 3 Muslim families in an area of 15,000 Jewish families. There is a Asian area about 2 miles away.. I dont feel the need to integrate I live my life and my neighbours live theirs. I know Muslims both young and old who drink, gamble eat haram it is against islamic teachings but it is their choice to do those things and as Muslims we believe everyone is responsible for what they do in their life and they and they alone will answer for it. A lot of things Some Muslims do I dislike and the ones who know me know my feelings and tend to stay out of my way Idare say a lot of them dont like dogs or hunting but as it is permitted in islam I do it I dont need or require their permission to do it.If people concentrated on their own behaviour and lives the world woul;d be a much more peaceful and safer place.

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Max 3/10 muslims I know own their own business,s another 2/10 are Solicitors,Doctors or Accountants, another 2/10 are taxi drivers 1/10 various other jobs so probably a couple are out of work so inventing figures again. Look around towns and cities shops takeaways , petrol stations market stalls taxi companies post offices,newsagents are predominantly owned byMuslims so I dont know what planet you live on.

All places they sell smack from and groom little girls.

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DB You Are A Strong Character Where Defending Your Beliefs , But Surely You See Where People Are Coming From With There Distrust / Fear Of Muslims ?? Its Not A Race Issue It's The Fear Factor . . I've Never Once Heard 1 Remark About Chinese Concerning Fear / Distrust Same Goes For Jews , Jamaicans , Sikhs Ect So Thats Where The Problem Is & Surely Some One Of Your Character Can See This As Clear As Day !!

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Guest ragumup

The whole religion is designed to conquer with telling lies , spreading disinformation and jihad to generate fear . That's the facts I've found after taking the time with an open mind to look into it deeper .

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I agree that a lot of them are abusing the system what I said was most are working in gainful employment nothing about them not fiddling why do you think most jobs or businesses they are involved in are cash business rather than accounts and the like. As for racists Scots would know all about that they are even against their own people catholics and protestants, junkies alcoholics so get of your high haggis and look around you and as for money you contibute f**k all to me you probably cant even support yourself. I said my daughter would not marry a non muslim no mention of white man you cant even read clown

are you really saying that, if your daughter was in love with bloke who was ( none Muslim,) and he loved her the same, and he had good job to provide for her , give good life and children for the future , you say no to that . well if the answer no , you be putting your thoughts before daughters , and to me no real father would do that . :yes:

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