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Calzaghe v Kessler

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Second biggest fight of the year tonight,who does everyone fancy?

I reckon a clever in form Calzaghe takes out Kessler in the later rounds,after a war.Kessler is a quality fighter,but i just think Joe's been there and done it more times at this level.I see in the boxing press,that the yank's are writing Joe off again,the same as they did when predicting that Jeff Lacey would be too big,too strong,too clever,and would knock Calzaghe out.Well for those of you who didn't know,Calzaghe gave Lacey a boxing lesson.He beat him and beat him GOOD! so much so that after one comeback fight,there is talk of Lacey retiring.

So come on Joe,lets have more of the same please. :thumbs::boxing::boxing::toast:

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yes im sure he,ll slap his way to victory points! is he fighting in his back yard again?.


:clapper: Not your favourite fighter then mate? Slap he may,but he slaps f*****g hard (43-0 32 ko's) Don't think he's helped himself by fighting at home all the time,but to be honest the big names have been avoiding him his whole career,so the big fights would never have happened anyway,home or abroad.My cousin has been a boxing promoter for 12 years,he told me what i already knew,its all politics and backhanders.If you don't know the right people,it don't matter how talented you are,you wont get a shot at a title.Joe's getting the big fights now,and there's talk of him fighting Hopkins in the states,should he come good tonight.

Two biggest names in boxing over the last ten years (Hopkins and Mayweather) neither have fought outside the states. :thumbs:

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i think joe should sort this out without to many problems ..... :thumbs: but hes got bad hands so they need to hold up for him ...to be honest ive not seen much off kessler ....but hes got a very decent punch ......calzaghe for me .......... :thumbs: hopefully ...... :boxing::boxing::boxing:

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i was just loking at other folks predictions this fellas worth a laugh :clapper: (boxingfan101)





2:33 PM (report inappropriate content)


fight prediction part 1:



Round One: Kessler will opene the bout quickly in the first round with a jab followed by a left hook that will blocked by Joe, Calzghe will returne fire with his own left jab and two whip-like hooks that will be blocked by the Kessler's gloves. Calzaghe will stay on target and catch Kessler with another jab down the middle. Calzaghe will continued to utilize his height and reach and nailthe challenger with two more stiff jabs to the face. Kessler will figh with his gloves held high protecting his face and at the 1:12 mark, Calzaghe will rip the challenger with a sharp left hook to the body. Kessler will answer with two solid jabs of his own and Calzaghe will begin bleeding from the nose. With 36-seconds to go in the 1st, Calzaghe will open up with a quick flurry to the body and then seconds later will sink a riveting right hand just under Kessler's ribs. Calzaghe will finish off with another brisk combination and then glared at the Kessler before returning to his corner.

Round Two: Kessler will attemp to connect with two snapping left hooks but Calzaghe will easily block the blows and nailed the challenger with three piston-like jabs square in the mouth. Calzaghe, however, will begin fighting flat-footed and widening up his stance to off set Kessler's power. With 1:56 to go in the 2nd, Calzaghe will scored with a brisk combination. Calzaghe will begin retreating while attempting to draw Kessler in and then counter. At the 1:11 mark, Calzaghe will nail the challenger with a riveting counter right hand to the jaw. Both men will return to circling each other and exchanging jabs. With 23-seconds remaining in the round, Kessler will clip the Calzaghe with a solid lead right hand. Calzaghe will answer with a clean three-shot combination that will rebound off the challenger's face. With the crowd screaming both men flurried. Calzaghe will throw a hook to the body and Kessler will connect with a hook to the head. At the bell, Kessler will spin on his heels and raise his gloves in triumph. Calzaghe will also raised his arms in the air but will lack conviction.

Round Three: Calzaghe will score early in the third round with a brisk three-punch combination to the head. Kessler rocked back on his right foot, will stand his ground, and counter with a sly smile. Kessler will miss with a telegraphed right hand that Calzaghe will effortlessly duck under and danced away. Kessler's legendary jab will be reduced to a pawing motion and Calzaghe will score with another sharp counter right hand over the top. Calzaghe will follow with a hook to the head and then downstairs as Kessler answers with yet another smile. With just seconds remaining in the round, both men flurry and land. Kessler scores first with a solid left hook and Calzaghe will answer with clubbing hook of his own. The challenger will connect just before the bell with an off balance right hand to the face but the blow will lack power.

--Too Much Respect--

Round Four: The challenger will attempt to force the issue early in the fourth round and nailed the champion with a solid left hook to the body. Much of the 4th, was fought at long distance as both boxers waited for the other man to commit a mistake. Fewer and fewer punches will be thrown as Calzaghe will be content to stay outside and neutralize Kessler's jab. With 55-seconds to go in the 4th, Calzaghe will find the range and tagg the challenger with a telephone-pole left jab that skidded off Kessler's forehead. As the fourth cames to a close there will be a small amount of booing from the fans who won't appreciate the chess match.

Round Five: Calzaghe will begin stalking Kessler in the fifth round as the challenger gives ground to the champion's accurate left. At the two minute mark, Kessler will connect with two lefts of his own and there will be noticeable swelling under Calzaghe's left eye. With 1:09 to go in the 5th, Calzaghe will miss with a windmill combination that looks almost amateurish. At the 39-second mark, Calzaghe will tag the challenger with another sharp counter right hand over a lazy left jab. The shot catches Kessler high on the jaw and he will answer with a clubbing hook that will lack steam. Both men close out the round feinting and posing as the fans grow restless.

--Canvas Time--

Round Six: In the opening seconds of the sixth, Calzaghe ripps Kessler a lead right hand and then nails the off balance challenger with a searing left hook to the jaw. The challenger careens backwards and hits the deck after doing a quick two-step. With the fans screaming their approval, Kessler comes up almost immediately and headed to the neutral corner. Following the mandatory 8-count from the referee , Kessler comes back with three stiff jabs. Calzaghe misjudged the extent of the knockdown and gets tagged almost immediately by a counter right hand to the head. Calzaghe trapps Kessler in the corner but misses badly with a three-punch combo that will lack precision and accuracy. Once again, Calzaghe looks more like a raw prelim fighter than a world champion. With 2:00 to go in the 6th, Calzaghe stepps right into a crushing left hook to the jaw and ends up on the seat of his trunks. The champion gets up at two and slowly walks towards the neutral corner. The fight fans stand and cheer the fireworks as Calzaghe solemnly takes the mandatory 8-count. Kessler comes out firing bullets and scores with three jabs and a whistling right hand that forces the champion to hold on. Kessler draws a warning for hitting on the brake and the lack of judgment gives the champion added time to clear his head. With 1:03 to go in the 6th, Kessler ripps the champion with a hard lead right hand to the chin that buckles Calzaghe's knees. The challenger followes up with three jackhammer left jabs that catch Calzaghe flush in the face. Seconds later, Calzaghe regains his composure and returns fire with three crisp jabs that catch Kessler straight between the eyes. Despite noticeable swelling under his left eye, the champion nodds to his corner that he is all right as he returns to his stool.

Round Seven: The seventh round starts and then quickly halted, as the referee makes Calzaghe return to his corner and have excessive Vaseline wiped from the top of his head. Kessler begins to pick up the pace on his jabs and starts shooting solid lefts at the champion. At the 1:45 mark of the 7th, Kessler lands a long right hand that catches Calzaghe just under his damaged left eye. The war of jabs continues as Calzaghe finds the target with three shots of his own. In the last few seconds of the 7th, both men launch heated volleys and while Calzaghe missed badly, Kessler is on target. A right cross to the chin catches Calzaghe flush, who is unable to counter and looks dejected as




2:30 PM (report inappropriate content)


fight prediction part 2:



Round Eight: Kessler appears cool and confident to open the eighth round and methodically goes back to scoring with his jab. With 1:39 to go in the 8th, Kessler will connect with a clubbing overhand right that catches the champion high on the head. The challenger continus to find the range with his jab and then shoots a sharp right hand down the middle. Just when it appeared as if Kessler was on the verge of gaining control of the title bout, Calzaghe will answer with a searing right hand to the head with 1:07 to go in the eighth. Late in the round, Calzaghe scores with a wild left hook and forces the Dutch to retreat. Kessler fails to seize the moment and establishes control. It will eventually cost Kessler the fight and the title.

--Late Fireworks--

Round Nine: Calzaghe opens the ninth round by drilling Kessler with two thudding left jabs square in the chest. At the 2:13 mark, Calzaghe leans inside and hammers away with a four-shot combination. Kessler blocks two shots but a double left uppercut to the chin snapps the challenger's head back. The challenger's response is a grin but he hits reverse gear while Calzaghe reloads. Halfway through the 9th, Kessler scors with another series of left jabs. At the 49-second mark, Kessler scors with a clean right hand to the chin that jolts the champion. The champion responds to the challenge and Calzaghe returns fire moments later, tagging Kessler with a left hook to the jaw and a right hand that catches him high on the left side of the head. Just as suddenly, Calzaghe quits moving and Kessler will connect with two more sharp right hands upstairs. Between rounds their seems to be genuine concern in Calzaghe's corner.

Round Ten: At the 2:40 mark of the tenth round, Kessler just misses with a long right hand that grazes the champion's jaw. Calzaghe counters with a clean left hook that catches the challenger walking in. The sound of the punch landing makes a loud crack and Kessler's knees buckle. He lurches forward and both his gloves look like they will be headed for the canvas. At the last instant, Kessler snapps forward and regains his balance. Calzaghe scores with another short hook and the challenger backs off. Both men go back to target practice with their jabs until they try to trade leather at the midway point. Both men miss with a half dozen wildly timed punches, reminding everyone it was not Leonard versus Hearns. Calzaghe comes back to life with 43-seconds remaining in the 10th, and taggs Kessler with a hard left hook to the head.

Round Eleven: The champion starts the eleventh with a quick flurry and catches Kessler almost off guard. Calzaghe momentarily goes back to bouncing up and down on his toes and looking to find his rhythm. The punch output dropped as both men spend precious minutes feinting and posing in the center of the ring. At the 35-second mark of the 11th, Calzaghe droives the challenger back into the corner with a clubbing overhand right that catches Kessler almost on the top of the skull. Calzaghe flurries with another combination that the challenger blocks but makes no attempt to counter. The challenger's conservatism is proving to be his undoing.

--Going For Broke--

Round Twelve: In the opening seconds of the final round, Calzaghe cracks the challenger with a snapping left hook high on the cheeck that Kessler recoils from. Seconds later, Calzaghe ducks under a Kessler right cross and drills the challenger with a classic left hook to the head. The blast explodes off Kessler's jaw, he collapses backwards, and lands hard on the seat of his trunks. Kessler gets up at two and disgustedly shakes his head as he regains his feet. Once again the faithful stand and cheer the combatants. Calzaghe cuts the ring and trapps the challenger in the corner. The champion hammers Kessler with a jolting right hand and the challenger leans back into the ropes. Calzaghe unloads a volley of withering punches including three straight shots to the head that would have floored most mules. Somehow, Kessler remains on his feet as Calzaghe continues firing a withering barrage of pummeling blasts. Calzaghe backs off one-step, reloads, and fires another flurry of punishing shots to the head. The referee continues to peer into the action. The referee seems close to jumping in between the fighters, and waving off the fight as Calzaghe continued to score with a brutal series of whistling punches. Six unwill answer shots catch Kessler square on the jaw but somehow he stands up to the attack. Finally after almost a solid 60-seconds of leather, Calzaghe has punched himself out. Kessler is still standing and throwing punches while everyone seems to be on their feet. The challenger will connect with a right hand to the jaw but the blow almost goes unnoticed by the crowd. Calzaghe has hit Kessler with everything but the ring post and the challenger still stands in front of him. Calzaghe has nothing left in the tank and will spend the last 90 seconds of the fight almost totally exhausted. His punch output is non-existent and Kessler begins walking Calzaghe down but is never able to fully capitalize on the champion's lack of artillery. At the bell, Calzaghe dropps his gloves and looks like he wants to congratulate Kessler, however, the challenger spins away and raises his arms in victory. Within moments, Calzaghe is hoisted aloft but he looks dead tired. Both men will be carried around the ring on their second's shoulders, as the fight fans cheer their performance.

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