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Taming A Terrier To Ferrets

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After a rather unsuccessful weekend with The Field Marshall and nobjerk we discussed some new methods for a farm we worked on the weekend.


We had the issue where smoke didn't seem to bolt the rats and they ended up getting dug to by the dogs (or a rather huge spade). As such it was suggested we use the ferrets down the holes...


I guess it's a good solution but unfortunately my dog isn't the best with ferrets, he chews on the ferrets cage and has a high drive towards them.


He's a trainable terrier so i wish to try and train him that the ferrets are working with him but at the sometime without damaging his desire to kill rats. I really want to avoid him thinking that killing small mammals is bad as it might spoil his ratting drive.


Have any of you guys had this problem? How have you over come it without loosing too many ferrets? I have a shock collar but really don't want to put him off small mammals. Any tips?


Thanks in advance

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Honestly? If the terrier already sees the ferrets as prey, you have no chance at all. Using a shock collar is more likely to create an even more frenzied attack on the ferrets. If the terrier hasn't been able to learn not to go for the ferrets in your own yard, with you present (what, if anything, did you do to stop him chewing at their cages????) then you have even less chance of stopping him killing them in the field when the dog is in kill mode.


In my opinion, if a terrier, or many other sorts of dogs for that matter, but especially a terrier with high drive and tunnel vision, hasn't been habituated to see ferrets as members of the same 'pack' when it is a puppy, you would be far safer leaving it at home when ferreting. I wouldn't ever risk it with my terriers, even though they've been brought up around ferrets at home. The key thing is that they haven't been around ferrets whilst working, and because dog learn in a context specific way from puppyhood, I doubt you'll have any success in this area: just dead ferrets.

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all my terrier pups come into the ferret run at the earliest possible age ,the ferrets are used to dogs so crawl about them & often try to play with the dogs so they both get used to each other , but introduceing an older dog to them especially a keen ratting dog , hmm i would spend an awfull lot of time with the dog with the ferret in the box , but in a nutshell no way would i let a ratting terrier near mine , best of luck , ps long time ago ratting on maggot farms the ferrets got worked up with the rats pretty hyper & the dogs killed one or two when we couldnt get to them quick enough , not an easy mix all round ,best to keep hold of the dogs then bolt the rats ,then grab the dogs after to pick the ferrets up :hmm:

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will never happen mate got given a plummber terrier when he was 18 month old have tried everthing known to man been a good dog at everthing but always have to peg him when ferrets come out of box even now and he,s 11 this week not his fault if not shown as pup it wont work will never have someone else,s cast off

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If not broken at early age dont even try it end up with two halves and i wil guarantee you it wil be your best ferret he gets not worth loosing a good member of the team get a pup and start him young get them drinking out same bowl mate of mine always did this never a problem then atb dd

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  On 09/02/2015 at 17:21, Matthew Phillips said:



After a rather unsuccessful weekend with The Field Marshall and nobjerk we discussed some new methods for a farm we worked on the weekend.


We had the issue where smoke didn't seem to bolt the rats and they ended up getting dug to by the dogs (or a rather huge spade). As such it was suggested we use the ferrets down the holes...


I guess it's a good solution but unfortunately my dog isn't the best with ferrets, he chews on the ferrets cage and has a high drive towards them.


He's a trainable terrier so i wish to try and train him that the ferrets are working with him but at the sometime without damaging his desire to kill rats. I really want to avoid him thinking that killing small mammals is bad as it might spoil his ratting drive.


Have any of you guys had this problem? How have you over come it without loosing too many ferrets? I have a shock collar but really don't want to put him off small mammals. Any tips?


Thanks in advance

lol mate give in and buy a pup.and start afresh the terrier ain't for turning
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It can be done - I've done it. . I made use of my mother's JRT, at 5 years old he was unbroken to ferrets and now he's rock steady. Now this dog had and still does have as much gumption and tenacity with rats as I've seen. It wasn't easy! The secret is for the terrier to associate the ferret with killing rats, which terriers obviously love to do.

I don't think dogs view everything they go after as "prey", since prey is an animal hunted and killed by another animal for food - does a dog want to kill a fox because he sees it as prey/food? I don't think so. I think dogs can kill from feeling threatened or rivalled. If they can be taught to know something is not a threat or a rival - they can come to know them as an ally. I once had a big lurcher that hated a particular terrier - I steadied them to one another by taking them bushing together, my lurcher soon twigged that this terrier was a friend (using the term loosely) and not a foe!

It's down to the individual, man (or woman) and dog. . Some things sound impossible, in reality it's a different story. . If not a 100% you could always slip him on runners rather than risk rising heads. . All that said, that was a very nice little pup Matthew :whistling: ha ha.

P.s I thought the spade thing was staying off the forum :laugh:

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There is a difference between being 'unbroken' to ferrets, and trying to get at them in a cage, which the OP says is what his terrier does.


I have two male dogs, lurcher and whirrier. They can work together bushing as long as they are focussed on prey, but the moment they are loose in the yard, or running about where there is no game, then one goes on the lead as the lurcher has already shown he hates the whirrier: just a clash of testosterone and personalities. Both dogs are perfect around all other dogs and bitches. Both are very reactive to insult/attack.


Yes, a lot will depend on the handler and the individual dog, but I maintain that a terrier that tries to kill ferrets in cage is already starting from a point of no return. Maybe a VERY experienced person just might be able to turn this dog around, but I certainly wouldn't try it.

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I'd never trust a terrier that wasn't broke to ferrets as a pup mate, 1 bite and your down a ferret.


I especially wouldn't use a terrier that had been ratting

That's not been broke to ferrets as a pup.


And I definetly wouldn't use a ferret bolting rats to dogs imagine a terrier caught up with all the excitement bolting rats and the ferret comes out.


Your on to a loser there mate I wouldn't even try it

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