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Tommy Robinson At The Oxford Union

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If you don't think the media tried to silence him i dunno where you've been living. Every time he spoke up about what he and many others see as problems with Islam he was labeled a racist. Dispite the

I managed to watch about 45 minutes of that (but I would have watched it all if I had time) and I will hold my hands up and say fair play, he spoke well and did himself proud.   I have not been a fa

Oh f**k off, your telling me tommy Robinson wasnt called a racist at times as a tool to silence him? He spoke up and said what was going on and got called a racist dispite the fact Islam isn't a race and alot of what his said has turnt out too be true. If your going to use the term racist for anyone who treats people different based on something they can't help then surely Islam itself is racist? The way it seems to make non believers out to be the lowest of the low. Although in my book you can't get no lower than marrying a child and that's the made up story you believe in. Not to mention all the other backward ways of sharia. The oil money must have alot of control over people in high places if its so bad that you can't even slag off Islam dispite the rules of it without being labeled a racist.

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you people talk of discussion and the race card LOL Tthe opening line you used "O f**k off" LOL Tommy Robinson is now sitting with Muslims he admits himself EDL was hijacked by racists you really are scraping the barrel you arguments have more holes than a collander and your knowledge of islam borders on the comical . Racist is not a label it is a state of mind of people with limited intellect and intelligence to hate some one for skin colour or nationality is about as numb as you can get.

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you really do have an abundance of complex,,s you lads, what about the charlie hedbo free speech didnt notice you getting much free speech denied there you really are a sorry bunch LOL

That is a French paPer


They wouldn't allow it in this country it would have been dragged through the dirt and shut down long ago

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not a racist bone in my body dislikes yes but not based on race or colour even creed, so again Max you are going down the CUL de Sac of Zionist and Judaism again you learnt nothing the last time you portrayed yourself as a pratt :laugh::whistling:

Edited by desertbred
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The Oxford English dictionary states;



Definition of racism in English: NOUN


1The belief that all members of each race possesscharacteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior orsuperior to another race or races:
I do not believe the above statement to be true, therefore I am not a racist.... I do believe however that mass immigration from 3rd world countries to the west is wrong should be stopped straight away and a reversal of the trend started as soon as possible..... We are not superior or inferior to each other we are different and should celebrate our differences living in our own countries
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