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What Mincer Do You Use For Rabbit?

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I have a plastic hand crank type which does the job but its slow hard work and prone to clogging, I also have a cast iron hand crank mincer which is crap.


Im thinking about getting an electric mincer in for next season for my bunny burgers, how much is a decent electric mincer that will handle rabbit meat easily? Im guessing these wont be much good at this price? &ff14=108'>http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/like/151510904470?limghlpsr=true&hlpv=2&ops=true&viphx=1&hlpht=true&lpid=108&chn=ps&device=c&adtype=pla&crdt=0&ff3=1&ff11=ICEP3.0.0-L&ff12=67&ff13=80&ff14=108



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As above , there great machine's we get a pile of stuff ready them mince it all and box it up and freeze it for dog food only problem ive had is sinews getting caught in the blade and ive minced plenty for the mutts

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Take the blade out and sharpen it by rubbing it on the flat blade sides down against a sharpening stone it's funny because we put rib bones threw it no problem them a bit of sinew blocked it up till it was sharp again

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I use a big Hobbart. I cleaver the carcass in half, length-ways, and put the whole thing in.

You have to make sure your blade is sharp, and the the end float is controlled to ensure a good tolerance between the blade and the anvil.

When work allows I.e. time... I mince 30-40 headshot rabbits up, and freeze in portion packs.. just need to slip the jackets off, and drop the guts out. bone and all, it is all my dogs favorite food.

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