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A trap can only be removed from the Spring Traps Approval Order if a new order is issued or a 'variation' is issued (i.e. that modifies the current order).


Maybe I'm missing something but are you sure the 120 -2 ever been on the stao? It certainly isn't on the 1975 one, the 1995 one or the 2012 one that replaced it (or on any of the intervening 'variations' from 1982, 1988, 2007, 2008 or 2009). The Scottish and NI instruments just essentially mimic the English ones (although Scotland dropped the Aldritch on the last update) and as far as I know none list a 120. Here's a list of all the relevant legislation: ( http://www.legislation.gov.uk/title/spring%20traps%20?sort=type )


Looks like it hasn't come off because it's never been on.... well for thirty years at least. Hope you haven't been using them! :o

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I don't use 120-2's as I alway considered the double springs to be unnecessary but like yourself I have checked every STAO and all the relevant variations and it seems as though they have never been listed....the origional conversation I had and the reason for this post came about after noticing that several companies in the uk sell them and state they are legal to use....

So after looking into things a little more I can only come to the conclusion that the use of 120-2's is illegal and the company's that are selling them for legal use are Not only mis-informed themselves but there also misleading there customers.

I asked the question as I hoped to clear things up once and for all as I know the traps are reasonably popular and many people may well have spent there hard earned cash on traps that can't be legally used.....

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Its strange! The Victor 120 has been mentioned as been legal in the UK, for years now! As said, trapping company's such as UK Traps mention that the Victor 120-2 are legal, so where did this come from? Couldn't be just pulled outa mid-air! Its too specific, must be something behind it!


I do have a couple of these but seldom use them! Bit ackward with the bouble spring, so only use them in box's!

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DEFRA response on the 120-2 trap


Re: your query about the Victor Conibear 120-2

It is approved for the purpose of killing or taking grey quirrels, mink, rabbits, stoats, weasels, rats, mice and other small ground vermin and must be set in a natural or artifical tunnel which is suitable for the purpose.

In 1997, the list of traps approved under the Spring Traps Approval Order 1995 was amended to include clones of types approved under the 1995 Order, which included the Victor Conibears.

The list of traps approved was amended again in 2007, which included the following for mink against mink: Kania 2500 and Solway Spring Trap Mk6.

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Thanks for that OTC :)

In all honesty, I'm pleased to finally have an answer to my question and even more pleased for those that own 120-2's...

I think this just goes to prove what a mess the stao is as once again it's show itself as being as clear as mud..

My understanding was that in order for a trap to be legal it had to be shown on the stao by both type and manufacturer.....

It still begs the question as to why it isn't listed in its own right rather than as a variation dating back almost 18 years and also what other traps are approved and hidden away under some old & out dated variation.....

Thanks all for your contribution :)

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