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At the risk of instigating an anti muslim thread (which is not my intention) I thought I'd share the results of a recent survey.

The muslim population in Britain has increased by 1 million in the last 10 years.

A third of that number are below the age of fifteen.

1 in 5 is in full time employment whilst the figure for the rest of us is 1 in 3.


Each and every one of us can share some of the blame ( perhaps not directly) as we as a nation and a country have sat back and allowed it to happen.


While I mind Nick Clegg congratulated and thanked them for their contribution.

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New labour traitors;


"So desperate were the Labour traitors to destroy Britain that, having secured power, they immediately carried out two political acts which could only place our peaceful future in doubt. The Human Rights Convention was immediately incorporated into British law and immigration rules were relaxed to allow an open-door policy of mass Muslim immigration.

A few thousand people who could gently assimilate were of little use to the Labour government. To ensure the success of their revolutionary plan, they urgently needed inassimilable millions and were quite prepared to deceive the British public about the real number of Muslim immigrants — and the real reasons Tony Blair wanted them in Britain.

And once the floodgates were opened, it became supremely important not to turn anybody away. Of the 2 million visas issued every year, fifteen percent of them were “processed” when they should not have been in order to hit “productivity targets,” with immigration officials placed under intense political pressure to issue visas rather than reject them.

One man who took advantage of Blair’s treachery was Abu Baseer, the spiritual advisor to Ansar ul-Islam, a jihadist organisation linked to Al Qaeda. Baseer was originally based in Iraq prior to settling in West London, from where he issues various fatwas calling for death to British soldiers and the overthrow of the West. He had this to say on the subject of immigration:

“One of the goals of immigration is the revival of the duty of jihad and enforcement of power over the infidels. Immigration and jihad go together. One is the consequence of the other and dependent upon it. The continuance of the one is dependent upon the continuance of the other.”

The next stage in Labour’s war against Britain and its indigenous people was to make sure the foreign colonisers maintained their 7th century ideology and customs through a curious yet highly effective liberal process called “multiculturalism.” This guaranteed their non-assimilation and thus provided Tony Blair and his friends with a hostile and ever-growing tool with which to incrementally erode traditional Britain."

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I share no blame I wasn't asked or consulted and any view I have is almost outlawed .


You, like me mate, and many others have allowed it to happen and in that sense we are partly to blame.

explain how have we allowed it to happen ?
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I share no blame I wasn't asked or consulted and any view I have is almost outlawed .


You, like me mate, and many others have allowed it to happen and in that sense we are partly to blame.

explain how have we allowed it to happen ?

Did you do everything you could to stop it? Not insulting you but these things have happened right in front of your face and unless you truly did everything you possibly could to stop it imo you have allowed it to happen, same to myself in my country. The point is to look to the future. Atvb.

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I share no blame I wasn't asked or consulted and any view I have is almost outlawed .


You, like me mate, and many others have allowed it to happen and in that sense we are partly to blame.

explain how have we allowed it to happen ?

Did you do everything you could to stop it? Not insulting you but these things have happened right in front of your face and unless you truly did everything you possibly could to stop it imo you have allowed it to happen, same to myself in my country. The point is to look to the future. Atvb.

you say did I do everything I could to stop it , explain to me what I could of done to stop it , for example?? Edited by marshman
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I share no blame I wasn't asked or consulted and any view I have is almost outlawed .


You, like me mate, and many others have allowed it to happen and in that sense we are partly to blame.

explain how have we allowed it to happen ?

Did you do everything you could to stop it? Not insulting you but these things have happened right in front of your face and unless you truly did everything you possibly could to stop it imo you have allowed it to happen, same to myself in my country. The point is to look to the future. Atvb.

you say did I do everything I could to stop it , explain to me what I could of done to stop it , for example??


Id be interested to hear the answer to this one as well ?


Its easy to say " you should have stopped it " but how ?

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Don't see many Pakistanis ect on building sites ect doing a days graft do you

4 out of 5 unemployed ffs and they say they benefit Britain ?

Not many "pakis" fair comment .. But full of Indians and eastern Europeans , them Indians want every hour going as well ..

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It's the same here! Anyone who has been to Barcelona will have seen the Pakis selling beer and crap on the streets, add to this sale of drugs of every decription. Now how many do you think are paying tax :laugh: Most of the shops are Sikh owned by the way and they feckers work every hour vishnu or whoever sends or the police allow :yes:

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Another thing is when you tell people here that under no circumstances to ask for a paki shop when visiting Blighty or they'll find themselves with a holiday in the local nick they look shocked..... "but they are pakis" they say " just like a chino is chinese" :laugh:

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