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Christ! THAT F*cking Hurt!!!

Guest Ditch_Shitter

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Was out servicing a farm in the latter part of this afters. Farmer had a situation with his cattle and so couldn't get to me till later. Of course, it was dark when we got there, but I'm perfectly accustomed to opening boxes by lamp light.


So I've done my complete rounds. Just sorted the very last station and am completely at peace with the world as I made my way back to the gate. Smiling inwardly and humming in my head to the accompaniment of thoughts of rats dying.


Then I was airborne!!! :icon_eek: F*cking left leg went from vertical to horizontal, faster than the old brain could register. I might have hung, suspended and stretched out like a plank in the air for a split second? Who knows? Then the law of Gravity took over, just as my age old training tried to kick in and ..... Christ! THAT F*cking Hurt!!!


Left arm's shot out and slapped the ground. Head, thankfully, managed not to find any blocks of concrete. But my left femur?!? Jeezuss f*cking wept! My thigh smashed into the ground, side ways on and in one almighty, unabated rush! SMASH! If I'd had any top teeth, I might have bit my own tongue off with the excrutiating pain of it! Have I mentioned yet that; Christ! THAT F*cking Hurt!!! ?


But there it is. Goes with the job. If ye going to go wandering around old farm yards full of cow shit and god knows what, in the pitch blackness?


My light? Sure, I had it on. But that didn't show me the slick and slippery mud hidden just beneath the surface of that slightly sloping patch of grass I trod on. Bloody thing exploded on impact too. As did the pain in my leg.


That was just over two hours ago now. Leg's Still throbbing!


So now, lads; Ye Know what I'm here for ..... Let's hear them! 'Nasty Little Accidents' you fellow Pest Controllers and Trappers have encountered 'on the job' :laugh::good:

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I once put my hand into a tunnel to retrieve a 'dead' stoat in a Fenn trap only to find that it was far from deceased. It bit me throught the web of skin between my thumb and forefinger and hung on long after it was really dead.


The dull throbbing pain went on for days :cry:



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Guest The Big Fish

Well, i had my first wasp sting this year :icon_redface:


Turned up to a biggish country house, wasps nest in the porch, didnt look that busy, nice easy one me thinks!

Had a quick word with the owner and gave the usual prep talk, then proceeded to suit up and get the gear ready, everything was hunky dory, at this stage....


With duster in hand, i approached the entrance to the nest, all the while watching exactly where the wasps were going in and out, happy that i located every breach, i hit them!


Well f**k me, within less than a minute, the entire front of the building erupted with maurading packs of realy pissed off wasps, and they were looking for a fight :laugh:


Not convinced that i had "got them" i decided to have another go and make sure of the job! I realy hate call backs.

Anyways, after i was happy that the job had been done, i stood back and watched, while individual wasps made kamokazi attacks, bouncing off of my veil. I should have known then that it was risky to stand about.

So i gets paid for the job, gave the after treatment talk, she asks "do you get stung often", i replies "never been stung" when jesus fecking christ, who just shoved a white hot poker into me? F**k me that hurts, OUCH! :laugh:

b*****d had only found his way in, under the bee suit and got me.


Hurt for about 3 days afterwards and iched for about another week after that, feck the wasps..... :laugh:

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A couple of months back, I had just finished a woodworm job in a loft. I came down, took off my mask and suit, and tidied the gear away. I washed my hands and put my watch and wedding ring back on. It was then I realised I had left something behind in the loft. I went back up the steps, lifted the hatch with one hand, and then slipped off the rung of the steps hanging myself in the hatch by only my wedding ring. How I didn't pull my finger off with my entire body weight hanging on it, I'll never know. I managed to regain my footing on the steps, and had to punch the hatch out as it was stuck fast with my finger still in it. Now that's what I call serious pain! I managed to get the ring out from under the skin and squeeze it back to an almost round shape with my Leatherman pliers to stop it from cutting off the blood supply, washed it and stuck a bit of a bandage on it. I then had to drive home nearly 40 miles with more pain at every gear change. After about 4 weeks the swelling went down enough that I could get the ring off with a bit of brute force, but it's still not entirely back to normal.


Hope your leg recovers quicker than my finger mate.

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dont know how i done it but a few years back i was setting a mk6 fenn when it slipped and went off in my hands. imagine the embaresment let alone the pain when i had to ask the customers son to remove said trap from my 2 broken fore fingers that were held in its jaw :oops:


maybe i will get a pic up to show you newcomers to trapping the damage it can do to ones digits :hmm:

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had a good days ratting on a farm just about to do the last barn before headig home to clean the terriers up and feed em , when the farmer pops out and ask`s if his 15yr old son could come with us coz he`d never seen terriers ratting before , no problem :hmm: up the dogs go into some bales i follow em up about 10ft the farmers lad follows me he gets to about 12ft and down the stupid feker comes :no: knocks me for six :bye: i landed face first in a trailer too black eyes fat lip cut knees and elbow . fekin brill _redface: my mate laughed :haha: so much he pissed himself . called for a pint on the way home :drink: the mrs thought i`d had a ruck in th pub :boxing: . my mate tells it better than me. it still makes me smile :D and no i never swore once :whistling:

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Once had a call on a Monday morning for a rat in an attic still half cut from a really good session sunday afternoon and night,arrived and this house to be met by a terrified good looking bird,dont worry love will soon sort him says I in my best superhero voice up to the landing I go with her trailing behind me like a lost lamb,the loft ladder was diectly outside her bedroom door,I go up the ladder with my pestie bag and torch,open the loft which was a hell of a low roof,but onward I crawl through the roof space looking for evidence with my trusty torch,I also was dressed in my at the time red rentokil zipp up overalls ,at first I felt excruchiating pain in my knee,thinkinking I neeled on a nail I roll over I then feel the same pain now higher on my thigh and then my arse I am now in f""""""""""""ING agony look in front of me and there is an almighty f*****g wasp nest,I turned round in almost impossible space and come out of that loft like diaoreah coming out after a curry I came down the ladder on my chest followed by loads of wasps,I run into the half agar bedroom door pushing the home owner with whist still being stung start ripping my overalls off,she starts panicking when my trousers come down,especially when she sees the HUGE

stings on my thighs and the wasps coming out of my exposed overalls.thinking about it now makes me laugh.


Great thred hope you get better soon Ditch

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Guest Chancer

well i'm not a pester so forgive the intrusion but the very same thing happened me the other night DS,only i contrived to do the splits on the way down before keeling over,battery in the rucksack almost broke my f*****g spine....not very dignified at all.cracking posts fellas.

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

:laugh: Chancer; I So Nearly put this under General, mate. I put it here only because I happened to be on the job at the time and it also ties in nicely with an earlier Thread I started here. Who cares what was being done? We just want to FEEL ye Pain! :laugh:


And I totally agree too; Some f*cking fantastic tales of pain and misery coming in here! :icon_eek:


Any more for any more, lads? Who might come unstuck even TONIGHT?! :yes:


Tell us! Tell us How Much It HURT! :rofl:

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:laugh: Chancer; I So Nearly put this under General, mate. I put it here only because I happened to be on the job at the time and it also ties in nicely with an earlier Thread I started here. Who cares what was being done? We just want to FEEL ye Pain! :laugh:


And I totally agree too; Some f*cking fantastic tales of pain and misery coming in here! :icon_eek:


Any more for any more, lads? Who might come unstuck even TONIGHT?! :yes:


Tell us! Tell us How Much It HURT! :rofl:

good thread ditchy i,m sitting here killing my self laughing , at some of the lads exploits , good stuff . gw.
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Not my pain but................myself and an old mate were pointing some 8 foot posts with a chainsaw on the back of a quad trailer .The stakes were for a pen extension .I was spacing the stakes ready to be bumped in with the tractor when he called to me ,i could hear the saw had changed sound :doh: He had only put the saw down through his knee which had stopped driving on the flesh and bone and was now screaming like ,well like nothing i'd ever heard .No chainsaw trousers and the kick bar was bent [previously] too far to work .I'm not one to panic easily and I yanked the saw out his leg .It never bled at all but the yellow fat either side in his leg was pulsating :o .Took him to the estate office where one of the receptionists fainted !.An ambulance was called and off he went .They did a great job on him and he was back to work within a month ....................... Now thats pain :notworthy: To this day he dosnt know how it happened .

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I'm fairly new to the game, but I've heard many tales of colleagues doing pretty ridiculous things!


A personal favourite of mine, although I don't think it involved too much pain was a colleague doing some work in a roof void- I'm not even sure what he was after up there, but he stepped off the boarded area, straight onto a suspended ceiling. Naturally, he fell straight through, onto the boardroom table, mid board meeting!


Apparently, he simply greeted them with "Good afternoon everyone!", made his excuses and left the room!

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