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How the Uneducated educate the uneducated

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Stumbled on to this forum and read this in dismay How thess people talk like they actually have a slight in cling to what goes on but they could not be further from the truth...


There is so much bad press and misrepresented issues It gets worse...


Some fecker join and give them shit :thumbs:



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I would of joined but the red mist would set in with the dim wits and i could only resort to swear words so thought a more literate member could put a few good points facts there way..

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omfg..... :censored: anyone with a lurcher much be a member of the travelling community....... :censored: A-holes.......

who does hug a fooking hedgehog think she is, i never saw so much wildlife untill i started to hunt. most of it still living..... :yes: i have to add.

they must think we hunting folk kill everything on sight........ :blink: i've got a good idea but it envolves a =@

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

:hmm: Tell ye what; How about I go join there? First, I can appall them with my manner. Then I can wind them all into a nice frenzy and get them calling me unkind names and baying for my blood (Ye Know I'm good at winding idiots up like that! ;))


Then, once I've got them all truly hysterical and stamping their little feet, frowny faces like little beetroots as they smash out their own vitriol on their plastic key boards? I can lead the whole f*cking lot of 'em into HERE! Just Imagine what sport That could bring! :yes:



What ye reckon, lads? Two opposing tribes ~ full frontal clash! :laugh:

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Can t believe there wasn t one on that forum that tried to explain or understand what the lads where doing :doh: Iv e a cat luny moved in across the road who stopped me when out with pups and lectured me about using my dogs for killing wild animals ,in front of a group of other people :censored: The same day her cat walked past my house with a blue tit in its mouth :censored: Blind ,narrow minded ,and extremely annoying,for want of better words :whistling:

Having said all that we ve been constantly brain washed since we where kids,made to watch "Badger girl" in school and all televised animal precinct ,animal police etc etc.........not to mention arsepca frontline oooooooohh hardcore :censored:

Just to add im joining under BUNNYLOVER

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Wouldn't make a big deal of it, just some people doing their thing, just as we do our things here.


I don't think I could take a whole lot of "How awful!" and "I find it very upsetting", please don't draw them on us.

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Ok, I'm probably going to get a right load of flack and abuse for this, but I'm a member of both forums and I don't agree with the extremists in either of them, either the 'anything that moves shoot it' crowd or the 'oooh, its furry (or spikey) isn't it sweeeet' fluffy lot. You get idiots everywhere.


Maybe there are quite a few people like me who can see there are a lot of different angles on something, and learn something from that. Opposing camps thumbing their noses at each other gets nowhere and just leads to more ignorant eejits


i never saw so much wildlife untill i started to hunt. most of it still living..... i have to add. They must think we hunting folk kill everything on sight..


Yes, thats what some of them do think - but there have also been plenty of threads with posts pointing out that land managed for hunting and shooting supports and protects wildlife and habitats. Just depends which threads you're looking at. One a while back was started by someone from here and got some good points made.

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